Review of fishery information and data collection systems in China

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular. No. 1029

Review of fishery information and data collection systems
in China

Guo, Zhijie
China Fishery Society

Xie, Yingliang
East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute

Zhang, Xiangguo
Fisheries University of Shanghai

Wang, Yong
Fishery Office of Hubei Province

Zhang, Daobo
Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Zhejiang Province

Shunji, Sugiyama
FishCode STF project
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2008


Guo, Z.; Xie, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, D.; Sugiyama, S.
Review of fishery information and data collection systems in China
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular. No. 1029. Rome, FAO. 2008. 42p.

This review applies a structured approach to describe the national fishery information and data collection system in China and focuses on critical dimensions of the system – namely why fishery information is needed; what data items are currently collected; how these are collected; and who does this. It contains the following information:

  1. General information related to fisheries: this includes information that has implications for fishery data collection (e.g. the geographical characteristics of coastal areas, administrative divisions and ethnicities/cultures/ traditions of fisheries communities).
  2. The structure of the fisheries sector: this section is concerned with the structural characteristics of the fisheries sector that are key factors to consider in designing a fishery information system.
  3. Fishery policy and management objectives: these are important as they determine fishery information requirements.
  4. Current status of statistical reporting: this consists of a) fishery statistics reported to FAO and b) fishery statistics reported at the national level.
  5. Fishery information and data collection system: this describes the key elements of the system including a) the objectives of fishery data collection, b) the main institutions involved in fishery data collection and c) the legislative framework for fishery data collection.

Fishery and aquaculture statistics in China are compiled mainly through 18 standard reporting forms that are annually submitted by 31 local administrative units (provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under direct control of the central government). The reporting forms cover a variety of subject areas including: i) production, ii) structure of the sector, iii) marketing and supporting industry, iv) processing, v) employment, vi) socio-economic aspects of fishing households, vii) investment in the fishery sector and viii) damage and loss caused by disaster in the sector. These sets of data are analysed and reported in the China Fisheries Yearbook, an annual publication of the Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. General information related to fisheries

3. Structure of the fisheries sector


3.1 Marine capture fisheries


3.2 Inland capture fisheries


3.3 Mariculture


3.4 Inland aquaculture

4. Fishery policy and management objectives


4.1 Aquaculture


4.2 Capture fisheries


4.3 Post-harvest

5. Status of statistical reporting in China


5.1 Chinese fishery statistics reported to FAO


5.2 Chinese fishery statistics reported at the national level

6. Description of fishery information and data-collection systems


6.1 Objectives of fishery data collection


6.2 Main institutions involved in fishery data collection


6.3 The legislative framework for fishery data collection


6.4 Data collection systems and their components

7. Conclusion


Explanatory notes on fishery statistical indicators

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