Unasylva 240

Unasylva No. 240
Vol. 64, 2013/1

300 years of sustainable forestry

Rome, 2013

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Editor: A. Sarre
Editorial Advisory Board:
P. Csoka, L. Flejzor, T. Hofer, F. Kafeero, W. Kollert, E. Rametsteiner, S. Rose, A. Sarre, J. Tissari, P. van Lierop, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo
Regional Advisers:
F. Bojang, P. Durst, M. Saket


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Three hundred years of applied sustainability in forestry
JF. Schmithüsen
Download - 780kb

The Swiss experience in forest sustainability and adaptation
C. Küchli
Download - 571kb

The Centre International de Sylviculture and its historic book collection
J. Ball and W. Kollert
Download - 647kb

Is SFM an impossible dream?
A. Sarre and C. Sabogal
Download - 660kb

The search for a viable silviculture in Asia’s natural tropical forests
S. Appanah
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Traditional knowledge and SFM: experience from Malaysia
F. Tongkul, C. Lasimbang, A. Lasimbang and P. Chin Jr
Download - 722kb

The sustainability of traditional community forest management systems: lessons from India
J.R. Matta, R. Ghate and H. Nagendra

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Wooden toys in India
P.K. Aggarwal, R.V. Rao and S.C. Joshi

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Forests in the next 300 years
J. Blaser and H. Gregersen

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FAO Forestry
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World of Forestry
Download - 391kb

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Cover: Close-to-nature managed forest in Basadingen, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland. This young, naturally
regenerated spruce will grow slowly for decades in the waiting room until parent trees are harvested. In the
additional light it will then develop its crown to become a giant like the tree behind it. C. Küchli.