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21. After briefly considering a proposal made by the Executive Committee (see paragraph 5 of the Report of the Eighth Meeting of the Executive Committee) to amend the Commission's Procedure for the Elaboration of Standards to permit uncontroversial and urgent matters to be advanced in the Steps of the Procedure, the Commission requested the Working Party on Rules of Procedure and Related Matters to consider the suggestion of the Executive Committee in the light of the Commission's discussion and to prepare a revised text of the proposed amendment for consideration by the Commission later in the Session. The Commission, after further discussion of the draft submitted by the Working Party, agreed to add to the end of paragraph 2 of the Introduction to the Procedure for the Elaboration of Standards contained in Appendix IV to the Report of the Third Session of the Commission the following sentence:

“It shall also be open to the Commission to authorize the omission of one or more of Steps 6, 7 and 8 of the Procedure in Parts 1 and 2 of this Appendix if it considers, without dissent, that the completion of the standard is a matter of exceptional urgency or if it notes that the standard is entirely uncontroversial and that the standard has already proved to be generally agreeable to Members of the Commission.”

The revised Procedure for the Elaboration of Standards is contained in Appendix IV to this Report.

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