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Together, we can prevent the spread of TR4

Investments in agriculture, including banana sector innovation, are crucial to increase the capacity for agricultural productivity, while sustainable food production systems are necessary in achieving #ZeroHunger. With a general public audience in mind, the brochure 'Together, we can prevent the spread of TR4' seeks to explain why bananas and plantains are essential crops around the world for both their economic importance and deep cultural roots. It also highlights the main ways to combat the spread of Tropical race 4 (TR4) which causes the disease Banana Fusarium Wilt (Banana FW). 

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Search resources

Banana production systems at risk. Effectively responding to banana wilt disease in the Great Lakes Region (FAO. 2011)

Banana production systems at risk. Effectively responding to banana wilt disease in the Great Lakes Region (FAO. 2011)


Technical Guide for the Production of Export Bananas in Sudan (Gutiérrez González, G., 2013)


African Organic Agriculture Training Manual. Pest, disease and weed management (Ssebunya, B., 2011)


Raising Awareness of the Threat of Fusarium Wilt Tropical Race 4 in Latin America and the Caribbean (Pocasangre, L.E.; Ploetz, R.C.; Molina, A.B.; Perez Vicente, L. 2011)


Recommendations to prevent the entrance of quarantine plant diseases of major economic importance for banana and pineapple (Bioversity International. 2011)


Incidence and Distribution of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Banana in Indonesia (Hermanto, C., Sutanto, A., Jumjunidang, Edison Hs, Daniells, J.W., O’Neil, W., Sinohin, V.G., Molina, A.B., Taylor, P. 2011.)


A molecular diagnostic for tropical race 4 of the banana fusarium wilt pathogen (Plant Pathology, Volume 59, Issue 2)

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