164th Session of FAO Council

164th Session of FAO Council - Day 1 Morning Session

Online meeting
 Rome time

Item 1 Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable: for decision (CL 164/1; CL 164/INF/1; CL 164/INF/3; CL 164/INF/5 Rev.1) – virtual discussion

Item 2 Election of three Vice-Chairpersons, and Designation of the Chairperson and Members of the Drafting Committee: for decision – virtual discussion

Item 3 Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21: for discussion and decision (CL 164/3; CL 164/3 Information Notes 1-6; CL 164/3 WA2 Rev.1, CL 164/3 WA3; CL 164/3 WA4) – virtual discussion

CL 164/5 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee and the 180th Session of the Finance Committee (paragraph 9) CL 164/6 Rev.1 - Report of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee (paragraph 6) CL 164/7 - Report of the 180th Session of the Finance Committee (paragraphs 15-21)

Topics: Conference-Council
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