Artificial Intelligence, Food for All. Dialogue and Experiences

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Following the successful Rome Call for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics on 28 February 2020, the Pontifical Academy for Life, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IBM and Microsoft agreed to organize an online event on 24 September, 2020 with the signatories of the Rome Call for AI Ethics.

This will be an important step in the journey that began with the Rome Call in February 2020 and which will continue with the development of a concrete AI project with Microsoft, IBM, the Pontifical Academy for Life and FAO on exemplary use of AI in the food value chain.


The global partnership between the Rome Call signatories is focused on an ethical approach to provide concrete and ethically-founded solutions to the agri-food sector, in a context marked by COVID-19 that can seriously affect food security and nutrition.


The September 24 online event has 3 main objectives; to resume and relaunch the Call; to showcase concrete solutions to the agri-food business thanks to an ethical use of AI (thus opening up to new international partners) and to indicate the post COVID-19 route to building back better.


The online event will be moderated and will include as keynote speakers: President of the Pontifical Academy for Life Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, the President of Microsoft, Brad Smith, and IBM Executive Vice President, John Kelly III.


During the session, some concrete experiences of using Artificial Intelligence to ethically address global environmental challenges will be presented, and there will be a space for dialogue among the participants.



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