Ex situ search
Accession-level information of plant genetic resources secured in genebanks (ex situ) under medium and long term storage can be retrieved through the search below.
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Holding institute code and name
Holding institute country
Accession number
IG 137392
Binomial name
Triticum monococcum
Name of crop
Acquisition date (YYYY/MM)
Country of origin
Biological status of accession
100) Wild
Genebank(s) holding safety duplications
Latitude of collecting site (decimal degrees format)
Longitude of collecting site (decimal degrees format)
Collecting/acquisition source
60) Weedy, disturbed or ruderal habitat
Type of germplasm storage
13) Seed long-term
Status under the Multilateral System
Data owner
LBN002 - International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas
All intellectual property rights (including copyright) in the plant genetic resources accession level data are owned and retained by the accession-holding institutions. Data have been provided by these institutions, either directly to FAO-WIEWS or through GENESYS or EURISCO, as indicated here. The use of data provided through GENESYS or EURISCO is subject to the terms and conditions of use of EURISCO or GENESYS, as applicable. The use of all other data is subject to the terms and conditions of use applicable to the content of the FAO website.