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11. The Commission was informed that the views of African countries had been sought by the Directors-General on the proposal made by six African countries attending the Third Session of the Commission concerning the desirability of establishing a Coordinating Committee for Africa. Only one country had replied to date to the circular state letter of the Directors-General of May 1966, indicating an interest in the establishment of a Coordinating Committee for Africa. The country in question, however, informed the Directors-General that it did not at this time wish to become a Member of the Commission. The Commission considered that, in the light of the response at this time, it would be premature to take any decision to propose the setting-up of a Coordinating Committee for Africa. The Commission recommended, however, that a survey to elicite more information on the needs of Africa in the matter of food standards should be undertaken by the Secretariat, through the services of the FAO Country Representatives and WHO personnel stationed in the region and a report be submitted to the next session of the Commission. The Commission further recommended, in order to bring to the attention of countries in the developing parts of the world the importance of food standards, that it was desirable for the agendas of FAO regional meetings and technical seminars to include an item on the activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its subsidiary bodies.

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