FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/99 - LIBERIA* (8 February)

LIBERIA* (8 February)

An FAO Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission visited Liberia late last year and found that the overall food situation had improved significantly. The Mission estimated paddy production in 1998 at 210 100 tonnes, up 25 percent on the estimate for 1997 and about 70 percent of the pre-civil strife 1986-90 average. Cassava production is estimated at 313 300 tonnes (fresh weight), which is 96 percent of the pre- crisis average. The increase in production was mainly due to an expansion of area planted and higher yields. In addition, improved varieties of cassava have become more readily available from a number of NGO-supported projects.

In spite of some improvement in the nutritional status of the population, the country continues to rely heavily on humanitarian assistance. Food assistance is being provided to about 1.7 million IDPs and refugees from Sierra Leone. Organized repatriation is underway for about 480 000 Liberian refugees in neighbouring countries. In 1999, Liberia�s cereal import requirement is estimated at 155 000 tonnes, of which 105 000 tonnes are expected to be imported commercially.

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