Trinidad and Tobago

WHYFARM which means We Help You-th Farm is a not-for-profit organization that was developed to help young men and women capitalize on the opportunities and overcome the challenges in the agriculture industry by becoming stronger leaders and more dynamic voices in their local communities.
By 2050, the population is expected to be 9 billion people. Therefore in the next 35 years, 5 to 10 year olds (NOW 2015) will be 40 to 45 years of age. They are the ones that will be responsible for producing our food. Therefore there must be new approaches to ensure that they (children) eventually take up this task in order to ensure food security occurs and hunger is eliminated.
Emerging from this project AGRIman adventures was born.
WHYFARM was able to successfully launch what we believe to be the World’s most powerful food Provider “AGRIman” series 1 of the comic at this event. Hundreds of school children were given a chance to meet AGRIman live and were very well entertained by him.
To ensure the"SustainAGRIlty" of this initiative we started"AGRIman Fan Club"for kids to ensure that there is continuity of practical, fun and creative activities to engage the members in"Agri-EduTainment"