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VII. Admission of observers to The Second Session

THE FOLLOWING report was prepared by the General Committee, and the Credentials Committee's recommendations based on the report were approved by the Conference at the Third and Tenth Plenary Meetings, 3 and 13 September 1946.

"The Director-General has reported to the Conference on action taken in inviting public international organizations to appoint representatives to participate without vote in the meetings of the Conference, in accordance with Article III of the Constitution and in exercise of the power conferred upon him by Rule I of the Rules of Procedure.

"The Director-General has, with the approval of the Executive Committee, extended a provisional invitation to be represented by observers, to all governments that are members of the United Nations but not at present members of FAO, and all other governments that were invited by the United Nations to participate in the recent World Health Conference . The General Committee approved the action taken and recommends to the Conference that the representatives of these governments be admitted to the Second Session as observers.

"Provisional invitations to send observers were also extended to certain international non. governmental organizations. The organizations concerned have been considered and the General Committee accordingly recommends to the Conference that the representatives of the following nongovernmental organizations be admitted as observers:

- International Cooperative Alliance
- International Federation of Agricultural Producers
- World Federation of Trade Unions
- Save the Children International Union
- Conseil International des Femmes
- World Federation of United Nations Associations"

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