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FAO/WHO Technical workshop on residues of veterinary drugs without ADI/MRL 24 - 26 August 2004 |
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Joint FAO/WHO Technical Workshop on Residues of Veterinary
Drugs without ADI/MRL (2004: Bangkok, Thailand)
Joint FAO/WHO Technical
Workshop on Residues of Veterinary Drugs without ADI/MRL, Bangkok, 24-26 August
2004: final report.
1.Veterinary drugs - toxicity 2.Drugs residues - analysis 3.Food contamination - prevention and control. 4.Legislation, drug - standards 5.Maximum allowable concentration I.Title.
ISBN 92 4 159256 7 |
(NLM classification: WA 701) |
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ISBN 92-5-105225-5
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© FAO 2004
3. Progress of analytical methods and impact on international trade
4. Analysis and management of risk of low level residues
6. Regulatory framework at the national and regional level
7. International regulatory framework provided by Codex and WTO
Risk Assessments for substances without ADI/MRL - an overview (Dieter Arnold)
Measures applied to control forbidden antibiotics in aquaculture products in Viet Nam (Le Duy Binh)
U.S.F.D.A. Regulatory Approach for Control of Residues of Veterinary Drugs (Richard Ellis)
The European Union's Regulatory Framework on Veterinary Medicinal Products(Gudrun Gallhoff)
Risk Assessment of Chemicals at Low Levels - New Concepts (Kevin J. Greenlees & Barry Hooberman)
Analytical methods for nitrofurans: Lessons to be learned and new developments. (Glenn Kennedy)
Residues of veterinary drugs without ADI/MRL: what Codex and WTO rules apply? (Manfred Lützow)
Validation Requirements for Testing for Residues of Veterinary Drugs (James D. MacNeil)
Japanese Regulatory Framework for the Control of Residues of Veterinary Drugs (Miyagawa Shoji)
Regulatory Issues in Africa's Regulatory Framework (Bruce Mukanda)
Veterinary Drug Residue Monitoring Program: the Philippines (Criselda P. Pagluanan)
Nitrofurans Case Study: Thailand's experience (Sujittra Phongvivat)
Residue control policies and capacity building (Gijs T.J.M. Theunissen)
Chinese regulations of framework for the control of residue of animal drugs (Xin Shengpeng)