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1. History of Project

In 1962/63, a team of three FAO experts carried out surveys relating to fisheries activities in Malawi. On the recommendations of the team, the Government of Malawi in May 1964 requested the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to provide a technical assistance expert under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to advise and assist in the planning of fisheries development and in the organisation of efficient fishery services in Malawi.

The terms of reference for this post were as follows:

“To assist the Director of Agriculture and Fisheries in all aspects of fisheries development planning; in this connection, among other things, to carry out a detailed study of fish marketing facilities and operations for the purpose of examining the practicability of broadening the distribution of both fresh and processed fish.”

Mr. H.L.F. Renson of Belgium, formerly Fisheries Adviser, Fisheries Department, Congo (Léopoldville) was assigned as expert for the period 27 September 1964 to 31 December 1966. He reported in Malawi on 7 October 1964. On 1 July 1966 he transferred to the post of OPEX Fish Marketing Officer. The present report covers his activities as FAO technical assistance expert.

On arrival, Mr. Renson was requested by Mr. H.W.T. Webb, Commissioner for Agriculture and Fisheries, to examine the structure of the fisheries services of Malawi and to make suggestions for its improvement, as well as to comment on matters relating to fisheries legislation, statistics and general management.

On 2 December 1965, the terms of reference of the expert were extended to tilapia culture problems, since the Commissioner for Agriculture and his staff wanted to consult Mr. Renson on matters relating to fish culture development.

2. Acknowledgements

The expert acknowledges with thanks the considerable help given him by the Chief Fisheries Officer, Mr. R.B. Williamson; by the Senior Fisheries Research Officer, Mr. D.H. Eccles; as well as by Dr. E.C.L. Birkenmeier, formerly Senior Fisheries Officer (who left the country in June 1965); Mr. R. Kirk, Fisheries Research Officer; Mr. B.W. Morris, Fisheries Assistant; Mr. A.S.P. Mzumara and Mr. J.A.A. Bowley, Fish Rangers; and by all the field members of the Fisheries Division staff, especially Mr. D.A. Makwana, Fisheries Assistant, who helped in the conduct of fish marketing surveys.

The expert is grateful also for the support given to his mission by:

The Hon. G.W. Kumtumanji, Minister for Natural Resources
Mr. R.J. Dewar, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources
Mr. K. Sargent, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Development and Planning
Mr. R.J. Isaacs, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources
Mr. H.W.T. Webb, Commission for Agriculture
Mr. P. Bannister, Commissioner for Veterinary Services and Fisheries
Mr. E.T. Wilmot, Chief Agricultural Planning Officer

Special thanks are due to Mr. K.D.S. Baldwin, UN Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister and General Manager of the Malawi Development Corporation, and to Mr. L.A. Little and to Mr. J.F. Dean, Chairman and Executive Secretary respectively of the Malawi Development Corporation.

In the field of fish culture, the expert acknowledges the help given to him by Messrs. E.K. Clark and M.J. Waterfield, Regional Agricultural Officers of the Northern and Central Regions respectively, as well as of Messrs. C.M. Chisala and L. Kadamanja, officers in charge of fish culture activities in those regions.

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