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3. References

dos Santos, E.P. and F.M. Frantzen, 1965 Growth of sardine; quantitative aspects. Bol. Inst. oceanogr., S. Paulo (in press)

dos Santos, E.P. and N. Yamaguti, 1965 Migração da pescada-foguete. Bol. Inst. oceanogr., S. Paulo (in press)

FAO/UN, 1956 Relatório ao governo do Brasil sôbre biologia da pesca. Baseado no trabalho do Sr. W. Ellis Ripley, biólogo de pesca. Rep.FAO/ETAP, (494):23 p.

FAO/UN, 1958 Report to the government of Brazil on fishery biology. Based on the work of Finn Devold, FAO/ETAP fisheries biologist. Rep.FAO/ETAP, (798): 42 p.

FAO/UN, 1961 Report to the government of Brazil on development of marine fisheries research in southern Brazil. Based on the work of Mr. Ian D. Richardson FAO/EPTA marine fisheries biologist. Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1402): 22 p.

FAO/UN, 1964 Report to the governments of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay on development of the marine fisheries biology research program. Based on the work of John P. Wise, FAO/EPTA marine fisheries biologist. Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1917):23 p.

FAO/UN, 1964 Report to the governments of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina on investigation and assessment of shrimp resources. Based on the work of Michael N. Mistakidis, FAO/EPTA marine (shrimp) fisheries biologist. Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1934):44 p.

Neiva, G. de S. and J. P. Wise, 1964 The biology and fishery of the sea bob shrimp of Santos Bay, Brazil. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst., 16:131–9

Richardson, I.D., et al., 1960 Report on sardine investigations in Brazil. In: Proceedings of the World Scientific Meeting on the Biology of Sardines and Related Species, held in Rome, 14–21 September 1959. Rome, FAO. Vol. 3: 1051–79

Tremel, E., et al., 1965 Relatório sôbre o estudo da sardinha em Santa Catarina durante o ano 1964. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Departamento Estadual de Caça e Pesca, Centro de Pesquisas de Pesca, 22 p.

Vazzoler, A.E.A. de M., 1965 Estimativa da abundáncia relativa de corvina na costa centrosul do Brasil. Bol. Inst. oceanogr., S. Paulo, 14(1) (in press)

Vazzoler, A.E.A. de M., 1965 Relative spawning power of the Macrodon ancylodon population from Southern Brazil. An. Acad. bras. Ciênc., vol. do Simposio sôbre a Oceanográfia do Atl. Sul-Ocidental (in press)

Vazzoler, A.E.A. de M. and E.P. dos Santos, 1965 Migração da corvina (Micropogon furnieri) na costa sul do Brasil. Bol. Inst. oceanogr., S. Paulo, 14(1) (in press)

Vazzoler, A.E.A. de M. and G. Vazzoler, 1965 Relation between condition factor and sexual development in Sardinella aurita. An.Acad.bras. Ciênc., vol. do Simposio sôbre a Oceanográfia do Atl. Sul-Ocidental (in press)

Yamaguti, N. and A.E.D. de Moraes, 1965 Análise da pesca da pescada-foguete na costa centro sul do Brasil. Bol. Inst. oceanogr., S. Paulo, 14(1) (in press)

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