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1. The Fourth Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission was held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, 7-14 November 1966. The Session was attended by 149 participants including the representatives and observers of 38 countries and observers from international organizations (see pages for list of participants).

2. The Fourth Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission was convened by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO and was opened on behalf of the Directors-General with a speech of welcome by Mr. P. Terver, Assistant Director-General of the Program and Budgetary Service of FAO. The Commission was presided over by its Chairman, Prof. Dr. M.J.L. Dols (Netherlands), and its three Vice-Chairmen, Mr. H.V. Dempsey (Canada), Mr. G. Weill (France) and Mr. J.H.V. Davies (United Kingdom). The Joint Secretaries were Mr. G.O. Kermode (FAO) and Dr. L.G. Ladomery (WHO).

3. During the Session the Commission unanimously re-elected Prof. Dr. M.J.L. Dols (Netherlands) as Chairman of the Commission to serve from the end of the Fourth Session until the end of the Fifth Session. The Commission also unanimously re-elected Mr. H.V. Dempsey (Canada), Mr. G. Weill (France) and Mr. J.H.V. Davies (United Kingdom) as Vice-Chairmen of the Commission from the end of the Fourth Session to the end of the Fifth Session.

4. The Chairman of the Commission informed the Commission that because of the death of Min. a. D. Dr. H. Frenzel it would be necessary for the Commission to appoint a new Coordinator for Europe. Professor Dols eulogised the great pioneering work of Dr. Frenzel in initiating the idea of an international Codex Alimentarius. The Commission observed a minute of silence in memory of Dr. Frenzel. Later during the Session the Commission, on a unanimous proposal of the countries of the European region, appointed Dr. Richard Wildner (Austria) to be the Coordinator for Europe for a period of two years.

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