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1. Introduction

Under the FAO/Norwegian Government Associate Expert Scheme, Mr. F.M. Frantzen, (Norway) was assigned in August 1963 as Associate Marine Fishery Biologist to the Group Country Project, (Argentina/Brazil/Uruguay) organized under the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance.

His duties were outlined as follows:

“To assist Mr. J. P. Wise, EPTA Marine Fishery Biologist, and Mr. M. N. Mistakidis, EPTA Shrimp Biologist, on a program of research and training being carried out on the Group Country Project Argentina/Brazil/Uruguay”.

After briefing at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in Rome and the FAO Regional Office in Rio de Janeiro, the associate expert took up his duty station in Santos, State of São Paulo, Brazil, on 20 August 1963.

Initially the associate expert was working with and under supervision of FAO/TA expert Mr. J. P. Wise. In November 1963 Mr. Wise changed his duty station to Rio de Janeiro, but the associate expert remained in Santos. He continued his work there with members of the fisheries research group, Grupo Estadual de Pesquisas sôbre a Pesca Maritima (GPPM). This group consisted of elements from the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo and the Department of Animal Production, State of São Paulo. Through correspondence, reports and visits, close contact was kept with Mr. Wise until Mr. Wise ended his assignment in Brazil in August 1964.

During August and September 1964 GPPM was disbanded and the oceanographic researchers moved to their own installations. The associate expert, although holding office at the laboratory belonging to the Department of Animal Production, maintained his relationship with both groups until the termination of his assignment in July 1965. The rest of the GPPM under the Department of Animal Production was reorganized and reappeared in December 1964 under the name Serviço de Investigaçôes sôbre a Pesca Marítima (SIPM).

During his assignment the associate expert worked in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina for three short periods of about seven weeks altogether.

The associate expert attended a symposium on the Natural History of Aquatic Organisms at the University of São Paulo, 18–20 December 1963.

From 20 April to 1 May 1964 the associate expert assisted the secretariat of the second meeting of the Comisión Asesora Regional de Pesca para el Atlántico Sudoccidental (CARPAS), held 27–30 April in Mar del Plata, Argentina.

A three-day trip was made in coastal waters off Santos in September 1963 on board the R/V Emilia. Except for these absences, Mr. Frantzen was always working in Santos. The associate expert submitted quarterly reports on his activities to the Governments of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay through the FAO Representative.

1.1 Acknowledgments

The associate expert wishes to express his gratitude to all persons, institutions and organizations who co-operated in his work in Brazil. Special acknowledgment is given to the chiefs and staff of the marine fisheries research group in Santos, State of São Paulo (Grupo Estadual de Pesquisas sôbre a Pesca Marítima) and to the chief and staff of the fisheries research center in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina (Centro de Pesquisas de Pesca).

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