Rome, 17–28 April 1978


Issued by the Secretariat of the
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, Rome
Ref. No. ALINORM 78/41, June 1978

Rome 1978

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Address by the Deputy Director-General of FAO

Reply by the Chairman of the Commission

Tribute to Dr. M.F. Markel (USA) and Mr. H.U. Pfister (Switzerland)

Adoption of Agenda and Timetable

Election of Officers of the Commission


Executive Committee - Report on the Twenty-Third and Twenty-Fourth Sessions

Draft Code of Ethics for the International Trade in Food

Proposed GATT Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade

Provisional Agenda for the Twelfth Session of the Commission

Travel Expenses of the Executive Committee


Membership of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Progress Report on Acceptances of Recommended Codex Standards and Codex Maximum Limits for Pesticide Residues and on Action taken by Member Countries concerning their Implementation

Report on Financial Situation of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme for 1976/77 and 1978/79


Report on Activities within FAO and WHO complementary to the Work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Information on the Activities of other International Organizations working on the Standardization of Foods and related Matters


Consideration of Extract from the Report of the 71st Session of the FAO Council concerning Food Standards and Views of the Executive Committee

Review of the Direction of the Work of the Commission


Coordinating Committee for Africa

- Appointment of Coordinator for Africa

Coordinating Committee for Asia

- Consideration of Development of a Standard for Wheat Flour

- Appointment of Coordinator for Asia

Coordinating Committee for Latin America

- Appointment of Coordinator for Latin America

Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Regional Conference for Latin America

Coordinating Committee for Europe

- Consideration of Draft European Regional Standard for Natural Mineral Waters at Step 8

- Matters arising from the Report of the 10th Session of the Committee

- Appointment of Coordinator for Europe


Codex Committee on Food Labelling

- Guidelines on Date Marking of Prepackaged Foods for Use of Codex Commodity Committees

- General Guidelines on Claims

- Nutritional Labelling

- Revision of General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods

Codex Committee on Food Additives

- Matters arising from the Report of the 11th Session of the Committee.

- Consideration of Proposed Draft General Standard for Irradiated Foods at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code of Practice for the Operation of Radiation Facilities used for the Treatment of Foods at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft General Standard for the Labelling of Food Additives when sold as such at Step 5

- Consideration of Specifications of Identity and Purity of Food Additives at Step 5 of the Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Specifications

Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues

- Consideration of Draft Maximum Limits at Step 8

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Maximum Limits at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Amendments to Recommended Maximum Residue Limits

- Matters arising from the Report of the 9th Session of the Committee

Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Molluscan Shellfish at Step 5 1

- Consideration of Draft Proposal for Microbiological Specifications for Pasteurized Egg Products at Step 5 1

- Consideration of the Revised Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene at Step 5 1

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Peanuts (Groundnuts) at Step 5 1

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Low Acid Canned Food at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants and Children at Step 5

- General Principles for the Establishment of Microbiological Criteria for Foods

- Proposal that an FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Microbiology be established

- UNECE Agreement on Special Equipment for the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs

Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene

- Consideration of the views of Governments concerning the question of elaborating a Code of Practice on Post-Mortem Judgement of Meat

- Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Inspection of Game

Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling

- Work Programme and Revised Terms of Reference

- Sampling Plans

Codex Committee on General Principles


Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Blueberries at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Leek at Step 8

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Brussels Sprouts at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Green Beans and Wax Beans at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Corn-on-the-Cob at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Quick Frozen French Fried Potatoes at Step 5

- Consideration of Draft Method of Checking Product Temperature of Quick Frozen Foods at Step 8

- Matters arising from the Report of the 11th Session of the Group of Experts

- Future Work of the Group of Experts

Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Fruit Juices

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Non-Pulpy Blackcurrant Nectar at Step 8

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Blackcurrant Juice at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Concentrated Blackcurrant Juice at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Pulpy Nectars of Certain Small Fruits at Step 5

- Amendments to Recommended Standards at Step 9

Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Canned Tropical Fruit Salad at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Pickled Cucumbers at Step 5

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Canned Carrots at Step 5

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Dried Apricots at Step 5

- Consideration of Amendments proposed to the Recommended Standard for Canned Peaches

- Matters arising from the Report of the 13th Session of the Committee

- Future Work of the Committee

Codex Committee on Processed Meat Products

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Cooked Cured Ham at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Cooked Cured Pork Shoulder at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Cooked Cured Chopped Meat at Step 8

- Consideration of Annex B of the Code of Hygienic Practice for Processed Meat Products at Step 5 1

- Matters arising from the Report of the 9th Session of the Committee

- Non-Meat Protein in Meat Products

- Extension of Committee's Terms of Reference

- Boneless Meat

- Mechanically Deboned Meat

- Code of Hygienic Practice for Game

Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Fillets of Hake at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Lobsters at Step 8

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Canned Mackerel and Jack Mackerel at Step 5

- Consideration of Draft Code of Practice for Frozen Fish at Step 8

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code for Shrimps and Prawns at Step 5 1

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code for Smoked Fish at Step 5 1

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code for Lobsters at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code for Salted Fish at Step 5

- Consideration of Revision of Recommended Standard for Canned Pacific Salmon

- Review of the Direction of the Work of the Committee

Codex Committee on Fats and Oils

- Consideration of the Revised Text of the General Standard for Edible Fats and Oils not covered by individual standards at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Coconut Oil at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Palm Oils at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Palm Kernel Oil at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Grapeseed Oil at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Babassu Oil at Step 5

- Amendments to Step 9 Standards

- Consideration of the Scope of the Draft Standard for [“Reduced Fat Margarine”]

Codex Committee on Edible Ices

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Edible Ices and Ice Mixes at Step 8

- Adjournment sine die

Codex Committee on Sugars

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Fructose at Steps 7 and 8

- Adjournment sine die

Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Cocoa Powders (Cocoas) and Dry Cocoa-Sugar Mixtures at Step 8

- Consideration of Amendment concerning Flavoured Chocolate proposed by the Committee to the Step 9 Standard for Chocolate

Codex Committee on Foods for Special Dietary Uses

- Further Work on the Standards for Foods for Infants and Children

- Amendments to Food Additive Provisions in the Standards for Foods for Infants and Children

- Application of the Carry-Over Principle

- Proposed Draft Standard for Foods for Older Infants and Children

- Future Work of the Committee

Codex Committee on Soups and Broths

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Bouillons and Consommés at Step 5 1

- Consideration of the Need for Standards for Soups

- Hydrolyzed Proteins

- Adjournment sine die

Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products

- Completion of existing work

- Question of adjournment sine die

Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters

- Adjournment sine die

Codex Committee on Meat

- Adjournment sine die


Consideration of the Establishment of a Codex Committee on Coffee and Coffee Products

Consideration of the Need for Developing International Standards for (i) Vegetable Proteins, and (ii) Cereals and Cereal Products

- Establishment of Codex Committee on Cereals and Cereal Products

- Terms of Reference

- Establishment of Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins

- Terms of Reference

- Hydrolyzed Proteins

Consideration of question raised by Denmark concerning the meaning of the phrase ‘name and description laid down in the standard’ appearing in the text of Full Acceptance under the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius

Consideration, from the point of view of the need to ensure adequate consumer protection, fair practices in the food trade and the facilitation of international trade, of the problem posed by products not covered by Recommended Codex Standards but sufficiently similar to the products covered by the standards to present possible difficulties of identification and labelling and, consequently, trade


Provisional Timetable of Codex Meetings for 1978/79

Other Business


Appendix I - List of Participants

Appendix II - Opening Address by the Deputy Director-General of FAO

1 Recommendation of Committee in favour of omission of Steps 6 and 7 and adoption at Step 8.