Launch of the HLPE Report #11 - Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition (a CFS Event)

Red Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

In October 2014, the CFS requested the HLPE to conduct a study on Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition. The HLPE is now launching the report in FAO. Q&A session will follow the presentation (link to agenda below). Forests and trees contribute to food security and nutrition (FSN) in multiple ways. They provide wood, energy, foods and other products, generate income and employment, delivering ecosystem services vital for FSN, including water and carbon cycle regulation and protection of biodiversity. Increasing and competing demands on land, forests and trees create new challenges and opportunities and impact FSN. This report calls for a renewed understanding of sustainable forestry in order to fully integrate the different functions of forests and trees, from farm and landscape to global levels, as well as at different timescales, for enhanced FSN and sustainable development. This requires inclusive and integrative governance mechanisms at different scales that enable the full and effective participation of concerned stakeholders, particularly of forest-dependent indigenous peoples and local communities.

Topics: Food Security,Forestry,Nutrition
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