FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2, August 1998 -

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Area: 784 000 sq.km
Climate: Tropical wet-dry; coast is semi-arid
Population: 18.53 million (1997 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 80 (1995)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; exposed to tropical storms and cyclones
Logistics: Dilapidated rail and road transport fleet; lack of fuel and spares; poor roads; substantial deliveries by coastal vessels; disruption by guerrillas
Major foodcrops: Roots, tubers, maize
Marketing year: March/April; Lean season: February-April
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 53 percent


An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission which visited Mozambique in April/May, estimated the 1998 production of cereals at 1.69 million tonnes, up by about 10 percent on last year’s good crop. The increase is attributable to both increased area planted and harvested, and increased yields for all cereals, particularly in the northern and central provinces. Production of cassava, groundnuts and beans is also expected to increase significantly in 1998 compared to last year.

The overall food supply situation, which improved in the last marketing year, is expected to improve further in 1998/99, reflecting the increased food production. An exportable surplus of 59 000 tonnes of maize is forecast, but an import requirement of 67 000 tonnes and 145 000 tonnes for rice and wheat, respectively, is expected. This is likely to be met largely by private sector imports. Localized food shortages requiring emergency food aid exist in several areas as a result of crop loss caused mainly by floods. Food deficits are also faced by some families in the south, for which donor assistance will be necessary to mobilize surplus food.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production - 50 458 508
Normal Imports 102 60 244 406
of which: Structural food aid 102 52 140 294
1998/99 Domestic Availability 13 124 1 494 1 631
1998 Production (rice in paddy terms) - 186 1 494 1 680
1998 Production (rice in milled terms) - 124 1 494 1 618
Possible stock drawdown 13 - - 13
1998/99 Utilization 158 191 1 494 1 843
Food Use 151 171 1 225 1 547
of which: local purchase requirement - - - -
Non-food use 7 15 172 194
Exports or Re-exports - - 59 59
Possible stock build up - 5 38 43
1998/99 Import Requirement 145 67 - 212
Anticipated commercial imports 145 67 - 212
Food aid needs - - - -
Current Aid Position

Food aid pledges 109 11 - 120
of which: Delivered 21 - - 21
Donor-financed purchases - - - -
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year) 8 9 64 81

1998 production as % of normal:

1998/99 import requirement as % of normal:

1998/99 food aid requirement as % of normal:


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