In this Categorization Scheme, agriculture includes fisheries, forestry, food, nutrition and rural sociology. It comprises the production of plants and animals useful to man and the preparation and distribution of these products for man's use.
Considerations on agriculture in its wide sense. For specific concepts see appropriate subject categories
Use for agricultural research administration in general. For research results on specific subjects see appropriate subject categories
Research plans, policies, programmes and projects
Research administration and financing
Research personnel
experimental stations and farms, see |
C10 |
market research, see |
E70 |
research methods and techniques, see |
U30 |
Geographies, maps, atlases, travels pertaining to agriculture
Physical situation in relation to agriculture or forestry; latitude and longitude, altitude, gradient and aspect
climate and weather mapping, see |
P40 |
forest mapping, see |
K10 |
geography in relation to animal distribution, see |
L60 |
geography in relation to plant distribution, see |
F70 |
soil mapping, see |
P31 |
water mapping, see |
P10 |
History of agriculture; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Biographical writings in the field of agriculture; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Use for education and training (other than extension) in agriculture; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Agricultural education plans, policies, programmes and their evaluation
Agricultural teaching and training methods (other than extension)
Agricultural education and training institutions, personnel and equipment, including experimental stations, experimental and model farms
Vocational education and apprenticeship for persons engaged in farming or preparing to enter upon the work of the farm
Nutrition education, training
Veterinary education, training
accident prevention education programmes, see |
E50 |
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
agricultural extension, see |
C20 |
agricultural journalism, see |
C20 |
communication, see |
C20 |
consumer education, see |
E73 |
extension agents, see |
C20 |
health protection education programmes, see |
E50 |
Use for extension, advisory work and demonstration in agriculture; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Agricultural extension involving systematic and organized communication with farmers in order to aid them to choose feasible objectives, acquire technical knowledge and skills, identify their problems, formulate solutions, solve the problems identified and evaluate the results
Extension operations and services, including programme planning, organization, management and evaluation of the extension service, methods of communication, advice and guidance to farmers and rural residents, demonstration work
Agricultural extension agents
Communication; development and use of mass media (such as newspapers, broadcasts by radio or television, motion pictures) designed to reach the rural population; agricultural journalism
consumer education and protection, see |
E73 |
educational planning, teaching and training techniques in agriculture, see |
C10 |
vocational education, see |
C10 |
Use for documentation, library work and information science pertaining to agriculture
Assembling, coding and dissemination of information
Information services, library operations
Data bases as components of information systems
bibliographies, glossaries, etc. on specific subject matters, see appropriate subject categories |
communication, mass media, agricultural journalism, see |
C20 |
Public administration of agriculture in general
Institutional framework of agricultural agencies charged with the administration of governmental functions; for activities of agricultural agencies, see appropriate subject categories
development aims, policies, programmes, see |
E14 |
economic administration, see |
E10 |
educational administration, see |
C10 |
farm administration, see |
E20 |
health administration, see |
E50 |
labour administration, see |
E12 |
research administration, see |
A50 |
social administration, see |
E50 |
Corpus juris, body of law in agriculture of governmental and intergovernmental authorities, use D50 as primary category; add secondary categories for specific subjects
Import, export and customs regulations
Animal and plant quarantine regulations
Legislation on breeders' rights; registration and patents of plant varieties, animal breeds
Legislative aspects of quality control, sanitary regulations
Legislative aspects of pollution control; toxic residue regulations
Regulations dealing with grading
Water rights
labelling, standards, grading, see |
E70 |
feed inspection, hygienic control of feed, see |
Q53 |
food inspection, hygienic control of food, see |
Q03 |
veterinary hygiene, see |
L70 |
Use for agricultural economics in general
National, regional and international economic policies and programmes
Economic planning, including food situation planning, food requirements, food supply policies, food security
Agricultural economic analysis in general
Econometrics in general: utilization of mathematical forms and statistical techniques in testing and applying economic theories and in solving economic problems; economic models; economic statistics
Economic systems
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
agricultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
aquaculture organization and management, see |
E20 |
aquaculture production, see |
M12 |
consumer economics, see |
E73 |
development economics, see |
E14 |
econometric models of markets, see |
E70 |
economic policies at farm level, see |
E20 |
energy resources management, see |
P05 |
farm organization and management, see |
E20 |
fisheries organization and management, see |
E20 |
fisheries production, see |
M11 |
food aid, see |
E14 |
forestry organization and management, see |
E20 |
forestry production, see |
K10 |
investment and credit, see |
E13 |
labour and employment, see |
E12 |
land economics, see |
E11 |
marketing and distribution, see |
E70 |
nutrition programmes, see |
S40 |
production economics, see |
E16 |
soil resources and management, see |
P30 |
trade: domestic, see |
E72 |
trade: international, see |
E71 |
trade in general, see |
E70 |
water resources and management, see |
P10 |
Use only for considerations on land adapted and used for agricultural purposes
Economics of land development; land use planning involving formulation of ways and means for the utilization of land; land use surveys for the determination of present use of land
Land capability: suitability of land for agricultural purposes involving a consideration of the risks or difficulties in land use due to physical land conditions
Land classification of natural land types according to their inherent characteristics or their capabilities for man's use
Land assessment: valuation placed upon agricultural property for the purpose of taxation levied by the government; land tax on the value of land exclusive of buildings and other improvements
Land ownership; land tenure: holding of land and the rights that go with such holding and/or operating under the ownership of another; land rent: payment for the use of land
Land aspects of town and country planning, zoning
Agrarian reform: means to improve access to productive resources for all segments of the rural population through the redistribution of landed property and the reorganization of production structure and supporting services; land reform: measures for effecting a more equitable distribution of agricultural land
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
conservation and restoration of natural environment, see |
P01 |
farming systems, see |
E20 |
land as a factor of production, see |
E16 |
recreational use of farm or forest land, see |
P01 |
soil capability, see |
P30 |
soil classification and genesis, see |
P32 |
soil resources and management, see |
P30 |
soil surveys and mapping, see |
P31 |
Labour and employment in relation to agriculture
Labour policies
Labour administration, organization and management
Labour market: factors affecting labour supply and demand; employment, unemployment, labour mobility, labour shortage, manpower needs, labour supply
Efficiency studies, time and motion studies, work studies
Wages and systems of remuneration
Economic aspects of migratory or contract labour; seasonal labour in agriculture required at a particular season usually at harvest time, seasonal unemployment
Labour-management relations involving collective bargaining for the determination of wages and maintenance of contract
Labour unions, trade unions, workers' participation and representation
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
cooperatives in general, see |
E40 |
credit unions, see |
E13 |
production economics, see |
E16 |
rural population, see |
E51 |
social adjustment to migration, see |
E50 |
unemployment insurance, see |
E50 |
vocational training of agricultural labour, see |
C10 |
Finance: the monetary affairs in agricultural operations in general, including circulation of money, granting of credit, making of investments, and provision of banking facilities
Agricultural support subsidies: government grants of money to agricultural enterprises for improvement to farms or farmland with the aim of increasing the production and quality of agricultural commodities
Agricultural credit unions responsible for granting loans to farmers based on an invested capital contributed by the members and divided into shares, each share representing a proportionate ownership in the corporation
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
agricultural economics in general, see |
E10 |
agricultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
agricultural industries, see |
E21 |
household budgets, accounts, see |
E80 |
land taxation, see |
E11 |
Agricultural development policies, including a planned programme designed to promote modernization and development of agricultural practices with the purpose of improving national living conditions
Development administration pertaining to agriculture: organizational arrangements to implement and coordinate development programmes, which include such activities as project identification, promotion for the financing of agricultural development projects, creation of development areas with favourable terms offered for the establishment of agricultural enterprises, technical and managerial counselling, etc.
Rural development planning, policies, programmes
International cooperation for development; development aid, food aid
Technology transfer, bringing about technological change, evolution, progress, and involving technological development, diffusion of innovations and technological know-how and adaptation of technology at the national or international level; promotion of technical assistance programmes
advisory work for farmers and rural residents, see |
C20 |
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
community development, see |
E50 |
economic policies, planning and development of the farm, see |
E20 |
extension education, see |
C20 |
food supply policies, see |
E10 |
home industries, handicrafts, see |
E80 |
labour and employment, see |
E12 |
land aspects of town and country planning, zoning, see |
E11 |
land development, see |
E11 |
mathematical methods of project evaluation, see |
U10 |
rural animation, see |
E50 |
social adjustments to settlement, migration, see |
E50 |
village studies, see |
E50 |
Use for agricultural production economics in general
Productivity policies
Production control: systematic planning, coordinating and directing of production activities to achieve the desired timing for production and adequate quality of goods produced; production targets, standards
Productive capacity: the maximum production which can be achieved from available means of production; scale of production, production growth, overproduction
Production function, input-output function: relationship between product output and input factors of production (land, labour, capital, management); factor costs of production: the costs of land, labour, capital and management which accrue during the production process
Production systems; production statistics
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
agricultural input and output at the farm level, see |
E20 |
agro-industry, see |
E21 |
development economics and policies, see |
E14 |
domestic trade, see |
E72 |
economic policies in general, see |
E10 |
economic statistics in general, see |
E10 |
international trade, see |
E71 |
labour economics and policies, see |
E12 |
land economics and policies, see |
E11 |
organization and management of agricultural enterprises or farms, see |
E20 |
trade in general, see |
E70 |
In this category the term farm includes any individual farming, forestry, fisheries and aquacultural enterprise
Planning and development in terms of individual areas of farm activity
Organization, operation and administration of resources of the farm, including the selection of land, crops, livestock, machinery and equipment necessary to conduct a farm business
Agrotourism as an ancillary farm enterprise, non-farm activity carried out on the farm, non-farm income; farm holidays, camping, caravan sites, farm-house accommodation
Systems of farming: private, collective, state farms, contract farming, corporation farming, integrated farming, mixed farming, tenant farming: cash tenancy, share tenancy, etc.
Farm budget: statement of estimated production, gross income, expenses and net income resulting from operating a farm
Farm bookkeeping and accounting; costs and returns of farm operations; cost analysis; input-output analysis of a farm business
Animal, crop, property insurance protection against risk in farm, forestry, aquacultural and fisheries operations; coverage by contract for animal, crop, property losses or damage caused by various types of events
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
agricultural economics in general, see |
E10 |
agricultural industry, see |
E21 |
aquaculture production, see |
M12 |
cooperatives in general, see |
E40 |
cropping patterns and systems, see |
F08 |
farm layout, see |
N02 |
fisheries production, see |
M11 |
forestry production, see |
K10 |
home industries, handicrafts, see |
E80 |
investment, finance and credit, see |
E13 |
labour and employment, see |
E12 |
land economics in general, see |
E11 |
model farms, see |
C10 |
personal accident insurance, see |
E50 |
production economics in general, see |
E16 |
recreational use of farm and forest land, see |
P01 |
In this category the term agro-industry involves the planning and development of farming, forestry, fisheries, aquacultural, food and feed industries, including agricultural input industries
Agro-industry: comprising those industrial activities (excluding processing operations and techniques) directed to the supply for commerce of goods, both food and non-food (e.g. food-stuffs, feed, paper, wood, etc.) manufactured from agricultural products
Planning and development of agricultural industries including forestry, fisheries, aquacultural, food and feed industries, agricultural input industries: agricultural machinery industry (machines, equipment, implements), agro-chemical industry (pesticides, herbicides), fertilizer industry, feed industry, seed industry
Agro-industrial plan: concerning the location of agricultural industries, both large and small, and the factors that influence their location and development, such as available agricultural resources and raw materials to be processed, power, distance to markets, communications, inter-dependence of industries, etc.
agricultural input and output at the farm level, see |
E20 |
distribution and marketing of agricultural commodities or products used in agricultural production, see |
E70 |
feed processing and preservation, see |
Q52 |
food processing and preservation, see |
Q02 |
forest seed production and processing, see |
K10 |
home industries and crafts, see |
E80 |
investment, finance and credit, see |
E13 |
labour and employment, see |
E12 |
land economics in general, see |
E11 |
organization and management of agricultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
processing of forest products, see |
K50 |
processing of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
Q60 |
production economics in general, see |
E16 |
seed production and processing (excluding forest seed production and processing), see |
F03 |
General considerations on agricultural cooperatives; for specific aspects of cooperatives, see appropriate subject categories (e.g. economic assessment of domestic marketing cooperatives, see E70; economics of cooperative organization and management of farms, see E20; cooperative organization for the supply of rural housing, see E50; production economics in a cooperative enterprise, see E16; etc.)
Effect of cooperatives on agricultural economics
agricultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
credit unions, see |
E13 |
Include information on this subject only when it deals with its impact on agricultural and rural policies, programmes, production and related activities
Rural sociology concerned with the social organization of rural communities, the study of rural life and living conditions and of rural human relationships
Studies of rural areas, villages, towns; rural-urban relationships
Settlement; migration; nomadism
Rural animation: creation and maintenance of mutual understanding among rural people to facilitate modernization; rural environment, community development
Rural communities services, including the planning, financing and implementing of public utilities to enhance community development
Rural housing policies, planning and programmes
Rural medical and health services and personnel; accident prevention education programmes and health protection education programmes; rural social and rehabilitation services, social welfare, social security, pensions, care of the elderly, day-care centres, recreation centres; personal accident insurance, health insurance, life insurance, unemployment insurance
Social structure, social stratification
Social change, social aspects of agrarian reform
Social adjustments to settlement, migration
Social psychology of the farm family; social behaviour, beliefs, customs
Cultural factors, impact of new cultural trends and technology on rural environment, conflict, leadership; human ecology
accident prevention devices, see |
N01 |
agrarian reform, see |
E11 |
agrarian structure, see |
E90 |
construction of rural roads, see |
N01 |
consumer economics, see |
E73 |
demographic structure of rural populations, see |
E51 |
economic aspects of migratory or contract labour, see |
E12 |
home industries and crafts, see |
E80 |
housekeeping, see |
E80 |
rural electrification, see |
N01 |
social aspects of human feeding, see |
S01 |
Include information on this subject only when it deals with its impact on agricultural and rural policies, programmes, production and related activities
Rural population policies, including population control, family planning
Rural population structure, composition, distribution
Rural population dynamics: population increase, decrease, population density, population equilibrium
Censuses, surveys, rural population statistics
rural migration, nomadism, settlement, see |
E50 |
Do not include information on this subject unless it deals with agricultural trade
Trade: exchange, purchase or sale of agricultural commodities or products used in agricultural production
Marketing including the operations connected with the movement of agricultural commodities or products used in agricultural production from producer to consumer, such as coordination of manufacture, standardization, purchase, sale, sales promotion, advertising, publicizing, shipping, distribution; wholesale and retail marketing; auctioning and other methods of selling; trade fairs, exhibitions
Distribution policies, costs and methods
Supply and demand; market research and analysis, forecasting; econometric models of markets
Price fixing and maintenance
Quality, standard and content labelling; trademarks used to identify marketed products
Grading: classification of agricultural products according to standards of uniformity, size, freedom from blemish or disease, fineness, quality, etc.
common guaranteed prices in international trade, see |
E71 |
consumer economics, see |
E73 |
domestic trade, see |
E72 |
feed inspection, see |
Q53 |
food inspection, see |
Q03 |
international trade, see |
E71 |
packaging, see |
Q80 |
processing of agricultural products, see |
Q01-Q80 |
protection of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
storage of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
transport of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
International trade in agricultural commodities or products used in agricultural production and policies affecting such trade, including measures to promote trade, barriers to trade, controls on imports, tariff policies
World market conditions
International trade agreements, common markets, common agricultural policies, common codes of conduct in international trade and trade relations; multi-national arrangements which may involve such objectives as increased agricultural productivity, stabilization of agricultural markets, common guaranteed prices for agricultural products, unrestricted trade between member states, common trading systems with non-member countries, etc.
customs regulations, see |
D50 |
domestic trade, see |
E72 |
import and export regulations, see |
D50 |
international trade law, see |
D50 |
Domestic trade involving the operations connected with the movement of agricultural commodities or products used in agricultural production from producer to consumer within a country
Home trade, inland trade
consumer economics, see |
E73 |
distribution and marketing of agricultural products, see |
E70 |
international trade, see |
E71 |
trade in general, see |
E70 |
Use for information on agricultural policies and trends which have an impact on the consumer
Consumer economics including programmes for consumer protection, consumer education; consumer advisory service
Consumer goods: products used primarily for individual consumption
Consumer behaviour, purchasing habits, consumer surveys
eating habits, food preferences, see |
S01 |
home economics, see |
E80 |
market research, see |
E70 |
Home economics concerning the practice of domestic management and household skills necessary for the creation and maintenance of a healthy family environment
Housekeeping; family living and household management practices (cooking, sewing, budgeting, purchasing for the home, household accounts, etc.); care of children in the home
Food in the home; preparation of meals and cooking of food (excluding recipes), home food storage, home food preservation
Home industries, cottage industries, handicrafts (woodwork, leather, textile, cordage, etc.): domestic system of manufacturing or processing articles in the home to supplement income from agricultural holdings
agricultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
consumer protection, see |
E73 |
diets, see |
S30 |
eating habits, see |
S01 |
food preferences, see |
S01 |
health and welfare, see |
E50 |
legislation for consumer protection, see |
D50 |
market research, see |
E70 |
public health aspects of food, see |
Q03 |
purchasing habits, see |
E73 |
rural sociology, see |
E50 |
In this category the term agrarian structure involves a multidisciplinary approach to agriculture, covering works which deal simultaneously with technical, economic and sociological aspects
Analysis of agricultural practices and assessment of the adequacy of available technologies with regard to the requirements and constraints of the bio-ecological and socio-cultural environment on land use systems: crops, forestry and animal husbandry
Analysis of evolution of farms; technico-economic monitoring of farm evolution characteristics to assess aptitudes, technical, economic and sociological constraints, and the degree of appropriateness of technical innovations
Inter-relations among the physical, biological, economic and sociological components of agrarian systems
Study of territory in relation to the farm and the socio-economic factors prevailing in a region; collective organization of territory, rural activities and agricultural practices
Utilization patterns of rural areas by various agrarian production systems and the evolution of natural environments according to their use
Diffusion of technical criteria and methodological processes in agrarian systems based on a close relationship between research and practice
agrarian reform, see |
E11 |
agricultural credits, see |
E13 |
agricultural economics in general, see |
E10 |
development economics and policies, see |
E14 |
farming systems, see |
E20 |
labour and employment, see |
E12 |
land economics and policies, see |
E11 |
model farms, see |
C10 |
production economics in general, see |
E16 |
rural sociology in general, see |
E50 |
systems of farming; private, collective, state farms, contract farming, tenant farming, etc., see |
E20 |
See also: F62 for Plant growth and development physiology
General crop husbandry: the cultivation or production of plants (excluding forest trees and aquatic plants)
Crop forecasting
Horticulture and gardening: cultivation of gardens and orchards, including the growing of vegetables, fruit culture, viticulture, lawn management, ornamental plants
Field crop production, forage crop production, pasture and range management
Plant cultivation techniques: pruning, crown thinning; potting; transplanting; nursery practice; spacing; seed sowing, sowing date, sowing depth, sowing rates
Special methods of plant cultivation: use of artificial light, heat, soil warming, etc.; protected cultivation: green house, hot house, under transparent film, etc.; hydroponics, sand cultures; etc.
Methods for plant growth control (except weeds): retardation, inhibition; flowering, artificial promotion of flowering; fruit formation, artificial ripening, etc.
Plant response to cultivation techniques
Crop yields: the quantity or aggregate of products resulting from crop husbandry; harvesting of crops
aquatic plant production, see |
M12 |
cropping patterns and systems, see |
F08 |
distribution and marketing of agricultural products, see |
E70 |
farm management, see |
E20 |
fertilizing, see |
F04 |
forest seed production, see |
K10 |
forest tree production, see |
K10 |
forest tree propagation, see |
K10 |
handling of plant products, see |
J11 |
irrigation, see |
F06 |
landscape management, see |
P01 |
plant breeding, see |
F30 |
plant physiology and biochemistry, see |
F60-F63 |
plant propagation (excluding forest tree propagation), see |
F02 |
plant protection, see |
H01-H60 |
protection of plant products, see |
J11 |
seed production (excluding forest seed production), see |
F03 |
seedbed preparation, see |
F07 |
soil cultivation, see |
F07 |
transport and storage of plant products, see |
J11 |
weed control, see |
H60 |
Techniques of plant propagation (excluding forest tree propagation)
Propagation: grafting; budding; cell and meristem culture; dividing; layering; cutting; cloning, etc. (excluding forest tree cutting, cloning, etc.)
forest seed production and processing, see |
K10 |
forest tree propagation, see |
K10 |
plant genetics and breeding, see |
F30 |
plant reproduction physiology, see |
F63 |
seed production and processing (excluding forest seed production and processing), see |
F03 |
seed sowing, sowing date, sowing depth, sowing rates, see |
F01 |
Production of seed for propagation purposes and processing of seeds (excluding forest seed production and processing)
Seed treatment: cleaning, inoculation, pelleting, scarification, stratification, testa chipping, etc.; seed testing, trials; seed certification; seed quality control
Seed storage
forest seed production and processing, see |
K10 |
forest tree propagation, see |
K10 |
plant propagation, see |
F02 |
seed germination, see |
F62 |
seed industry, see |
E21 |
Application of organic and inorganic fertilizers; utilization of wastes, sewage, sludge as fertilizers
Composition and properties of fertilizers and manures
Plant response to fertilizers
Soil conditioners
mineral deficiencies of plants, see |
H50 |
nutritional requirements of plants, see |
F61 |
soil conservation, see |
P36 |
soil fertility, see |
P35 |
Irrigation: artificial watering of soil for the purpose of plant production
Irrigation methods, systems and projects: furrow irrigation, overhead irrigation, subsurface irrigation, trickle irrigation, etc.
Cultivation under irrigation
Plant response to irrigation
drainage, see |
P11 |
irrigation equipment, see |
N20 |
soil conservation, see |
P36 |
soil permeability, see |
P33 |
soil reclamation, see |
P36 |
soil-water relationship, see |
P33 |
water conservation and management, see |
P10 |
water quality, see |
P10 |
water supply, see |
P10 |
Preparation of soil for crop husbandry: tillage, harrowing, rolling, ploughing, fallowing, mulching, sterilization, soil disinfection (soil hygiene), burning, seedbed preparation, etc.
crop husbandry, see |
F01 |
cropping systems, see |
F08 |
fallow systems, see |
F08 |
fertilizing, see |
F04 |
prescribed or controlled burning in forests, see |
K10 |
soil conservation, see |
P36 |
soil improvement, see |
F04 |
tillage equipment, see |
N20 |
weed control, see |
H60 |
See also: K10 for Forestry production
Sequence in which crops are grown and spatial arrangements of crops and fallow and interactions with livestock activities
Single cropping, multiple cropping, intercropping, catch cropping, intensive cropping, exhaustive cropping
Rotational cropping systems: different crops grown in succession on the same land in a fixed sequence chiefly to preserve the productive capacity of the soil
Shifting cultivation referring to cultivation of a non-settled nature, involving the production of crops for subsistence followed by vegetable fallow
Fallow systems: sequences of crop years and fallow years
Agro-forestry, involving agro-silvicultural systems (forest crops associated with agricultural crops), silvo-pastoral systems (forest crops associated with grazing pastures), or agro-silvo-pastoral systems (simultaneous combination of forestry with cropping and grazing)
Dry farming; desert, arid-zone farming
Organic farming, biodynamic farming
agrarian systems, see |
E90 |
animal husbandry, see |
L01 |
crop husbandry, see |
F01 |
cultivation under irrigation, see |
F06 |
farming systems, see |
E20 |
forest grazing, see |
L02 |
hydroponics and other special methods of plant cultivation, see |
F01 |
range and grassland management, see |
F01 |
soil cultivation, see |
F07 |
Genetics of usefu1 plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants) and its application in the production and development of improved strains and cultivars
New varieties of plants
Breeding for resistance to pests, diseases and other factors; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Breeding programmes, methods and techniques; selection, crossbreeding, hybridization, induced mutation
Exploration to collect plants for the purpose of breeding and development of new crops for agricultural uses
Introduction of wild plants into cultivation
Plant germplasm sources and gene banks
genetics of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
hereditary and genetic disorders in plants, see |
H50 |
legislative aspects of breeders' rights, see |
D50 |
plant reproduction physiology, see |
F63 |
plant resistance to climate, extreme conditions, see |
H50 |
plant taxonomy, see |
F70 |
rearing of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
weed genetics, see |
H60 |
Useful plants (other than aquatic) in relation to their environment; ecology, phenology, environmental biology, external influences on biological processes in useful plants; indicator plants
Forest ecology
aquatic plant ecology, see |
M40 |
climatic influences, see |
P40 |
conservation of plants and vegetation, plant wildlife management, botanical gardens, arboreta, see |
P01 |
ecology of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
national parks, see |
P01 |
plant hardiness, see |
H50 |
rhizosphere influence, see |
P34 |
weed ecology, see |
H60 |
Anatomy, cytology, histology, ultrastructure and morphology of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants)
Wood structure
Plant habit: general appearance of a plant
plant physiology, see |
F60-F63 |
structure of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
weed structure, see |
H60 |
Do not include documents in which plants are dealt with as experimental organisms for theoretical, physiological or biochemical research
General aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants): circulation and emission of liquids and gases, plant water relations, exudation of water, transpiration, respiration, etc.
Chemical composition of useful plants, constituents; chemical analysis of plants
effects of environment on biological processes in plants, see |
F40 |
immunity: plant resistance to infection, see |
H20 |
immunity: plant resistance to diseases, see |
H20 |
metabolism relating to nutrition, see |
F61 |
physiological disorders of plants, see |
H50 |
physiology and biochemistry of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20 L72, L73 |
plant growth and development physiology, see |
F62 |
plant hardiness, resistance to extreme conditions, see |
H50 |
plant nutrition physiology, see |
F61 |
plant reproduction physiology, see |
F63 |
plant response to cultivation techniques, see |
F01 |
plant response to fertilizers, see |
F04 |
plant response to irrigation, see |
F06 |
weed physiology, see |
H60 |
Nutritional requirements of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants), foliar diagnosis, absorption and assimilation of nutrients, photosynthesis, reserve formation, secretion, physiological aspect of symbiosis, metabiosis, metabolism, etc
application and effects of fertilizers, see |
F04 |
mycorrhiza, rhizobia and other micro-organisms as related to plant nutrition, see |
P34 |
nutritional disorders of plants, see |
H50 |
nutritional physiology in organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
See also: F01 for Methods for plant growth control
Growth and development of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants)
Germination, morphogenesis, organ formation and development, seed formation and development, cicatrization, abscission, plant senescence, etc., post-harvest physiology
germinability of seeds, see |
F03 |
growth and development of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
weed growth, see |
H60 |
Reproductive mechanisms in useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants): formation of germ cells and spores, formation of sex cells, pollination, parthenogenesis, fructification, apogamy, apospory, vegetative reproduction, etc.
forest tree propagation, see |
K10 |
plant genetics and breeding, see |
F30 |
plant propagation, see |
F02 |
reproduction physiology of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
weed reproduction, see |
H60 |
Classification, identification, nomenclature and phylogeny or evolution of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants)
Natural distribution of plants; flora; plant checklists
plant collection and introduction, see |
F30 |
plant ecology: aquatic, see |
M40 |
plant genetics, see |
F30 |
plant variation, see |
F30 |
soil flora, see |
P34 |
taxonomy of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
weed taxonomy, see |
H60 |
General considerations on factors injurious to plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants) and measures and materials for their control or alleviation
Plant protection services and organizations
environmental damage by pesticides, see |
T01 |
pests of plants, see |
H10 |
phytotoxic effects of pesticides, see |
H50 |
plant diseases, see |
H20 |
protection of plant products, see |
J11 |
rearing of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
residues of pesticides in air, soil, water, see |
T01 |
residues of pesticides in feeds, see |
Q53 |
residues of pesticides in foods, see |
Q03 |
toxic residue regulations, see |
D50 |
toxicity of pesticides: to humans, see |
T10 |
weeds and weed control, see |
H60 |
wood preservation, see |
J12 |
Do not include information in which pests of plants are used for the study of general biological processes, e.g. genetics, and which does not have a direct bearing on their control or on the injury or loss to crops caused by these organisms
Pests of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants) and the damage they cause
Insects, mites, nematodes, protozoans, molluscs, birds, mammals, etc., injurious to useful plants, or as vectors of pathogens of plants
Plant pest control materials, methods and programmes including cultural, chemical, physical, mechanical, integrated and biological control); rearing of organisms used in plant pest control; genetics, ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of control organisms
Plant pest surveys
Immunity: plant resistance to pests, pest resistance to pesticides
Ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of plant pests
breeding for resistance to pests of plants, see |
F30 |
physiological and genetic plant disorders, see |
H50 |
phytotoxic effects of pesticides, see |
H50 |
plant diseases, see |
H20 |
plant pest control equipment, see |
N20 |
plant protection in general, see |
H01 |
plant quarantine regulations, see |
D50 |
properties and examination of plant pathogens, disease-producing organisms, see |
H20 |
protection of plant products, see |
J11 |
toxicity of pesticides to humans, see |
T10 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful animals, see |
L74 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful plants, see |
H50 |
weeds and weed control, see |
H60 |
wood preservation, see |
J12 |
Plant pathology; diseases of useful plants (including forest trees and aquatic plants) and their causal organisms: bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, viruses, etc.
Plant disease control materials, methods and programmes (including cultural, chemical, physical, mechanical, integrated and biological control); rearing of organisms used in plant disease control; genetics, ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of control organisms
Plant disease surveys
Immunity: plant resistance to infection; pathogen resistance to pesticides
Properties and examination of plant pathogens, disease-producing organisms
breeding for resistance to plant diseases, see |
F30 |
deficiency diseases in plants, see |
H50 |
nutritional disorders in plants, see |
H50 |
pests of plants, see |
H10 |
physiological and genetic disorders, see |
H50 |
plant disease control equipment, see |
N20 |
plant quarantine regulations, see |
D50 |
protection of plant products, see |
J11 |
toxicity of pesticides to humans, see |
T10 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful animals, see |
L74 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful plants, see |
H50 |
weeds and weed control, see |
H60 |
wood preservation, see |
J12 |
Physiological plant disorders in general (including forest trees and aquatic plants), nutritional disorders, genetic disorders in useful plants, deficiency diseases
Injuries to useful plants (but not forest trees) caused by atmospheric factors (such as heat, cold, flooding, wind), fire, equipment and other physical agents
Materials, methods and programmes for prevention and control of plant disorders and plant injuries
Phytotoxicity, toxic effects of substances poisonous to plants
Plant hardiness; resistance to climate, extreme conditions
breeding for resistance to climate, extreme conditions, see |
F30 |
damage to plant products, see |
J11 |
forest fire control, see |
K70 |
forest injuries and protection, see |
K70 |
weed competition, see |
H60 |
Weeds (including forest and aquatic weeds) and parasitic higher plants; their deleterious effects, control, occurrence and distribution
Plants poisonous to man and useful animals
Resistance to weed competition
Ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of weeds
culture and harvesting of seaweeds, see |
M12 |
environmental damage by herbicides, see |
T01 |
residues of herbicides in air, soil, water, see |
T01 |
residues of herbicides in feeds, see |
Q53 |
residues of herbicides in foods, see |
Q03 |
toxic effects of poisonous plants on useful animals, see |
L74 |
toxicity of herbicides to humans, see |
T10 |
toxicity of herbicides to useful animals, see |
L74 |
toxicity of herbicides to useful plants, see |
H50 |
Handling, transport, storage and protection of agricultural products in general
Methods for storage (excluding storage structures) of agricultural products in general: bulk storage, central storage, cold storage, controlled atmosphere storage, farm storage, off-farm storage, refrigerated storage, underground storage, etc.
Farm storage and warehouse management
Damage and losses to agricultural products in general during harvesting and postharvest phases (handling, storage, transport, etc.), and remedial measures for their prevention and control
Pests and disease organisms injurious to agricultural products in general; their occurrence and control
Damage to agricultural products in general caused by atmospheric factors, fire, equipment and other physical agents; its prevention and control
feed processing and preservation, see |
Q52 |
feed spoilage, see |
Q53 |
food processing and preservation, see |
Q02 |
food spoilage, see |
Q03 |
handling and transport equipment, see |
N20 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of animal products, see |
J13 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of fisheries and aquacultural products, see |
J14 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of forest products, see |
J12 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
J15 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of plant products, see |
J11 |
harvesting of animal products, see |
L01 |
harvesting of aquacultural products, see |
M12 |
harvesting of fisheries products, see |
M11 |
harvesting of forest products, see |
K10 |
harvesting of plant products, see |
F01 |
primary processing of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
Q60 |
processing of forest products, see |
K50 |
storage structures, see |
N10 |
Handling, transport, storage and protection of plant products (other than aquatic plant products, forest products and non-food or non-feed plant products)
Storage methods for plant products (excluding forest, aquatic plant and non-food or non-feed plant products)
Storage methods for processed food and feed of plant origin; effects of storage conditions on food and feed quality: temperature, controlled atmosphere, etc.; shelf life
Damage and losses to plant products (excluding forest products, aquatic plant products and non-food or non-feed plant products) during harvesting and postharvest phases (handling, storage, transport, etc.), and remedial measures for their prevention and control
Pests and disease organisms injurious to plant products (excluding forest, aquatic plant and non-food or non-feed plant products); their occurrence and control
Damage to plant products (excluding forest, aquatic plant and non-food or non-feed plant products) caused by atmospheric factors, fire, equipment and other physical agents; its prevention and control
feed processing and preservation, see |
Q52 |
feed spoilage, see |
Q53 |
food processing and preservation, see |
Q02 |
food spoilage, see |
Q03 |
forest seed processing, see |
K10 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of aquatic plant products, see |
J14 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of forest products, see |
J12 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of non-food or non-feed plant products, see |
J15 |
harvesting of aquatic plant products, see |
M12 |
harvesting of forest products, see |
K10 |
harvesting of plant products (excluding aquatic plant products), see |
F01 |
primary processing of non-food or non-feed plant products, see |
Q60 |
processing of forest products, see |
K50 |
seed processing (excluding forest seed processing), see |
F03 |
seed storage, see |
F03 |
Handling, transport, storage and protection of forest products
Transport of forest products in the forest, to the mill, floating, etc.
On-site storage and other storage methods for forest products
Damage and losses to forest products during harvesting and postharvest phases (handling, storage, transport, etc.), and remedial measures for their prevention and control
Wood preservation
Pests and disease organisms injurious to forest products; their occurrence and control
Damage to forest products caused by atmospheric factors, fire, equipment and other physical agents; its prevention and control
forest injuries and protection, see |
K70 |
forest seed processing, see |
K10 |
logging and other forms of harvesting, see |
K10 |
processing of forest products, see |
K50 |
Handling, transport, storage and protection of animal products (other than fisheries products, aquatic animal products, and non-food or non-feed animal products)
Handling and transport of domestic animals
Storage methods for animal products (excluding fisheries, aquatic animal, and non-food or non-feed animal products)
Storage methods for processed food and feed of animal origin; effects of storage conditions on food and feed quality: temperature, controlled atmosphere, etc.; shelf life
Damage and losses to animal products (excluding fisheries, aquatic animal, and non-food or non-feed animal products) during harvesting and postharvest phases (handling, storage, transport, etc.), and remedial measures for their prevention and control
Pests and disease organisms injurious to animal products (excluding fisheries, aquatic animal, and non-food or non-feed animal products); their occurrence and control
Damage to animal products (excluding fisheries, aquatic animal, and non-food or non-feed animal products) caused by atmospheric factors, fire, equipment and other physical agents; its prevention and control
feed processing and preservation, see |
Q52 |
feed spoilage, see |
Q53 |
food processing and preservation, see |
Q02 |
food spoilage, see |
Q03 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of fisheries and aquatic animal products, see |
J14 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of non-food or non-feed animal products, see |
J15 |
harvesting of animal products (excluding aquatic animal products), see |
L01 |
harvesting of aquatic animal products, see |
M12 |
harvesting of fisheries products, see |
M11 |
milking, see |
L01 |
primary processing of non-food or non-feed animal products, see |
Q60 |
slaughtering, see |
L01 |
Handling, transport, storage and protection of fisheries and aquacultural products (excluding non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products)
Unloading and other quayside operations
Storage methods for fresh fisheries products and aquacultural products (excluding non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products); effects of storage conditions
Storage methods for processed food and feed from fisheries and aquacultural products; effects of storage conditions on food and feed quality: temperature, controlled atmosphere, etc.; shelf life
Damage and losses to fisheries and aquacultural products (excluding non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products) during harvesting and postharvest phases (handling, storage, transport, etc.), and remedial measures for their prevention and control
Pests and disease organisms injurious to fisheries and aquacultural products (excluding non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products); their occurrence and control
Damage to fisheries and aquacultural products (excluding non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products) caused by atmospheric factors, fire, equipment and other physical agents; its prevention and control
feed processing and preservation, see |
Q52 |
feed spoilage, see |
Q53 |
food processing and preservation, see |
Q02 |
food spoilage, see |
Q03 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products, see |
J15 |
harvesting of aquacultural products, see |
M12 |
harvesting of fisheries products, see |
M11 |
primary processing of non-food or non-feed fisheries and aquacultural products, see |
Q60 |
Handling, transport, storage and protection of non-food or non-feed plant products (excluding forest products): fibres, tobacco, cotton, cut flowers, etc.
Handling, transport, storage and protection of non-food or non-feed animal products: wool, fur, hides, leather, silk, etc.
Storage methods for non-food or non-feed agricultural products (excluding forest products); effects of storage conditions
Damage and losses to non-food or non-feed agricultural products (excluding forest products) of plant and animal origin during harvesting and postharvest phases (handling, transport, storage, etc.), and remedial measures for their prevention and control
Pests and disease organisms injurious to non-food or non-feed agricultural products (excluding forest products); their occurrence and control
Damage to non-food or non-feed agricultural products (excluding forest products) caused by atmospheric factors, fire, equipment and other physical agents; its prevention and control
handling, transport, storage and protection of forest products, see |
J12 |
harvesting of forest products, see |
K10 |
harvesting of non-food or non-feed animal products, see |
L01 |
harvesting of non-food or non-feed aquacultural products, see |
M12 |
harvesting of non-food or non-feed fisheries products, see |
M11 |
harvesting of non-food or non-feed plant products, see |
F01 |
primary processing of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
Q60 |
Considerations on forestry in general
Forest influence: the effect upon water, soil, climate and health resulting from the presence of forests
conservation of forest plant or animal species, see |
P01 |
conservation of forest recreation land, see |
P01 |
forest ecology, see |
F40 |
forest engineering, see |
K11 |
forest environment conservation, see |
P01 |
forestry labour and employment, see |
E12 |
forestry management, see |
E20 |
forestry production, see |
K10 |
recreational use of forest land, see |
P01 |
See also: F08 for Agro-forestry
Forest operations (including felling and tree extraction); methods for forestry production in general, experimental forests, private forests, farm woodlands, etc.
Forest mensuration: systems and units of measurement for stem dimensions and volume of trees, stands, forests and timber; increment and yield tables; computer models of forest stands
Assessment of site quality; forest mapping, surveys and reconnaissance
Urban forestry; shelterbelts and windbreaks
Care of forests for extensive silviculture; intensive silviculture methods
Silvicultural systems, silvicultural rotation, thinning, clear-felling system, selection system, timber stand improvement, control of growth and composition of forests, formation of stands, high forest systems, etc.
Forest tree propagation: renewal by self-sown seeds or by vegetative means, coppicing, natural regeneration, regeneration by cutting or felling, etc.; renewal by sowing or planting, artificial regeneration, afforestation and reforestation, forest nurseries, container grown tree seedlings, direct sowing, under-planting, advance planting, etc.
Prescribed or controlled burning in forests
Forest plantations; shade and ornamental and Christmas tree production
Forest seed production and processing
Forest yields: the quantity or aggregate of products resulting from forestry production; logging and other forms of harvesting forest products
diseases of forest trees, see |
H20 |
distribution and marketing of forest products, see |
E70 |
drainage, see |
P11 |
forest ecology, see |
F40 |
forest engineering, see |
K11 |
forest fires, see |
K70 |
forestry machinery and equipment, see |
N20 |
grading, standards, labelling of forest products, see |
E70 |
irrigation, see |
F06 |
organization, administration and management of forestry enterprises, see |
E20 |
pests of forest trees, see |
H10 |
physiology and biochemistry of forest trees, see |
F60-F63 |
protection of forest products, see |
J12 |
storage of forest products, see |
J12 |
structure of forest trees, see |
F50 |
surveying methods, see |
U40 |
taxonomy, nomenclature and biogeography of forest trees, see |
F70 |
transport of forest products, see |
J12 |
tree breeding, see |
F30 |
tree genetics, see |
F30 |
weed control, see |
H60 |
wood preservation, see |
J12 |
Forest engineering, site clearing, grading, slope stability, etc.
Forest roads
forestry machinery and equipment, see |
N20 |
rural roads, see |
N01 |
transport of forest products, see |
J12 |
Primary and secondary processing and properties of forest products and by-products
Wood: timber and lumber; seasoning and timberyard practices; woodworking, sawing, planing, milling, joining, etc.; fire testing, treatment for fire resistance, etc.; composite and reconstituted wood (plywood, veneers, fibre-board, hardboard, chipboard, etc.)
Pulp and paper: paper, packaging materials, insulation materials, etc. made from pulp
Chemical forest products and distillates: chemistry of cellulose and lignins; oleoresins, resins, turpentines, tars, pitch, etc.; other products such as gums, oils, waxes, dyestuffs, etc.
Forest by-products: production of products from bark, sawdust, chips, forest tree leaves and branches, etc.; indirect products such as osiers, canes, etc.
distribution and marketing of forest products, see |
E70 |
economics of forest products industries, see |
E21 |
grading, standards, labelling, see |
E70 |
preservation and protection of wood products, see |
J12 |
wood structure, see |
F50 |
General techniques of forestry protection
Injuries (except pests and diseases) caused by man, atmospheric factors, equipment, toxic chemicals and other physical agents
Materials, methods and programmes for prevention and control of forest injuries
Forest fires: predisposing factors and causes, fire danger rating, fire prevention
Techniques and programmes for forest fire detection and control
Atmospheric effects on fires
controlled burning, see |
K10 |
diseases of forest trees and their control, see |
H20 |
forest conservation, see |
P01 |
forest fire detection and control equipment, see |
N20 |
forest weeds, parasitic plants of forest trees and their control, see |
H60 |
pests of forest trees and their control, see |
H10 |
physiological disorders of forest trees, see |
H50 |
protection of forest products, see |
J12 |
General animal husbandry; production and care of useful animals (excluding aquatic animals and organisms used in pest and disease control)
Training, testing, sexing, branding and other means of identifying, exhibiting, judging
Animal rearing methods (other than animal aquaculture and rearing of organisms used in pest and disease control)
Husbandry methods: barrier, battery, free range, extensive, intensive, large scale, floor, deep litter; overwintering, shading, etc.
Livestock production: asses, horses, cattle, buffaloes, camels, goats, swine, sheep, etc.; meat production
Dairy farming, milking, etc.
Aviculture: poultry rearing, egg production, poultry meat production
Apiculture: beekeeping, rearing of honey-bees, hive management, honey production
Sericulture: rearing of silkworms, silk production
Rearing of other animals, such as fur animals, etc.
Slaughterhouse practices
Yields: the quantity or aggregate of products resulting from animal husbandry, slaughter weight, carcass weight; harvesting of animal products
animal aquaculture, see |
M12 |
animal breeding, see |
L10 |
animal feeding (excluding feeding of aquatic animals and organisms used in pest and disease control), see |
L02 |
animal housing structures, see |
N10 |
animal physiology and biochemistry, see |
L50-L53 |
animal protection, see |
L70-L74 |
aquatic animal feeding, see |
M12 |
aquatic animal production, see |
M12 |
distribution and marketing of animal products, see |
E70 |
farm management, see |
E20 |
feeding of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
fisheries production, see |
M11 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of animal products, see |
J13 |
rearing of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
See also: L51 for Animal nutrition physiology
Feeding techniques of useful animals (excluding aquatic animals and organisms used in pest and disease control)
Fattening; regimes, diets
Effects of feeding
Feeding systems: individual feeding; forced feeding; parenteral feeding; rations; restricted feeding, feedlots; unrestricted feeding: browsing, grazing: forest grazing, mixed grazing, paddock grazing, rotational grazing, strip grazing, tethered grazing
effects of animal feeding on food quality, see |
Q04 |
feed composition, see |
Q54 |
feed contamination and toxicology, see |
Q53 |
feed processing, see |
Q52 |
feed technology, see |
Q51 |
feeding of aquatic animals, see |
M12 |
feeding of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
nutritive value of feed, see |
Q54 |
range and grassland management, see |
F01 |
silvo-pastoral system, see |
F08 |
Genetics of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control) and its application in the production and development of improved breeds and varieties; pedigrees
New breeds of animals
Breeding for resistance to pests, diseases and other factors; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Breeding programmes, methods and techniques: selection, line breeding, in-breeding, crossbreeding, hybridization, artificial insemination, etc.
Germplasm banks
animal reproduction physiology, see |
L53 |
animal resistance to climate, extreme conditions, see |
L74 |
animal taxonomy, see |
L60 |
genetics of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
hereditary and genetic disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
legislative aspects of animal breeders' rights, see |
D50 |
rearing of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
registration of animal breeds, see |
D50 |
Useful animals (excluding aquatic animals and organisms used in pest and disease control) in relation to their environment; ecology; phenology
Environmental biology; effects of external influences on biological processes in useful terrestrial animals
Animal behaviour; communication; instinct; learning
Habitat; animal population structure
Climatic seasonal factors: hibernation, migration
Community life, colonies, symbiosis, etc.
animal resistance to climate, extreme conditions, see |
L74 |
aquatic animal ecology, see |
M40 |
conservation of animals, animal wildlife management, game reserves and surveys, game hunting and sport fishing, see |
P01 |
ecology of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
pest ecology, see |
H10, L72 |
Anatomy, cytology, histology, ultrastructure and morphology of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control)
animal metamorphosis, see |
L52 |
animal physiology, see |
L50-L53 |
pest structure, see |
H10, L72 |
structure of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
Do not include documents in which animals are dealt with as experimental organisms for theoretical, physiological or biochemical research
General aspects of physiology and biochemistry of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control); circulation, respiration, etc.
Chemical composition, chemical analysis of useful animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control)
animal metamorphosis, growth and development, see |
L52 |
animal nutrition physiology, see |
L51 |
animal reproduction physiology, see |
L53 |
animal resistance to climate, extreme conditions, see |
L74 |
immunology (general), see |
L70 |
immunity: animal resistance to diseases, see |
L73 |
immunity: animal resistance to pests, see |
L72 |
pest physiology, see |
H10, L72 |
physiological disorders of animals, see |
L74 |
physiology and biochemistry of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
See also: L02 for Techniques of feeding useful terrestrial animals; M12 for Techniques of feeding useful aquatic animals
Animal nutrition physiology involving the processes by which feed substances are transformed into body elements in useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control); ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients, inanition, rumination, reserve formation, waste elimination, anabolism, catabolism, metabolism
effects of aquatic animal feeding, see |
M12 |
effects of terrestrial animal feeding, see |
L02 |
feed technology, see |
Q51-Q55 |
nutritional disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
nutritional disorders in man, see |
S30 |
nutritional physiology in man, see |
S20 |
nutritional physiology in organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
pest nutrition physiology, see |
H10, L72 |
Growth and development of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control); metamorphosis, animal senescence, cell differentiation, etc.
growth and development of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
pest growth and development, see |
H10, L72 |
Reproductive physiology of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control)
Spermatogenesis, oogenesis, sex hormones, oestrus, ovulation, pregnancy, parturition, fertility, etc.
animal genetics and breeding, see |
L10 |
pest reproduction physiology, see |
H10, L72 |
reproduction physiology of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
reproductive disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
structure of reproductive system, see |
L40 |
surgical intervention in parturition, see |
L70 |
Classification, identification, nomenclature and phylogeny of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals (excluding organisms used in pest and disease control)
Geographic distribution of animals; fauna
animal ecology: aquatic, see |
M40 |
animal genetics, see |
L10 |
soil fauna, see |
P34 |
taxonomy and distribution of organisms used in pest and disease control, see |
H10, H20, L72, L73 |
taxonomy and distribution of pests, see |
H10, L72 |
General considerations on veterinary medicine; veterinary surgery, dentistry, obstetrics
Veterinary organization and services
Post-mortem examinations; diagnostic methods
Veterinary hygiene; animal health inspection
Theoretical aspects of immunology in veterinary medicine; pharmacology of veterinary drugs
animal diseases, see |
L73 |
animal quarantine regulations, see |
D50 |
immunity of animals to diseases, see |
L73 |
immunity of animals to pests, see |
L72 |
meat inspection, see |
Q03 |
pests of animals, see |
L72 |
physiological and genetic animal disorders, see |
L74 |
resistance of animals to climate, extreme conditions, see |
L74 |
veterinary education, training, see |
C10 |
veterinary laboratory research methods, see |
U30 |
Do not include information in which pests of animals are used for the study of general biological processes, e.g. genetics, and which does not have a direct bearing on their control or on the injury or irritation to useful animals caused by these organisms
Pests of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals, such as parasites, predators or vectors of pathogens
Insects, mites, ticks, helminths, protozoa, birds or mammals injurious to useful aquatic or terrestrial animals
Animal pest control materials, methods and programmes (including cultural, chemical, physical, mechanical, integrated and biological control); rearing of organisms used in animal pest control; genetics, ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of control organisms
Animal pest surveys
Immunity: animal resistance to pests, pest resistance to pesticides, etc.; immunization
Ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of animal pests
animal diseases, see |
L73 |
animal pest control equipment, see |
N20 |
animal quarantine regulations, see |
D50 |
breeding for resistance to pests of animals, see |
L10 |
physiological and genetic animal disorders, see |
L74 |
properties and examination of animal pathogens, disease-producing organisms, see |
L73 |
protection of animal products, see |
J13 |
toxicity of pesticides to humans, see |
T10 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful animals, see |
L74 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful plants, see |
H50 |
Diseases of useful aquatic and terrestrial animals, and their causal organisms: bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, viruses, etc.
Zoonoses (animal diseases transmissible between animals and man)
Animal disease control materials, methods and programmes (including cultural, chemical, physical, mechanical, integrated and biological control); rearing of organisms used in animal disease control; genetics, ecology, structure, physiology, biochemistry and taxonomy of control organisms
Animal disease surveys
Immunity: animal resistance to infection, pathogen resistance to pesticides, etc.; immunization
Properties and examination of animal pathogens, disease-producing organisms
animal disease control equipment, see |
N20 |
animal quarantine regulations, see |
D50 |
breeding for resistance to animal diseases, see |
L10 |
deficiency diseases in animals, see |
L74 |
genetic disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
nutritional disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
pests of animals, see |
L72 |
physiological disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
protection of animal products, see |
J13 |
toxicity of pesticides to humans, see |
T10 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful animals, see |
L74 |
toxicity of pesticides to useful plants, see |
H50 |
Physiological disorders in general, nutritional disorders, genetic disorders in useful aquatic and terrestrial animals; deficiency diseases
Injuries caused by atmospheric factors (such as heat, cold), fire, equipment and other physical agents
Materials, methods and programmes for prevention and control of animal disorders and animal injuries
Poisoning of useful animals by toxic substances (toxic chemicals, poisons, toxins, venoms), by poisonous plants
Animal resistance to climate, extreme conditions
breeding for resistance to climate, extreme conditions, see |
L10 |
damage to animal products, see |
J13 |
Do not include information on scientific studies in oceanography and limnology, unless it relates specifically to fisheries and aquaculture
General considerations on fisheries and aquaculture
Exploration and improvement of aquatic resources, both plant and animal, for human use
Conservation of aquatic life resources in general
aquaculture industries, see |
E21 |
aquaculture production, see |
M12 |
fisheries industries, see |
E21 |
fisheries production, see |
M11 |
organization, administration and management of fisheries and aquacultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
Methods for freshwater and marine fishing: including fishing strategies, fishing-grounds, etc.
Whaling, sealing and catching of other marine animals
Stock assessment; sampling; overfishing
Fisheries yields; harvesting of fisheries products
aquaculture production, see |
M12 |
distribution and marketing of fisheries products, see |
E70 |
fisheries industries, see |
E21 |
fishery harbours, see |
N01 |
fishing equipment, see |
N20 |
harvesting of aquacultural products, see |
M12 |
hygienic aspects of fisheries products, see |
Q03, Q53 |
organization, administration and management of fisheries enterprises, see |
E20 |
protection of fisheries products, see |
J14 |
sport fishing, see |
P01 |
storage of fisheries products, see |
J14 |
transport of fisheries products, see |
J14 |
See also: L51 for Animal nutrition physiology
Methods for animal and plant aquaculture
Rearing and care of fish, shellfish and other aquatic animals, pisciculture
Freshwater, seawater and brackish water farming: ponds, hatcheries, tanks, pens, etc.
Feeding of aquatic animals, plankton, nekton, etc.
Cultivation of aquatic plants for food, feed, energy, etc.
Aquaculture yields; harvesting of aquatic plants and animals
aquaculture industries, see |
E21 |
aquatic animal nutrition physiology, see |
L51 |
aquatic plant nutrition physiology, see |
F61 |
breeding of aquatic animals, see |
L10 |
breeding of aquatic plants, see |
F30 |
distribution and marketing of aquacultural products, see |
E70 |
effects of aquatic animal feeding on food quality, see |
Q04 |
equipment for aquaculture, see |
N20 |
fisheries production, see |
M11 |
harvesting of fisheries products, see |
M11 |
hygienic aspects of aquacultural products, see |
Q03, Q53 |
organization, administration and management of aquacultural enterprises, see |
E20 |
protection of aquacultural products, see |
J14 |
storage of aquacultural products, see |
J14 |
transport of aquacultural products, see |
J14 |
Ecology and biology of animal and plant life in fresh, brackish and marine waters
Littoral life
Behaviour: migrations, movements, rhythms
Population dynamics
aquatic weeds, see |
H60 |
effects of water pollution, see |
T01 |
General considerations on engineering in relation to agriculture
Safety engineering; fire detection and control (but not forest fires); safety devices, accident prevention equipment
Electrical and electronic engineering: rural electrification, heating, lighting, telephones, etc.
Design, construction and maintenance of rural roads, railways, fishery harbours, etc.
Design, construction and maintenance of farm water supply systems, sewage and waste disposal systems
Hydraulic engineering in rural areas; hydraulic models, structures: breakwaters, dams, fishways, etc.; construction, operation and maintenance of water reservoirs, tanks, conduits and canals, water wells, etc.
energy resources management, see |
P05 |
forest engineering, see |
K11 |
forest fires, see |
K70 |
well surveys, see |
P10 |
Farm layout: outlines of roads, lanes, building sites, service areas, field arrangements, tile (drain) lines of a farm
agricultural engineering, see |
N01 |
agricultural structures, see |
N10 |
Design, materials, construction and maintenance of agricultural structures such as farm-houses; animal housing; plant housing: glass-houses, etc.; farm storage buildings: barns, silos, etc.; harvesting and handling buildings; ancillary buildings: garages, toolsheds, etc.; enclosures and protection installations; etc.
agricultural machinery and equipment, see |
N20 |
Agricultural hand and power equipment and machines used for: transportation of agricultural products, pest and disease control of plants and animals, plant production and protection, forestry production and protection (including forest fire detection and control equipment), animal production and protection, fisheries and aquaculture (including fishing vessels), water management (including drainage, irrigation and hydraulic machinery and equipment), etc.
accident prevention equipment, see |
N01 |
agricultural machinery industry, see |
E2l |
feed processing equipment, see |
Q52 |
food processing equipment, see |
Q02 |
meteorological instrumentation and equipment, see |
P40 |
research equipment, see |
U30 |
Do not include information on general ecology; for ecology related to specific subjects, see appropriate subject categories
General aspects of natural resources in relation to agriculture
Conservation of plants and vegetation; plant wildlife management; botanical gardens, arboreta
Conservation of animals; animal wildlife management, game reserves and surveys; game hunting and sport fishing
Land resources in general
Conservation and restoration of natural environment; national parks
Recreational uses of forest land, of farm land
Landscape management, landscape and scenery preservation
agrotourism as an ancillary farm enterprise, see |
E20 |
animal ecology: aquatic, see |
M40 |
animal ecology: terrestrial, see |
L20 |
aquaculture management, see |
E20 |
aquatic ecology, see |
M40 |
aquatic life resources in general, see |
M01 |
economics of land development and utilization, see |
E11 |
energy resources management, see |
P05 |
farm holidays as an ancillary farm enterprise, see |
E20 |
fisheries management, see |
E20 |
forest ecology, see |
F40 |
forest resources in general, see |
K01 |
forestry management, see |
E20 |
gardening, see |
F01 |
human ecology, see |
E50 |
land reform, see |
E11 |
marine ecology, see |
M40 |
plant ecology: aquatic, see |
M40 |
plant ecology: terrestrial, see |
F40 |
rural population ecology, see |
E51 |
soil conservation, see |
P36 |
soil resources, see |
P30 |
water resources and management, see |
P10 |
Use for energy resources management in relation to agriculture
Energy policies; energy situations
Energy economics, supply and demand; energetics, energy accounting, budget, subsidy, cost; energy flow, energy ratio
Conservation, requirements and use of energy (including animal draught, animal traction energy) in the production, processing, marketing and transportation of agricultural products
Energy storage; power conversion devices; power distribution
Power plants for agricultural or rural use
non-renewable energy resources, see |
P07 |
renewable energy resources, see |
P06 |
rural electrification, electrical and electronic engineering, see |
N01 |
Use for renewable energy resources in relation to agriculture
Development of energy for agricultural production or post-harvest processing from renewable energy resources such as solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, hydropower, windpower, biomass or organic sources (including agro-industrial wastes, algae, animal waste, crop residues, energy crops, manure, wood, etc.)
Conversion processes (alcoholic fermentation, distillation, gasification, etc.) for the production of combustibles (alcohol, biogas, etc.) to be used in agricultural applications utilizing agricultural products
energy resources management, see |
P05 |
non-renewable energy resources, see |
P07 |
Use for non-renewable energy resources in relation to agriculture
Development of energy for agricultural production or post-harvest processing from conventional or non-renewable energy resources (such as petroleum, oil shale, natural gas, coal, peat, etc.)
energy resources management, see |
P05 |
renewable energy resources, see |
P06 |
Resource potentialities and assessment of water for use in agriculture
Water resource management, planning and development: groundwater prospecting, integrated development of surface and groundwater, river basin development, watershed management
Water conservation
Flood forecasting, flood and river control, torrent control
Occurrence, distribution and circulation of waters through the hydrologic cycle of precipitation, run-off, infiltration and storage, eventual evaporation, transpiration and reprecipitation
Hydrogeology, hydrography
Results of water surveys; water mapping; well surveys
Water analysis: biological, chemical, physical
Nature and quality of water: brackish water, desalinated water, drinking water, freshwater, saline water, seawater
Water quality control
Water treatment; water purification, recycling, softening, chlorination, clarification, deionization, demineralization, desalination, distillation, filtration, fluoridation, etc.
Water supply and utilization; water availability, distribution, supply services
Water consumption
Water storage
Waste water treatment
drainage, see |
P11 |
erosion control, see |
P36 |
hydraulic engineering, see |
N01 |
hydrometeorology, see |
P40 |
induced rainfall, see |
P40 |
irrigation, see |
F06 |
limnological aspects, see |
M01 |
meteorology and climatology, see |
P40 |
oceanographical aspects, see |
M01 |
soil erosion by water, see |
P36 |
surveying methods, see |
U40 |
waste water use for fertilizing, see |
F04 |
waste water use for irrigation, see |
F06 |
water as power source, see |
P06 |
water in soils, see |
P33 |
water pollution, see |
T01 |
water reservoirs, tanks, canals etc., see |
N01 |
Agricultural drainage: removal of excess surface water or groundwater from agricultural land; surface drainage, subsurface drainage
Drainage surveys to determine the need for and requirements of a drainage system
Drainage system: network of furrows, ditches, tile drains, by which farm land is drained
construction, operation and maintenance of conduits, canals, etc., see |
N01 |
drainage equipment, see |
N20 |
irrigation, see |
F06 |
surveying methods, see |
U40 |
watershed management, see |
P10 |
Soil science in general
Resource potentialities of soils; soil capability
Soil resources planning and development
economics of land development, see |
E11 |
fertilizing, see |
F04 |
irrigation, see |
F06 |
land resources, see |
P01 |
landscape management, landscape and scenery preservation, see |
P01 |
losses of soil, soil conservation, see |
P36 |
soil cultivation, see |
F07 |
soil erosion, see |
P36 |
soil fertility, see |
P35 |
soil reclamation, see |
P36 |
soil surveys, see |
P31 |
water resources and management, see |
P10 |
Results of soil surveys; soil mapping
forest surveys and mapping, see |
K10 |
soil classification, see |
P32 |
surveying methods, see |
U40 |
surveys of land use and capabilities, see |
E11 |
water surveys and mapping, see |
P10 |
Spatial distribution of soils; genetic (zonal) and textural classification
Soil profiles; horizons and soil depth
Soil formation; weathering, transported soils, age of soils
soil erosion, see |
P36 |
soil surveys, see |
P31 |
Soil chemistry: organic and inorganic chemistry of soils (but not biochemistry)
Soil analysis; soil evaluation; experimental techniques, field experiments
Soil physics; physical properties: aeration, texture, etc.; soil moisture content and water-retaining capacity, soil solution, permeability; absorption and adsorption, capillarity, infiltration; electrical and other physical aspects in relation to soils
Soil mechanics and structure, including structural condition and stability, porosity
Soil engineering
biochemistry of soils, see |
P34 |
classification of soils, see |
P32 |
drainage, see |
P11 |
irrigation, see |
F06 |
soil erosion, see |
P36 |
soil fertility, see |
P35 |
soil surveys, see |
P31 |
Soil fauna (excluding pests) and flora (excluding soil-borne plant pathogens); soil-plant-animal relationships
Soil bacteriology and microbiology: ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, nitrogen-fixation, inoculation, root nodulation, decomposition of non-nitrogenous compounds, conversion of inorganic substances, rhizobia, mycorrhiza
Soil biochemistry
Decomposition of litter; humus
physiological aspect of symbiotic phenomenon, see |
F61 |
plant pests in soil, see |
H10 |
soil-borne plant pathogens, see |
H20 |
soil sterilization and hygiene, see |
F07 |
Soil conditions favourable for sustaining plant growth
Determination of soil fertility
Soil degradation, deterioration, exhaustion, impoverishment, and toxicity; leaching, salinity and desalination; nutrient availability, nutrient content
application of fertilizers and manures, see |
F04 |
biological input to soil fertility, see |
P34 |
fertilizing, see |
F04 |
mineral deficiencies in plants, see |
H50 |
plant nutrition physiology, see |
F61 |
soil analysis, see |
P33 |
soil chemistry and physics, see |
P33 |
soil conditioners, see |
F04 |
soil conservation, see |
P36 |
soil cultivation, see |
F07 |
soil pollution, see |
T01 |
soil sterilization, see |
F07 |
utilization of wastes, sewage, sludge as fertilizers, see |
F04 |
Loss and movement of topsoil
Erosion by water or wind
Soil conservation; prevention and control of erosion by agricultural practices, soil or land fixation, and other methods
Soil reclamation, restoring of soil for cultivation
drainage, see |
P11 |
economics of land development and utilization, see |
E11 |
forest shelterbelts and windbreaks, see |
K10 |
leaching, see |
P35 |
soil degradation, see |
P35 |
soil salinity, see |
P35 |
Air and atmosphere; agrometeorology, including weather forecasting; temperature
Barometric pressure; humidity; winds; hydrometeorology, precipitation (excluding surface water aspects); induced rainfall
Agroclimatology, including bioclimate, microclimate, climatic influence, types, zones and changes
Climate and weather mapping
Meteorological instrumentation and equipment
air pollution, see |
T01 |
animal injury by atmospheric factors, see |
L74 |
environmental pollution, see |
T01 |
farming under specific climatic conditions, see |
F08 |
forest injuries by atmospheric factors, see |
K70 |
hydrology, see |
P10 |
plant injury by atmospheric factors, see |
H50 |
solar energy, see |
P06 |
weathering in relation to soils, see |
P32 |
wind and rain in relation to soil erosion, see |
P36 |
Food science and technology in general
feed processing, see |
Q52 |
feed technology, see |
Q51 |
food processing, see |
Q02 |
human nutrition, see |
S01-S40 |
labelling, standards, grading of agricultural products, see |
E70 |
legislative aspects of quality control of agricultural products, see |
D50 |
packaging, see |
Q80 |
primary processing of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
Q60 |
processing of agricultural wastes, see |
Q70 |
Basic technologies applied to the conversion of primary products into food for man
Processing of food products
Beneficial food micro-organisms; food microbiology, methods of using microbes in food processing: fermentation processes, etc.
Equipment and processing techniques of food and drink manufacture
Materials and methods for the preservation of foodstuffs and processed foods; includes preservation by:
· smoking, smoke-curing chemical methods (gas, salting, pickling)
· heat preserving (boiling, pasteurization, etc.)
· cold preserving (refrigeration, chilling, deep freezing)
· pressure, vibration, irradiation, electricity
· drying, dehydration, desiccation
· etc.
constituents and composition of food, see |
Q04 |
distribution and marketing of food, see |
E70 |
feed processing and preservation, see |
Q52 |
food contamination and toxicology, see |
Q03 |
food quality, see |
Q04 |
food industry, see |
E21 |
food standards, see |
E70 |
food storage, see |
J10-J14 |
home food preservation, see |
E80 |
human nutrition, see |
S01-S40 |
legislative aspects of hygienic control of food products, see |
D50 |
legislative aspects of quality control of food products, see |
D50 |
primary processing and conservation of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
Q60 |
protection of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
storage of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
transport of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
Deleterious food micro-organisms
Food toxicology and spoilage: defects, disease organisms, adulteration, contamination, deterioration
Public health aspects of foodstuffs: meat inspection, food hygiene, food disease control, etc.
beneficial food micro-organisms, see |
Q02 |
feed contamination and toxicology, see |
Q53 |
food preservation, see |
Q02 |
food protection, see |
J10-J14 |
food quality, see |
Q04 |
food storage, see |
J10-J14 |
legislative aspects of quality control of food products, see |
D50 |
Constituents and composition of foods
Chemical analysis of food
Food composition nutrients: proteins, amino acid, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, etc.
Food quality: nutritive value, calorific value; analysis, organoleptic testing (flavour, odour, appearance)
feed composition, see |
Q54 |
food additives, see |
Q05 |
grading, standards and labelling of food, see |
E70 |
legislative aspects of quality control of food products, see |
D50 |
nutrition standards, see |
S30 |
properties of unprocessed non-food or non-feed agricultural products, when ultimate use not known to be food or feed, see |
Q60 |
Materials added to food to improve colour, flavour, texture; seasonings, emulsifiers, stabilizers, sweeteners, etc.
feed additives, see |
Q55 |
food composition, see |
Q04 |
public health aspects of foodstuffs, see |
Q03 |
Animal feed technology in general
animal feeding: aquatic, see |
M12 |
animal feeding: terrestrial, see |
L02 |
feed processing, see |
Q52 |
food science and technology, see |
Q01 |
hygienic control of feed, see |
Q53 |
legislative aspects of quality control of feed, see |
D50 |
Basic technologies applied to the conversion of primary products into feed for animals
Processing of feed
Fodder and silage processing
Beneficial feed micro-organisms; feed microbiology; methods of using microbes in feed processing, fermentation processes, fodder yeasts, etc.
Equipment and processing techniques of feed manufacture
Materials and methods for the preservation of feed
animal feeding: aquatic, see |
M12 |
animal feeding: terrestrial, see |
L02 |
constituents and composition of feed, see |
Q54 |
distribution and marketing of feed, see |
E70 |
feed contamination and toxicology, see |
Q53 |
feed industry, see |
E21 |
feed inspection, hygienic control of feed, see |
Q53 |
feed quality, see |
Q54 |
feed standards, see |
E70 |
feed storage, see |
J10-J14 |
food processing and preservation, see |
Q02 |
legislative aspects of quality control of feed, see |
D50 |
primary processing and conservation of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
Q60 |
protection of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
storage of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
transport of agricultural products, see |
J10-J15 |
Deleterious feed micro-organisms
Feed toxicology, adulteration, contamination, deterioration
Spoilage; disease organisms in feed
Feed inspection, hygienic control of feed
beneficial feed micro-organisms, see |
Q52 |
feed preservation, see |
Q52 |
feed protection, see |
J10-J14 |
feed quality, see |
Q54 |
feed storage, see |
J10-J14 |
food contamination and toxicology, see |
Q03 |
legislative aspects of quality control of feed, see |
D50 |
Constituents and composition of feed
Chemical analysis of feed
Feed quality: analysis, testing
Nutritive value of feed; feed formulae
effects of feeding: aquatic animal, see |
M12 |
effects of feeding: terrestrial animal, see |
L02 |
feed additives and supplements, see |
Q55 |
feeding methods: aquatic animal, see |
M12 |
feeding methods: terrestrial animal, see |
L02 |
food composition, see |
Q04 |
grading, standards and labelling of feed, see |
E70 |
legislative aspects of quality control of feed, see |
D50 |
properties of unprocessed non-food or non-feed agricultural products, when ultimate use not known to be food or feed, see |
Q60 |
Feed additives: substances added to feeding-stuffs or concentrates to balance livestock ration and improve animal growth
animal feeding: aquatic, see |
M12 |
feed composition, see |
Q54 |
feed inspection, hygienic control of feed, see |
Q53 |
food additives, see |
Q05 |
Primary processing of non-food or non-feed plant products (excluding forest products): fibres, tobacco, cotton, etc.
Primary processing of non-food or non-feed animal products: wool, fur, hides, leather, silk, etc.
Properties of unprocessed non-food or non-feed agricultural products, when ultimate use not known to be food or feed
feed processing, see |
Q52 |
food processing, see |
Q02 |
handling of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
J15 |
handling, transport, storage and protection of forest products, see |
J12 |
processing of forest products, see |
K50 |
protection of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
J15 |
storage of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
J15 |
transport of non-food or non-feed agricultural products, see |
J15 |
Processing of agricultural wastes and by-products (excluding waste water treatment and production of energy from waste)
Waste management (excluding waste water management): waste disposal, waste recycling
Waste treatment (excluding waste water treatment): purification methods, physical and mechanical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment related to agriculture, etc.
pollution and pollutants, see |
T01 |
production of energy from waste, see |
P06 |
use of wastes for fertilizing, see |
F04 |
waste and sewage disposal systems, see |
N01 |
waste water use for irrigation, see |
F06 |
waste water treatment, see |
P10 |
Use for packaging of agricultural products in general; add categories for specific subjects as appropriate
Packaging of agricultural products: canning, bottling, hermetic sealing, vacuum packing, wrapping, coating, packeting, baling, etc.
feed preservation, see |
Q52 |
feed storage, see |
J10-J14 |
food preservation, see |
Q02 |
food storage, see |
J10-J14 |
home food preservation, see |
E80 |
Human nutrition in general; nutritional status of populations
Attitudes of man in relation to foods, including behavioural, psychological, and social aspects; eating habits, food preferences
consumer economics, see |
E73 |
food aid, see |
E14 |
food in the home, see |
E80 |
food supply policies, see |
E10 |
nutrition education and training, see |
C10 |
nutrition programmes, see |
S40 |
nutrition standards, see |
S30 |
physiology of human nutrition, see |
S20 |
public health aspects of food, see |
Q03 |
Nutritional physiology in man: metabolism and utilization of nutrients; digestion
Hunger, thirst, inanition, nutritional requirements and growth, nutritional requirements and external environment
Breast feeding; infant nutrition; human milk; lactation; weaning; infant immunity
nutrition standards, see |
S30 |
physiology of animal nutrition, see |
L51 |
Nutritional and metabolic diseases and disorders, deficiencies, food allergies, malnutrition; their prevention and control
Nutrition standards; dietary surveys
Parenteral feeding
animal feeding: aquatic, see |
M12 |
food and eating habits, see |
S01 |
home preparation of food and meals, see |
E80 |
nutrition programmes, see |
S40 |
nutritional and metabolic diseases and disorders in animals, see |
L74 |
Nutrition programme planning, policies, administration; programme impact and evaluation
Community nutrition programme
Child nutrition programmes: school breakfast and lunch programmes, milk programmes, etc.
diet and diet-related diseases, see |
S30 |
food aid, see |
E14 |
food situation planning, food supply policies, see |
E10 |
nutrition standards, see |
S30 |
physiology of human nutrition, see |
S20 |
Air, soil and water pollution and pollutants caused by or affecting agriculture; prevention and control
Degradation or susceptibility to degradation of the environment by natural phenomena or as a consequence of man's activities in agriculture; environmental damage by herbicides, pesticides
Radioactive contamination in relation to agriculture
agricultural wastes, see |
Q70 |
forest injuries caused by natural phenomena, man's activities, equipment, toxic chemicals and other physical agents, see |
K70 |
hygienic control of feed, see |
Q53 |
hygienic control of food, see |
Q03 |
legislative aspects of pollution control, see |
D50 |
nature conservation and management, see |
P01 |
processing of agricultural wastes, see |
Q70 |
public health aspects of foodstuffs, see |
Q03 |
soil toxicity, see |
P35 |
utilization of agricultural wastes and by-products, see appropriate categories |
veterinary aspects of public health, see |
L70 |
waste and sewage disposal systems, see |
N01 |
waste management: waste disposal, waste recycling, see |
Q70 |
waste water treatment, see |
P10 |
water quality control, see |
P10 |
Use only for diseases and hazards to workers in the field of agriculture due to their occupational activities
Harmful effects of agricultural, occupational activities and work environment on workers' health and safety
Occupational or industrial accidents, injuries, safety hazards
accident prevention education programmes, see |
E50 |
accident prevention devices, see |
N01 |
employment injuries benefits, see |
E50 |
health insurance, see |
E50 |
health protection education programmes, see |
E50 |
health protection devices, see |
N01 |
health services, see |
E50 |
life insurance, see |
E50 |
occupational health services, see |
E50 |
personal accident insurance, see |
E50 |
quality of working life, work environment, working conditions, see |
E50 |
safety devices, see |
N01 |
safety engineering, see |
N01 |
social insurance, see |
E50 |
zoonoses, see |
L73 |
General considerations on mathematical and statistical METHODS pertaining to agriculture; for statistical data on specific subject matters, see appropriate subject categories
Computer modelling, programming
computer models of forest stands, see |
K10 |
econometric models of markets, see |
E70 |
econometrics in general, economic models, see |
E10 |
General considerations on research METHODS and TECHNIQUES in relation to food and agriculture; for research results on specific subjects, see appropriate subject categories
Research equipment, laboratory equipment
agricultural research administration, see |
A50 |
experimental stations and farms in relation to education, see |
C10 |
market research, see |
E70 |
General considerations on surveying METHODS and TECHNIQUES in relation to agriculture; for results of surveys in specific fields, see appropriate subject categories
Ground surveys, aerial surveys, photo interpretation, remote sensing including the use of satellites: environmental satellites (Meteosat), earth resources satellites (Landsat)
drainage surveys, see |
P11 |
forest surveys, see |
K10 |
land use surveys, see |
E11 |
rural population surveys, see |
E51 |
soil surveys, see |
P31 |
water surveys, see |
P10 |