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Article 1: The Codex Alimentarius Commission shall, subject to Article 5 below, be responsible for making proposals to, and shall be consulted by, the Directors-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) on all matters pertaining to the implementation of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program, the purpose of which is:

  1. protecting the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade;

  2. promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations;

  3. determining priorities and initiating and guiding the preparation of draft standards through and with the aid of appropriate organizations;

  4. finalizing standards elaborated under (c) above and, after acceptance by governments, publishing them in a Codex Alimentarius either as regional or world-wide standards, together with international standards already finalized by other bodies under (b) above, wherever this is practicable;

  5. amending published standards, after appropriate survey in the light of developments.

Article 2: Membership of the Commission is open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and WHO which are interested in international food standards. Membership shall comprise such of these nations as have notified the Director-General of FAO or of WHO of their desire to be considered as Members.

Article 3: Any Member Nation or Associate Member of FAO or WHO which is not a Member of the Commission but has a special interest in the work of the Commission, may, upon request communicated to the Director-General of FAO or WHO, as appropriate, attend sessions of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies and ad hoc meetings as observers.

Article 4: Nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate Members of FAO or WHO, are members of the United Nations, may be invited on their request to attend meetings of the Commission as observers in accordance with the provisions of FAO and WHO relating to the grant of observer status to nations.

Article 5: The Commission shall report and make recommendations to the Conference of FAO and the appropriate body of WHO through their respective Directors-General. Copies of reports, including any conclusions and recommendations, will be circulated to interested Member Nations and international organizations for their information as soon as they become available.

Article 6: The Commission shall establish an Executive Committee whose composition should ensure an adequate representation of the various geographical areas of the world to which the Members of the Commission belong. Between sessions the Executive Committee shall act as the executive organ of the Commission.

Article 7: The Commission may establish such other subsidiary bodies as it deems necessary for the accomplishment of its task, subject to the availability of the necessary funds.

Article 8: The Commission may adopt and amend its own Rules of Procedure which shall come into force upon approval by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, subject to such confirmation as may be prescribed by the procedures of these Organizations.

Article 9: The operating expenses of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies, other than those for which a Member has accepted chairmanship, shall be borne by the budget of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program which shall be administered by FAO on behalf of the two Organizations in accordance with the financial regulations of FAO. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall jointly determine the respective portion of the costs of the Program to be borne by each Organization and prepare the corresponding annual expenditure estimates for inclusion in the Regular Budgets of the two Organizations for approval by the appropriate governing bodies.

Article 10: All expenses (including those relating to meetings, documents and interpretation) involved in preparatory work on draft standards undertaken by Members of the Commission, either independently or upon recommendation of the Commission, shall be defrayed by the government concerned. Within the approved budgetary estimates, the Commission may, however, recommend that a specified part of the costs of the preparatory work undertaken by the government on behalf of the Commission be recognized as operating expenses of the Commission.


I. Membership

1. Membership of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”, is open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and/or WHO.

2. Membership shall comprise such eligible nations as have notified the Director-General of FAO or of WHO of their desire to be considered Members of the Commission.

3. Each Member of the Commission shall communicate to the Director-General of FAO or of WHO the names of its representative and where possible other members of its delegation before the opening of each session of the Commission.

II Officers

1. The Commission shall elect a Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen from among the representatives, alternates and advisers (hereinafter referred to as “delegates”) of the Members of the Commission; it being understood that no delegate shall be eligible without the concurrence of the head of his delegation. They shall be elected at each session and shall hold office from the end of the session at which they were elected until the end of the following session. The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen shall be eligible for re-election but after having served two consecutive terms shall be ineligible to hold such office for the next succeeding term.

2. The Chairman, or in his absence a Vice-Chairman, shall preside at meetings of the Commission and exercise such other function as may be required to facilitate the work of the Commission. A Vice-Chairman acting as Chairman shall have the same powers and duties as the Chairman.

3. When neither the Chairman nor the Vice-Chairmen are able to serve and, on the request of the outgoing Chairman, during elections for the Chairman, the Director-General of FAO and WHO shall appoint a staff member to act as Chairman, until either a temporary Chairman or a new Chairman has been elected. Any temporary Chairman so elected shall hold office until the Chairman or one of the Vice-Chairmen is able to serve again.


  1. The Commission may appoint a Coordinator from among the delegates of the Members of the Commission, for any region or for any group of countries specifically enumerated by the Commission, whenever it may find, on the basis of a proposal of a majority of the countries which constitute the region or group, that work for the Codex Alimentarius in the countries concerned so requires.

  2. Appointments of Coordinators shall be made exclusively on the proposal of a majority of the countries which constitute the region or group of countries concerned. Coordinators shall hold office for a period of not more than three years as may be determined by the Commission in each instance and may be eligible for re-appointment for one additional term.

  3. The functions of the Coordinators shall be to assist and coordinate the work of the Codex Committees set up under Rules IX.1(b)(1) in their region or group of countries, in the preparation of draft standards for submission to the Commission. They shall report to the Chairman of the Commission.

  4. Where a Coordinating Committee has been set up under Rule IX.1(b)(2), the Coordinator of the region involved shall be chairman of the Committee.

5. The Commission may appoint one or more Rapporteurs from among the delegates of the Members of the Commission.

6. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall be requested to appoint from the staffs of the Organizations a Secretary of the Commission and such other officials, likewise responsible to them, as may be necessary to assist the officers and the Secretary in performing all duties that the work of the Commission may require.

Rule III Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Commission together with six further members, elected by the Commission from among the Members of the Commission, one each coming from the following geographic locations: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, South-West Pacific; it being understood that not more than one delegate from any one country shall be a member of the Executive Committee. Elected members shall hold office for two years and shall be eligible for re-election, but after having served two successive terms shall be ineligible to hold such office for the next succeeding term.

2. The Executive Committee shall, between sessions of the Commission, act on behalf of the Commission as its executive organ. In particular the Executive Committee may make proposals to the Commission regarding the general orientation and program of work of the Commission, study special problems and help implement the program as approved by the Commission. The Executive Committee may also exercise, when it shall deem it to be essential and subject to confirmation by the next session of the Commission, the Commission's powers under Rule IX.1(b)(1), Rule IX.5 insofar as it refers to bodies established under Rule IX.1 (b)(1), and Rule IX.10, insofar as it refers to the designation of the Members who shall be responsible for appointing Chairmen to subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(1).

3. The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Commission shall be respectively the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Executive Committee.

4. Sessions of the Executive Committee may be convened as often as necessary by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, in consultation with the Chairman. The Executive Committee shall normally meet immediately prior to each session of the Commission.

5. The Executive Committee shall report to the Commission.

Rule IV Sessions

1. The Commission shall in principle hold one regular session each year at the Headquarters of either FAO or WHO. Additional sessions shall be held as considered necessary by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO after consultation with the Chairman or the Executive Committee.

2. Sessions of the Commission shall be convened and the place of meeting shall be determined by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO after consultation, where appropriate, with the authorities of the host country.

3. Notice of the date and place of each session of the Commission shall be communicated to all Members of the Commission at least two months before the session.

4. Each Member of the Commission shall have one representative, who may be accompanied by one or more alternates and advisers.

5. Meetings of the Commission shall be held in public, unless the Commission decides otherwise.

6. The majority of the Members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of making recommendations for amendments to the Statutes of the Commission and of adopting amendments of, or additions to, the present Rules in accordance with Rule XII.1. For all other purposes the majority of the Members of the Commission attending the session shall constitute a quorum, provided that such a majority shall be not less than 20 per cent of the total membership of the Commission, nor less than 25 Members. In addition, in the case of amendment or adoption of a proposed standard for a given region or group of countries, the quorum of the Commission shall include one third of the Members belonging to the region or group of countries concerned.

Rule V Agenda

1. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO, after consultation with the Chairman of the Commission or with the Executive Committee, shall prepare a provisional Agenda for each session of the Commission.

2. The first item on the provisional Agenda shall be the adoption of the Agenda.

3. Any Member of the Commission may request the Director-General of FAO or WHO to include specific items in the provisional Agenda.

4. The provisional Agenda shall be circulated by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO to all Members of the Commission at least two months before the opening of the session.

5. Any Member of the Commission, and the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, may, after the dispatch of the provisional Agenda, propose the inclusion of specific items in the Agenda with respect to matters of an urgent nature. These items shall be placed on a supplementary list, which, if time permits before the opening of the session, shall be dispatched by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO to all Members of the Commission, failing which the supplementary list shall be communicated to the Chairman for submission to the Commission.

6. No item included in the Agenda by the governing bodies or the Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall be deleted therefrom. After the Agenda has been adopted, the Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, amend the Agenda by the deletion, addition or modification of any other item.

7. Documents to be submitted to the Commission at any session shall be furnished by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO to all Members of the Commission, to the other eligible Nations attending the session as observers and to the non-member nations and international organizations invited as observers thereto, in principle at least two months prior to the session at which they are to be discussed.

Rule VI Voting and Procedures

1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Rule, each Member of the Commission shall have one vote. An alternate or adviser shall not have the right to vote except where substituting for the representative.

2. Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast.

3. At the request of a majority of the countries constituting a given region or a group of countries specifically enumerated by the Commission that a standard be elaborated, the standard concerned shall be elaborated as a standard primarily intended for that region or group of countries. When a vote is taken on the elaboration, amendment or adoption of a draft standard primarily intended for a region or group of countries, only Members belonging to that region or group of countries may take part in the voting. The adoption of the standard may, however, take place only after submission of the draft text to all Members of the Commission for comments. The provisions of this paragraph shall not prejudice the elaboration or adoption of a corresponding standard with a different territorial scope.

4. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Rule, any Member of the Commission may request a roll-call vote, in which case the vote of each Member shall be recorded.

5. Elections shall be decided by secret ballot, except that, where the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies, the Chairman may submit to the Commission that the election be decided by clear general consent. Any other matter shall be decided by secret ballot if the Commission so determines.

6. Formal proposals relating to items of the Agenda and amendments thereto shall be introduced in writing and handed to the Chairman, who shall circulate them to representatives of Members of the Commission.

7. The provisions of Rule XII of the General Rules of FAO shall apply mutatis mutandis to all matters which are not specifically dealt with under Rule VI of the present Rules.

Rule VII Observers

1. Any Member Nation and any Associate Member of FAO or WHO which is not a Member of the Commission but has a special interest in the work of the Commission, may, upon request communicated to the Director-General of FAO or WHO, attend sessions of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies as an observer. It may submit memoranda and participate without vote in the discussions.

2. Nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate Members of FAO or WHO, are Members of the United Nations, may, upon their request and subject to the provisions relating to the granting of observer status to nations adopted by the Conference of FAO and the World Health Assembly, be invited to attend in an observer capacity sessions of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies. The status of nations invited to such sessions shall be governed by the relevant provisions adopted by the Conference of FAO.

3. Any Member of the Commission may attend as an observer the sessions of the subsidiary bodies and may submit memoranda and participate without vote in the discussions.

4. Subject to the provisions of Rule VII.5 the Director-General of FAO or WHO may invite inter-governmental and international non-governmental organizations to attend as observers sessions of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies.

5. Participation of international organizations in the work of the Commission, and the relations between the Commission and such organizations shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Constitution of FAO or WHO, as well as by the applicable regulations of FAO or WHO on relations with international organizations; such relations shall be handled by the Director-General of FAO or of WHO as appropriate.

Rule VIII Records and Reports

1. At each session the Commission shall approve a report embodying its views, recommendations and conclusions, including when requested a statement of minority views. Such other records for its own use as the Commission may on occasion decide shall also be maintained.

2. The report of the Commission shall be transmitted to the Directors. General of FAO and WHO at the close of each session, who shall circulated it to the Members of the Commission, to other countries and to organizations that were represented at the session, for their information, and upon request to other Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and WHO.

3. Recommendations of the Commission having policy, program or financial implications for FAO and/or WHO shall be brought by the Directors-General to the attention of the governing bodies of FAO and/or WHO for appropriate action.

4. Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Directors General of FAO and WHO may request Members of the Commission to supply the Commission with information on action taken on the basis of recommendations made by the Commission.

Rule IX Subsidiary Bodies

1. The Commission may establish the following types of subsidiary bodies:

  1. subsidiary bodies which it deems necessary for the accomplishment of its work in the finalization of draft standards;

  2. subsidiary bodies in the form of :

    1. Codex Committees for the preparation of draft standards for submission to the Commission, whether intended for world-wide use, for a given region or for a group of countries specifically enumerated by the Commission.

    2. Coordinating Committees for regions or groups of countries which shall exercise general coordination in the preparation of standards relating to such regions or groups of countries and such other functions as may be entrusted to them.

2. Subject to paragraph 3 below, membership in these subsidiary bodies shall consist, as may be determined by the Commission, either of such Members of the Commission as have notified the Director-General of FAO or WHO of their desire to be considered as Members thereof, or of selected Members designated by the Commission.

3. Membership of subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1(b) (1) for the preparation of draft standards intended primarily for a region or group of countries, shall be open only to Members of the Commission belonging to such a region or group of countries.

4. Representatives of members of subsidiary bodies shall, insofar as possible, serve in a continuing capacity and shall be specialists active in the fields of the respective subsidiary bodies.

5. Subsidiary bodies may only be established by the Commission except where otherwise provided in these Rules. Their terms of reference and reporting procedures shall be determined by the Commission, except where otherwise provided in these Rules.

6. Sessions of subsidiary bodies shall be convened by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO:

  1. in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(a), in consultation with the Chairman of the Commission;

  2. in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(1) (Codex Committees), in consultation with the chairman of the respective Codex Committee and also, in the case of Codex Committees for the preparation of draft standards for a given region or group of countries, with the Coordinator, if a Coordinator has been appointed for the region or group of countries concerned;

  3. in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(2) (Coordinating Committees), in consultation with the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee.

7. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall determine the place of meeting of bodies established under Rule IX.1(a) and Rule IX.1(b)(2) after consultation, where appropriate, with the host country concerned and, in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(2), after consultation with the Coordinator for the region or group of countries concerned, if any, or with the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee.

8. Notice of the date and place of each session of bodies established under Rule IX.1(a) shall be communicated to all Members of the Commission at least two months before the session.

9. The establishment of subsidiary bodies under Rule IX.1(a) and Rule IX.1(b)(2) shall be subject to the availability of the necessary funds, as shall the establishment of subsidiary bodies under Rule IX.1(b)(1) when any of their expenses are proposed to be recognized as operating expenses within the budget of the Commission in accordance with Article 10 of the Statutes of the Commission. Before taking any decision involving expenditure in connection with the establishment of such subsidiary bodies, the Commission shall have before it a report from the Director-General of FAO and/or WHO, as appropriate, on the administrative and financial implications thereof.

10. The Members who shall be responsible for appointing Chairmen of subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(1) shall be designated at each session by the Commission, except where otherwise provided in these Rules, and shall be eligible for re-designation. All other officers of subsidiary bodies shall be elected by the body concerned and shall be eligible for re-election.

11. The Rules of Procedure of the Commission shall apply mutatis mutandis to its subsidiary bodies.

Rule X Elaboration of Standards

1. Subject to the provisions of these Rules of Procedure, the Commission may establish the procedures for the elaboration of world-wide standards and of standards for a given region or group of countries, and, when necessary, amend such procedures.

Rule XI Budget and Expenses

1. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall prepare for consideration by the Commission at its regular sessions an estimate of expenditure based on the proposed program of work of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies, together with information concerning expenditure for the previous financial period. This estimate, with such modifications as may be considered appropriate by the Directors-General in the light of recommendations made by the Commission, shall subsequently be incorporated in the Regular Budgets of the two Organizations for approval by the appropriate governing bodies.

2. The estimate of expenditure shall make provisions for the operating expenses of the Commission and the subsidiary bodies of the Commission established under Rule IX.1(a) and IX.1(b)(2) and for the expenses relating to staff assigned to the Program and other expenditures incurred in connection with the servicing of the latter.

3. The operating costs of subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(1) (Codex Committees) shall be borne by each Member accepting chairmanship of such a body. The estimate of expenditure may include a provision for such costs involved in preparatory work as may be recognized as operating expenses of the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Statutes of the Commission.

4. Expenses incurred in connection with attendance at sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies and travels of delegations of the Members of the Commissions and of the observers referred to in Rule VII, shall be borne by the governments or organizations concerned. Should experts be invited by the Director-General of FAO or WHO to attend sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies in their individual capacity, their expenses shall be borne out of the regular budgetary funds available for the work of the Commission.

Rule XII Languages

1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 below the official and working languages of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies shall be respectively the official and working languages of FAO and WHO.

2. Where a representative wishes to use another language he shall himself provide the necessary interpretation and/or translation into one of the working languages of the Commission.

3. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Rule, the working languages of subsidiary bodies set up under Rule IX.1(b) shall include at least two of the working languages of the Commission.

Rule XIII Amendments and Suspension of Rules

1. Amendments of or additions to these Rules may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided that 24 hours' notice of the proposal for the amendment or addition has been given. Amendments of or additions to these Rules shall come into force upon approval by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, subject to such confirmation as may be prescribed by the procedures of the two Organizations.

2. The Rules of the Commission, other than Rule I, Rule II.1, 2, 3 and 6, Rule III, Rule IV.2 and 6, Rule V.1, 4 and 6, Rule VI.1, 2 and 3, Rule VII, Rule VIII. 3 and 4, Rule IX.5, 7 and 9, Rule XI, Rule XIII and Rule XIV, may be suspended by the Commission by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided that 24 hours' notice of the proposal for suspension has been given. Such notice may be waived if no representative of the Members of the Commission objects.

Rule XIV Entry into force

1. In accordance with Article 8 of the Statutes of the Commission, these Rules of Procedure shall come into force upon approval by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, subject to such confirmation as may be prescribed by the procedures of the two Organizations. Pending the coming into force of these Rules, they shall apply provisionally.


Purpose of the Codex Alimentarius

1. The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally adopted food standards presented in a uniform manner. These food standards aim at protecting consumers'health and ensuring fair practices in the food trade. Their publication is intended to guide and promote the elaboration and establishment of definitions and requirements for foods, to assist in their harmonization and in so doing to facilitate international trade.

Scope of the Codex Alimentarius

2. The Codex Alimentarius is to include standards for all the principal foods, whether processed, semi-processing or raw, for distribution to the consumer. Materials for further processing into foods should be included to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of the Codex Alimentarius as defined. The Codex Alimentarius is to include provisions in respect of food hygiene, food additives, pesticide residues, contaminants, labelling and presentation, methods of analysis and sampling.

Nature of Codex Standards

3. Codex Standards contain requirements for food aimed at ensuring for the consumer a sound, wholesome food product free from adulteration, correctly labelled and presented. In particular a Codex Standard for a given food product lays down the special requirements for that product, it being understood that the general provisions contained in the Codex Alimentarius shall apply except to the extent otherwise expressly provided for in a specific standard.

A Codex Standard should, therefore, for any food or foods:

  1. incorporate by reference the applicable hygiene, labelling, methods of analysis and other general provisions adopted by the Commission, and

  2. specify in whole or in part the following criteria, as appropriate:

    1. Product designation, definition and composition
      These should describe and define the food (including its scientific name when necessary) and cover compositional requirements which may include quality criteria.

    2. Hygiene requirements
      These should include such factors as specific sanitary and other protective measures and safeguards to assure a sound wholesome, and marketable product.

    3. Weight and measure requirements,
      such as fill of container, weight, measure or count of units based on appropriate method or criterium.

    4. Labelling requirements
      These should include specific requirements for labelling and presentation.

    5. Sampling, testing and analytical methods
      These should cover specific sampling, testing and analytical procedures.

Acceptance of Codex Standards 1

4. A Codex Standard so defined may be accepted by a country - in respect of trade and distribution of the food within its territory - in its entirety, or accepted with a declaration of more stringent requirements, or accepted as a target which will be put into effect after a stated number of years. Acceptance in its entirety or target acceptance would imply an undertaking by the importing country not to hinder within its territorial jurisdiction the distribution of food which conforms to the standard by any legal provisions relating to the health of the consumer or to other food standard matters.

1 Footnote:
The Commission examined at its Fourth Session the above paragraph 4 of the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius. After discussing the meaning of full acceptance of a Codex Standard the Commission agreed to invite government comments on the revised text of paragraph 4 of the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius given below. The Secretariat was requested to forward government comments on this subject to the Chairman of the Codex Committee on General Principles so that this matter could be examined by that Committee at its next session and recommendations submitted by the Committee to the Fifth Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


(a) A Codex Standard may be accepted by a country in respect of trade and distribution of the product concerned, whether imported or homeproduced, within its territorial jurisdiction in the following ways:

  1. Full acceptance

    Full acceptance means that the country concerned will ensure that a product - whether imported or home-produced - to which the standard applies would be permitted to be distributed freely within its territorial jurisdiction under the description laid down in the standard, only if it complies with all the relevant requirements of the standard. It also means that the distribution of the product would not be hindered by any legal provisions in the country concerned relating to the health of the consumer or to other food standards matters.

  2. Target acceptance

    Target acceptance means that the country concerned will accept the standard after a stated number of years and will meanwhile not hinder within its territorial jurisdiction the distribution of products conforming to the standard by any legal provisions in the country concerned relating to the health of the consumer or to other food standards matters.

  3. Acceptance with a declaration of more stringent requirements

    Acceptance with a declaration of more stringent requirements means that a country will include in its acceptance full details of all the requirements which are more stringent than those included in the standard concerned.

(b) A country unable to accept the standard in any of the ways mentioned above should indicate:

  1. whether products conforming to the standard may be distributed freely within its territorial jurisdiction;

  2. which provisions of the standard it is prepared to accept in any of the ways mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above;

  3. in what ways its present or proposed requirements differ from the standard.]



1. The sequence of the Procedure set out in this Appendix is briefly as follows. The Commission decides that a standard should be elaborated and sets up a Codex Committee or entrusts the elaboration to some other body. The Codex Committee or other body produces a draft which at this stage is a ‘proposed draft provisional standard’. It is circulated to governments for comments and may be considered and further amended, in the case of a regional or group of countries proposal, by the appropriate Coordinating Committee of one exists or otherwise by the Codex Committee or other body. It is then presented to the Commission as a ‘proposed draft provisional standard’ and the Commission uses it as the basis for producing a ‘draft provisional standard’. This is sent to governments for comments and in the light of these comments, and after further consideration by the Coordinating Committee or Codex Committee or other body, as the case may be, the Commission reconsiders the draft and adopts it as a ‘provisional standard’. This is sent to governments for acceptance and when, as determined by the Commission, a sufficient number have accepted it, the ‘provisional standard’ is printed in the Codex Alimentarius as a Codex Standard.

2. It will be open to the Commission and to the Coordinating Committees, Codex Committees and other bodies dealing with the preparation, amendment or adoption of a standard at Steps 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the Procedure in Parts 1 and 2 of this Appendix to decide that the draft be returned for further work at any appropriate previous step in the Procedure. It shall also be open to the Commission to authorize the omission of one or more of Steps 6, 7 and 8 of the Procedure in Parts 1 and 2 of this Appendix if it considers, without dissent, that the completion of the standard is a matter of exceptional urgency or if it notes that the standard is entirely uncontroversial and that the standard has already proved to be generally agreable to Members of the Commission.

3. It will be open to the Commission at any stage in the elaboration of a standard to entrust any of the remaining steps to a Codex Committee or other body different from that to which it was previously entrusted.

4. It will be for the Commission itself to keep under review the revision of Codex Standards after they have been printed in the Codex Alimentarius. The procedure for revision should, mutatis mutandis, be that laid down for the elaboration of Codex Standards.

5. The provisions set out in Part 2 of this Appendix apply mutatis mutandis to the elaboration of Codex Standards for groups of countries specifically enumerated by the Commission.




The Commission decides on the elaboration of a world-wide Codex Standard and decides which subsidiary body or other body should undertake the work.


The subsidiary body or other body so designated prepares a proposed draft provisional standard, taking into account the work accomplished by the appropriate international organizations. The draft is sent to the Commission's Secretariat by the Chairman of the subsidiary body or other body.


The proposed draft provisional standard is sent by the Commission's Secretariat to Member States and Associate Members of FAO and WHO and to the international organizations concerned in order to obtain their comments.


The Commission's Secretariat sends the comments received from governments and from the international organizations concerned to the subsidiary body or other body concerned, which has the power to consider such comments and to amend the proposed draft provisional standard, if appropriate.


The proposed draft provisional standard is submitted through the Secretariat to the Commission with a view to its adoption as a draft provisional standard. The Commission may, however, refer it to a special subsidiary body, set up under Rule IX.1(a) of the Rules of Procedure, before adopting it as a draft provisional standard or may entrust the special subsidiary body with the responsibility for undertaking Steps 5, 7 and 8 of this Procedure or any part thereof.


The draft provisional standard is sent by the Commission's Secretariat for comment to all Member States and Associate Members of FAO and WHO and to the international organizations concerned.


The comments received from governments and from the international organizations concerned are sent by the Secretariat to the subsidiary body or other body concerned, which has the power to consider such comments and to amend the draft provisional standard, if appropriate.


The draft provisional standard is submitted through the Secretariat to Commission with a view to adoption as a provisional standard of the type determined by the Commission.


The provisional standard as adopted is sent to all Member States and Associate Members of FAO and WHO and to the international organizations concerned. Members of the Commission notify the Secretariat of their formal acceptance of the provisional standard.

STEP 10:

The provisional standard will be printed in the Codex Alimentarius as world-wide Codex Standard when the Commission determines that a sufficient number of Members have formally accepted it.




On the proposal of the majority of Members belonging to a given region comitted at a session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Commission decides on the elaboration of a Codex Standard for the region concerned and decides which subsidiary body or other body should undertake the work.


The subsidiary body or other body so designated prepares a proposed draft provisional standard, taking into account the work accomplished by the appropriate international organizations. The draft is sent to the Commission's secretariat by the Coordinator for the region concerned if a Coordinator has been appointed; if no Coordinator has been appointed, the draft is sent by the Chairman of the subsidiary body or other body.


The proposed draft provisional standard is sent by the Commission's Secretariat to Member States and Associate Members of FAO and WHO and to the international organizations concerned in order to obtain their comments.


If the Commission has appointed a Coordinating Committee for the region concerned, the comments received from governments and from the international organizations concerned are sent by the Secretariat to that Committee, which has the power to consider such comments and amend the proposed draft provisional standard if appropriate.* If a Coordinating Committee has not been appointed, the Secretariat sends the comments received from governments and from the international organizations concerned to the subsidiary body or other body concerned, which has the power to consider such comments and to amend the proposed draft provisional standard, if appropriate.


The proposed draft provisional standard is submitted through the Secretariat to the Commission with a view to adoption as a draft provisional standard for the region concerned. At the appropriate session of the Commission, all Members may present their comments, take part in the debate and propose amendments but only the majority of the Members of the region concerned can decide to amend and adopt the draft.


The draft provisional standard for the region concerned is sent by the Commission's Secretariat for comment to all Member States and Associate Members of FAO and WHO and to the international organizations concerned.


If the Commission has appointed a Coordinating Committee for the region concerned, the comments received from governments and from the international organizations concerned are sent by the Secretariat to that Committee which has the power to consider such comments and amend the draft provisional standard, if appropriate.* If a Coordinating Committee has not been appointed, the Secretariat sends the comments received from governments and from the international organizations concerned to the subsidiary body or other body concerned, which has the power to consider such comments and to amend the draft provisional standard, if appropriate.

* The meeting of the Coordinating Committee could take place immediately before or during the session of the Commission.


The draft provisional standard is submitted through the Secretariat to Commission with a view to adoption as a provisional standard for the region concerned of the type determined by the Commission. At the appropriate session of the Commission, all Members may present their comments, take part in the debate and propose amendments but only the majority of Members of the commission concerned can decide to amend and adopt the draft.


The provisional standard as adopted is sent to all Member States and Associate Members of FAO and WHO and to the international organizations concerned. The Members of the region concerned notify the Commission's Secretariat their formal acceptance of the provisional standard; other Members of the session may likewise notify the Secretariat of their formal acceptance to the provisional standard or of any other measures they propose to adopt in respect thereto, and also submit any observation as to its application.

STEP 10:

The provisional standard will be printed in the Codex Alimentarius as a Codex Standard for the region concerned when the Commission determines that a sufficient number of Members of that region have formally accepted it.

STEP 11:

The Codex Standard may be printed in the Codex Alimentarius as a world-wide Codex Standard when the Commission determines that a sufficient number of Members have formally accepted it.


1. The Working Party met on 8 November 1966 under the chairmanship of Mr. J.H.V. Davies. The other members of the Working Party were: Mr. G.R. Grange (USA), Mr. J. Serwatowski (Poland) and Mr. I.H. Smith (Australia). The Working Party was assisted by Mr. G.O. Kermode (FAO), Dr. F. Lu (WHO) and by Mlle M.L. Barblé (WHO) and Mr. J.P. Dobbert (FAO), legal advisers.

Terms of Reference

2. The Working Party was asked to consider the Proposed changes in the Rules of Procedure contained in ALINORM 66/3(3) and to advise the Commission on whether these or any other changes should be made, to consider paragraph 4 of the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius and to make recommendations for amendments if it thought that a clearer statement concerning acceptance of standards was required and to consider the precise wording of the addition to paragraph 2 of the introduction to the Procedure for the Elaboration of Standards see paragraph 5 of ALINORM 66/3: Report of the Eighth Meeting of the Executive Committee).

Amendment to Rules of Procedure

3. The Working Party recommended that the amendments proposed in ALINORM 66/3(3) to the following Rules should be accepted in the form proposed: Rule [.5, Rule III.1 and Rule XIV.

Rule IV and Rule IX

4. The Working Party considered that it might be confusing to have two rules dealing with the convening of subsidiary bodies and, while in favour of the substance of the proposal in ALINORM 66/3(3), considered that all reference of subsidiary bodies should be removed from Rule IV and the relevant provisions should be contained in additional paragraphs in Rule IX as set out in Annex A of this Report.

5. The Working Party further considered that the proposed redraft of Rule IX. (b) might be ambiguous as to the occasions on which the Coordinator had to be consulted and has therefore redrafted the rule to make the point clearer. The proposed amendment to Rule IX.7 would also in the opinion of the Working Party be clearer to understand if the amending passage was part of the first sentence and not a separate sentence. The proposed amendments to Rules IV and IX are set out in Annex A.

Rule XI

6. The Working Party recommended that the words including the representatives, alternates, advisers, be omitted in line with other proposed amendments.

Rule XII

7. The Working Party agreed that Rule XII.3 should be amended to change the working languages of subsidiary bodies from at least one to at least two of the working languages of the Commission. They considered that the other amendment proposed to this Rule, which would require Coordinating Committees to work in all the languages of the Commission, might cause difficulties especially in regions where one of the working languages was either not spoken at all or to a very limited extent. Since the establishment of Coordinating Committees was subject to the availability of budgetary funds, it seemed to the Working Party unfortunate to increase the working languages, unless there was an inescapable obligation to do so. The Working Party therefore recommended that the Rule should continue to refer to subsidiary bodies under Rule IX.1(b) and that the Directors-General should be requested to include in their report, mentioned in paragraph 9 of ALINORM 66/3(3), consideration of the languages to be used in Coordinating Committees and, if this seemed desirable, the draft of an additional paragraph in Rule XII to deal specifically with Coordinating Committees.

8. The Working Party recommended a further minor amendment to Rule XII.3 to make quite clear that the use of languages, other than working languages of the Commission, in Coordinating Committees should not give rise to expenses to be borne by the budget of the Food Standards Program.


9. The amendments proposed to Rule IX involve a minor consequential amendment to Rule XIII in addition to that proposed in ALINORM 66/3(3).

Additional Amendments

10. The Working Party considered that for the sake of consistency Rule II.4 (a) should be amended in the same way as Rule II.5.

11. With the introducing of the proposed new Rule XI, the Working Party considered that the last sentence of Rule II.6 was redundant and should be deleted.


12. The Working Party therefore recommended that the Rules of Procedure be amended as set out in Annex A to this Report. The words to be deleted from the existing Rules are shown in square brackets and the words to be added are underlined.

Paragraph 4 of the General Principles

13. The Working Party considered that it should be made clearer in this paragraph that to accept a standard in its entirety implied that the country accepting would only allow food, both imported and home-produced, complying with the standard to move freely in its internal trade. It also considered that a country which could accept some but not all the requirements of the standard and would not hinder the movement of goods conforming to the standard within its territorial jurisdiction should indicate what its position was. The Working Party therefore recommended that paragraph 4 be revised in accordance with the text of Annex B to this Report.

Introduction to the Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards

14. The Working Party considered whether the decision on whether a standard was sufficiently urgent to warrant missing out steps of the Procedure should be taken by a majority of the Commission or whether it should be required that there be no dissent. It agreed that it ought to be laid down that there be no dissent and recommended that the text in Annex C to this Report be adopted.


Rule I Officers

4. (a) The Commission may appoint a Coordinator from among the [representatives or advisers] delegates of the Members of the Commission, for any region or for any group of countries specifically enumerated by the Commission, whenever it may find, on the basis of a proposal of a majority of the countries which constitute the region or group, that work for the Codex Alimentarius in the countries concerned so requires.

5. The Commission may appoint one or more Rapporteurs from among the [representatives] delegates of the Members of the Commission.

6. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall be requested to appoint from the staffs of the Organizations a Secretary of the Commission and such other officials, likewise responsible to them, as may be necessary to assist the officers and the Secretary in performing all duties that the work of the Commission may require. [The costs of such staff in carrying out their duties toward the Commission shall be borne by funds available to cover the work of the Commission.]

Rule II Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Commission together with six further Members, elected by the Commission from among the Members of the Commission, one each coming from the following geographic locations: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, [Australasia] South-West Pacific; it being understood that not more than one delegate from any one country shall be a member of the Executive Committee. Elected members shall hold office for two years and shall be eligible for re-election, but after having served two successive terms shall be ineligible to hold such office for the next succeeding term.

Rule IV Sessions of the Commission

2. Sessions of the Commission [and its subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1(a)] shall be convened and the place of meeting shall be determined by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO after consultation, where appropriate, with the authorities of the host country.

3. Notice of the date and place of each session of the Commission [and of its subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1(a)] shall be communicated to all Members of the Commission at least two months before the session.

Rule IX Subsidiary bodies

6. [Subject to Rule IV.2 above,] sessions of subsidiary bodies shall be convened [as follows] by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO:

  1. [Bodies established under Rule IX.1(a) shall be convened by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO] in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(a), in consultation with the Chairman of the Commission;

  2. in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(1) (Codex Committees), in consultation with [shall be convened by] the chairman of the respective Codex Committee [; however] and also, in the case of Codex Committees for the preparation of draft standards for a given region or group of countries, with the Coordinator, if a Coordinator has been appointed for [a] the region or group of countries concerned [the chairman of the Codex Committee shall convene such meetings after consultation with the Coordinator];

  3. in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(2) (Coordinating Committees) [shall be convened by] in consultation with the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee. [in consultation with the Directors-General of FAO and WHO.]

7. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall determine the place of meeting of bodies established under Rule IX.1(a) and Rule IX.1(b)(2) after consultation, where appropriate, with the host country concerned and, in the case of bodies established under Rule IX.1(b)(2), after consultation with the Coordinator for the region or group of countries concerned, if any, or with the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee.

8. Notice of the date and place of each session of bodies established under Rule IX.1(a) shall be communicated to all Members of the Commission at least two months before the session.

9. (old 7) The establishment of subsidiary bodies under Rule IX.1(a) and Rule IX.1(b)(2) shall be subject to the availability of the necessary funds, as shall the establishment of subsidiary bodies under Rule IX.1(b)(1) when any of their expenses are proposed to be recognized as operating expenses within the budget of the Commission in accordance with Article 10 of the Statutes of the Commission. Before taking any decision involving expenditure in connection with the establishment of such subsidiary bodies, the Commission shall have before it a report from the Director-General of FAO and/or WHO, as appropriate, on the administrative and financial implications thereof.

10. (old 8)

11. (old 9)

Rule XI Budget and Expenses

1. The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall prepare for consideration by the Commission at its regular sessions an estimate of expenditure based on the proposed program of work of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies. This estimate, with such modifications as may be considered appropriate by the Directors-General in the light of recommendations made by the Commission, shall subsequently be incorporated in the Regular Budgets of the two Organizations for approval by the appropriate governing bodies.

2. The estimate of expenditure shall make provision for the operating expenses of the Commission and the subsidiary bodies of the Commission established under Rule IX.1(a) and IX.1(b)(2) and for the expenses relating to staff assigned to the Program and other expenditures incurred in connection with the servicing of the latter.

3. The operating costs of subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX.1 (b)(1) (Codex Committees) shall be borne by each Member accepting chairmanship of such a body. The estimate of expenditure may include a provision for such costs involved in preparatory work as may be recognized as operating expenses of the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Statutes of the Commission.

4. Expenses incurred in connection with attendance at sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies and travels of delegations of the Members of the Commission and of the observers referred to in Rule VII, shall be borne by the governments or organizations concerned. Should experts be invited by the Director-General of FAO or WHO to attend sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies in their individual capacity, their expenses shall be borne out of the regular budgetary funds available for the work of the Commission.

Rule XII Languages

3. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Rule, the working languages of subsidiary bodies set up under Rule IX.1(b) shall include at least two [one] of the working languages of the Commission.

Rule XIII Amendments and Suspension of Rules

2. The Rules of the Commission, other than Rule I, Rule II.1, 2, 3 and 6, Rule III, Rule IV.2 and 6, Rule V.1, 4 and 6, Rule VI.1, 2 and 3, Rule VII, Rule VIII.3 and 4, Rule IX.5, [and] 7 and 9, Eule XI, Rule XIII and Rule XIV, may be suspended by the Commission by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided that 24 hours' notice of the proposal for suspension has been given. Such notice may be waived if no representative of the Members of the Commission objects.

Rule XIV Entry into force

1. In accordance with [Article 7] Article 8 of the Statutes of the Commission, these Rules of Procedure shall come into force upon approval by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, subject to such confirmation as may be prescribed by the procedures of the two Organizations. Pending the coming into force of these Rules, they shall apply provisionally.


(a) A Codex standard may be accepted by a country in respect of trade and distribution of the food concerned, whether imported or home-produced, within its territorial jursidiction in the following ways:

  1. Full acceptance
    Full acceptance means that only food, whether imported or homeproduced, would be permitted to be distributed freely within the territorial jurisdiction of the country concerned under the designations laid down in the standard and that its distribution would not be hindered by any legal provisions relating to the health of the consumer and to other food standards matters.

  2. Target acceptance
    Target acceptance means that the country concerned will accept the standard after a stated number of years and will meanwhile not hinder within its territorial jursidiction the distribution of food conforming to the standard by any legal provisions relating to the health of the consumer and to other food standards matters.

  3. Acceptance with a declaration of more stringent requirements
    Acceptance with a declaration of more stringent requirements means that a country will include in its acceptance full details of all the requirements which are more stringent than those included in the standard concerned.

(b) A country unable to accept the standard in any of the ways mentioned above should indicate:

  1. whether food conforming to the standard may be distributed freely within its territorial jurisdiction;

  2. which provisions of the standard it is prepared to accept in any of the ways mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above;

  3. in what ways its present or proposed requirements differ from the standard.


It shall also be open to the Commission to authorize the omission of one or more of Steps 6, 7 and 8 of the Procedure in Parts 1 and 2 of this Appendix if it considers, without dissent, that the completion of the standard is a matter of exceptional urgency or if it notes that the standard is entirely uncontroversial and that the standard has already proved to be generally agreeable Members of the Commission.


FAO, Rome, 2–3 November 1966


1. As recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at its Third Session, Mr. R. Souverain, the Chairman of the Codex Committee on General Principles, convened a small ad hoc Working Group composed of members of the Executive Committee to prepare definitions of terms for use in the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius. The Working Group was also charged by the Executive Committee to examine the Draft Guidelines for Codex Committees in the light of government comments, and also to consider the document “General Principles of Food Legislation”, SP 10/30 GPFL, prepared by the Legislation Research Branch of FAO.


2. The Working Group decided initially to define only those terms necessary for an understanding of the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius. The Group therefore restricted its consideration to the following terms: ‘food’, ‘food additives’, ‘contaminant’, ‘pesticide residues’, ‘labelling’, ‘presentation’, ‘sound and wholesome’, ‘free from adulteration’, and ‘food hygiene’.

3. ‘Food’ means any substance, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended for human consumption and includes drink, chewing gum, and any substance used in the manufacture, preparation or treatment of food, but does not include substances used only as drugs, cosmetics or tobacco.

4. ‘Food additives’ and ‘contaminants’. The Group recommended that the Codex Committee on Food Additives should examine the government comments which had been received on the draft definition proposed by that Committee and should prepare a revised definition of a broader nature, including contaminants, which would be suitable for the purposes of the Codex Alimentarius. Such a definition may include matters not the specific responsibility of the Committee.

5. ‘Pesticide residues’. The Group recommended that the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues should develop a definition for pesticide residues in the light of the comments which had been received on “Definitions of Terms”, document SP 10/31.

6. ‘Labelling’ and ‘presentation’. After a consideration of certain linguistic difficulties and a difference between the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius and the definitions drawn up by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling, the Group decided that these differences could best be reconciled by the following definitions:

labelling’ and ‘presentation’ include the label and any written, printed or graphic matter relating to and accompanying the food;

label’ includes any tag, brand, mark, pictorial or other descriptive matter, written, printed, stencilled, marked, embossed or impressed on, or attached to, a container of food;

container’ means any form of packaging of food for sale as a single item, whether by completely or partially enclosing the food, and includes wrappers and confining bands.

7. ‘Sound and wholesome’ and ‘free from adulteration’. The Group decided that there was no need for these terms to be defined for the purposes of the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius.

8. ‘Food hygiene’. The Group decided that the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene should be requested to define ‘food hygiene’ for the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius in its widest sense and irrespective of whether the Committee would be concerned with all aspects of the definition in its work.

9. The Group recommended that any definitions required by a Codex Committee should be prepared by the Committee concerned. The Codex Committee on General Principles reconciles any differences between different definitions of the same terms.


10. The Working Group considered the Draft Guidelines in document SP 10/32 in the light of comments from the following governments: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom and U.S.A. The revised Guidelines agreed upon by the Working Group are contained in document ALINORM 66/3(2) - 3 November 1966.


11. The Group examined the provisional issue of the document on this topic (SP 10/30 - GPFL) and agreed that it should be sent to governments for comments on the following points:

  1. as to whether the reporting of their legislation was correct in order that a final, correct version of the document may be prepared;

  2. whether there were particular features necessary to the understanding of their legislation which had not been brought out by the questionnaire;

  3. whether, in practice, there were certain particularly strong points on which application of the legislation depended and also whether there were difficulties encountered in the enforcement or administration of certain other legislative provisions.

The Group also agreed that basic provisions for food legislation should be developed in line with the recommendations of the Bangkok seminar on this topic. These should be used to assist Member Government in setting up food legislation and also should be presented to the Codex Committee on General Principles.

12. The Group also recommended that for the next session of the Codex Committee on General Principles a paper should be prepared by the Secretariat on various general problems encountered in the work of the other Codex Committees, such as the extent to which general committees would include provisions applicable to foods for which standards have not been established.


(As of November 1966)


1. Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products

This Committee met for the first time in September 1958. It has been convened regularly each year since 1958 and held its latest session, the ninth, in June 1966. The Committee elaborated the “Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products and Associated Standards”. The last edition of the Code was the fifth, published in 1966. To date seven standards of composition and five standards for methods of sampling and analysis have been issued under the Code of Principles. This Code has been accepted by 71 countries either in full or in part or for implementation within a given period of time. Standards of composition and standard methods of sampling and analysis for milk and milk products have been accepted by a majority of the countries adhering to the Code of Principles.


I. World-wide general subject Codex Committees

1. Codex Committee on Food Additives

- Host Government:Netherlands
- Sessions:1st, The Hague, 19–22 May 1964
2nd, The Hague, 10–14 May 1965
3rd, The Hague, 9–13 May 1966
- Responsibility:To establish tolerances for individual food additives in specific food items. The preparation of lists of food additives for the guidance of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.

2. Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

- Host Government:U.S.A.
- Sessions:1st, Washington D.C., 27-28 May 1964
2nd, Rome, 14-16 June 1965
3rd, Rome, 31 May - 3 June 1966
- Terms of reference: 
  1. to draft basic provisions on food hygiene applicable to all food;
    1. to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse provisions on hygiene prepared by Codex Commodity Committees and contained in Codex commodity standards, or
    2. to draft provisions on hygiene in respect of a particular food coming within the terms of reference of a Codex Commodity Committee at the request of that Committee;
  2. to draft, where necessary, provisions on hygiene in respect of any food not assigned to any Codex Commodity Committee;
  3. to consider specific hygiene problems assigned to it by the Commission.

3. Codex Committee on Food Labelling

- Host Government:Canada
- Sessions:1st, Ottawa, 21–25 June 1965
2nd, Ottawa, 25–29 July 1966
- Terms of reference: 
  1. to draft provisions on labelling applicable to all foods;
  2. to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse draft specific provisions on labelling prepared by the Codex Commodity Committees drafting commodity standards;
  3. to study specific labelling problems assigned to it by the Commission.

4. Codex Committee on General Principles

- Host Government:France
- Sessions:1st Paris, 4–8 October 1965
- At its first session the Committee established the General Principles which define the purpose and scope of the Codex Alimentarius, the nature of Codex Standards and the acceptance by countries of Codex Standards.

5. Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling

- Host Government:Federal Republic of Germany
- Sessions:1st, Berlin, 23-24 September 1965
2nd, Berlin, 20–23 September 1966
- Terms of reference: 
  1. to specify standard methods which are generally applicable to a number of foods;
    1. to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse draft methods proposed by Codex Committees in the drafting of Codex Standards, or
    2. to develop at the request of and in collaboration with such Committees such methods for subsequent endorsement by it;
  2. to revise as necessary such methods; and,
  3. to consider specific sampling and analysis problems assigned to it by the Commission.

6. Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues

- Host Government:Netherlands
- Sessions:1st, The Hague, 17–21 January 1966
- Responsibility:To recommend international tolerances for pesticide residues in specific food products. A further responsibility is the preparation of a list of priorities of those pesticide residues found in food commodities entering international trade for the guidance of the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues and the FAO Working Party on Pesticides when considering future work.

II. World-wide commodity Codex Committees

1. Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate

- Host Government:Switzerland
- Sessions:1st, Neuchâtel, 5–6 November 1963
2nd, Montreux, 22–24 April 1964
3rd, Zürich, 10–12 March 1965
4th, Berne, 15–17 March 1966

2. Codex Committee on Sugars

- Host Government:U.K.
- Sessions:1st, London, 3-5 March 1964
2nd, London, 2-4 March 1965
3rd, London, 1-3 March 1966
- Coverage:All types of carbohydrate sweetening matters.

3. Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables

- Host Government:U.S.A.
- Sessions:1st, Washington D.C., 29–30 May 1964
2nd, Rome, 8–11 June 1965
3rd, Rome, 6–10 June 1966
- Terms of reference:To elaborate world-wide standards for all types of processed fruits and vegetables including dried products, canned dried peas and beans, jams and jellies, but not dried prunes, or fruit and vegetable juices.

4. Codex Committee on Fats and Oils

- Host Government:U.K.
- Sessions:1st, London, 25–27 February 1964
2nd, London, 6–8 April 1965
3rd, London, 29 March – 1 April 1966
- Coverage:Fats and oils of animal, vegetable and marine origin including margarine and olive oil.

5. Codex Committee on Meat and Meat Products

- Host Government:Federal Republic of Germany
- Sessions:1st, Kulmbach, 28-30 October 1965
2nd, Kulmbach, 5-8 July 1966
- Terms of reference:To elaborate world-wide standards for:
(1) classification and grading of carcasses and cuts of beef, lamb, mutton, pork and veal;
(2) definitions, labelling and other requirements for such processed meat products as The Codex Committee might feel desirable excluding poultry and processed poultry products.
- Sub-Committees:I on Cutting Methods and Cuts of Carcasses.
Host Government: Federal Republic of Germany.
IV on Meat Products.
Host Government: Denmark
- 1st sessions:Sub-Committees I and II: Munich, 7-9 December 1965
Sub-Committee IV: Kulmbach, 4–5 July 1966

6. Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products

- Host Government:Norway
-Sessions:1st, Bergen, 29 August - 2 September 1966
-Terms of reference:To elaborate World-wide standards for fresh, frozen (including deep and quick-frozen) or otherwise processed fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

7. Codex Committee on Poultry Meat

- Host Government:U.S.A.
- Terms of reference: 
  1. To elaborate world-wide standards of identity and quality for fresh, frozen (including deep and quick-frozen) and otherwise processed poultry and poultry meat products;
  2. to elaborate definitions, labelling and other requirements for such processed poultry and poultry meat products as the Codex Committee might think desirable.

(See this Report, Page 62, paragraph 57)

8. Codex Committee on Dietetic Foods

- Host Government:Federal Republic of Germany
- Sessions:1st, Freiburgh in Breisgau, 2-5 May 1966
- Terms of reference:(See this Report, page 16, paragraph 6(b))

III. Regional Codex Committee (Europe)

1. Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters

- Host Government:Switzerland
- Sessions:1st, Baden/Aarzan, 24-25 February 1966


1. FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Europe

This Committee exercises general coordination in the preparation of standards relating to the region of Europe and exercises such other functions as may be entrusted to it. To date the Coordinating Committee for Europe has held four meetings, 1-2 July 1965 in Berne, 20 October 1965 in Rome, 24-27 May 1966 in Vienna, and 8 November 1966 in Rome.


1ARGENTINADr. Victorio V. Olguín 
Ministerio de Asistencia Social y Salud Pûblica
Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales Sanitarias y Sociales
Paseo Colón 255
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
2AUSTRALIAMr. Ivan H. Smith 
Assistant Secretary
Department of Primary Industry
Canberra A.C.T. (Australia)
3AUSTRIADr. R. WildnerNational Codex Committee
Ministry of Social Affairs
Stubenring 1
Vienna l (Austria)
4BELGIUMMinistère des Relations Commerciales Extérieures 
Direction Générale des Relations Economiques Extérieures
Direction “Développement Economique”
2, rue Quatre-Bras
Bruxelles (Belgium)
5BURUNDIMinistre de la Santé 
Bujumbura (Burundi)
6CANADAMr. Frank Shefrin 
Canadian Interdepartmental FAO Committee
Department of Agriculture
Ottawa 4, Ontario (Canada)
7CHINADr. S.T. ShangNational Codex Committee
National Bureau of Standards
Ministry of Economic Affairs
No. 1, 1st Road
Cheng Kung Road
Tainan, Taiwan (Republic of China)
8CUBADr. Rafael Martorell GarcíaNational Codex Committee
Dpto. de Higiene de los Alimentos y Nutrición
Ministerio de Salud Pública
Havana (Cuba)
9CZECHOSLOVAKIAMinisterstvo zdravotnictvi 
Trida Wilhelma Piecka 98
Praha 10 - Vinochrady
10DENMARKMr. Erik MortensenNational Codex Committee
Head of Division
Ministry of Agriculture
Copenhagen (Denmark)
11ETHIOPIAMinistry of Public Health 
Nutrition Department
National Nutrition Board
Sub-Committee on Food Standards
P.O. Box 3069
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
12FINLANDMr. V. AaltoNational Codex Committee
Chief Inspector of Food Products
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Aleksantorinkatu 3 D
Helsinki (Finland)
13FRANCEMr. Gérard WeillNational Codex Committee
Secrétaire général du Comité Interministériel de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation
Ministère de l'Agriculture
78, rue de Varenne
Paris 7e (France)
14GERMANY, FED. REP.Dr. Edmund ForschbachNational Codex Committee
Federal Ministry of Health
Deutschherrenstrasse 87
Bad Godesberg (Germany, F.R.)
15GHANAMr. S.S. Okunor 
Senior State Attorney
Food Research Institute
Accra (Ghana)
16GREECEMinistère de l'Hygiène 
Direction de la Santé Publique
17, rue Aristotelous
Athens (Greece)
17INDIADr. Y.K. Subrahmanyam 
Assistant Director-General of Health Services and Secretary Central Committee for Food Standards
Ministry of Health
Patiala House - Wing 5
New Delhi (India)
Irish National FAO Committee
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Upper Merrion Street
Dublin (Ireland)
19ISRAELMr. E. RosensteinNational Codex Committee
Secretary, Israel Codex Alimentarius Committee
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 299
Jerusalem (Israel)
20ITALYComitato Nazionale Italiano per il Codex Alimentarius 
Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste
Direzione Generale dell'Alimentazione
Via Sallustiana 10
Rome (Italy)
21JAPANMr. Tadafumi Sakai 
Chief, Planning Section
Resources Bureau
Science and Technology Agency
Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku
Tokyo (Japan)
22JORDANDr. Saad Hijazi, M.D. 
Ministry of Health
Division of Nutrition
Amman (Jordan)
23KUWAITThe Under Secretary 
Ministry of Public Health
Kuwait (Kuwait)
24LUXEMBOURGMr. Henri Krombach 
Institut d'Hygiène et de Santé Publique
lA, rue Lumière
Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
25MADAGASCARMinistère des Affaires Etrangéres de la République Malgach 
Tananarive (Madagascar)
26MALAYSIAMinistry of External Affairs 
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
27MALTAMr. L.A.W. Hayward 
Scientific Adviser
Department of Industry
Standards Laboratory
Industrial Estate
Marsa (Malta)
28NETHERLANDSMiss P.F.M. van der Togt 
Assistant Liaison Office for FAO Affairs
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Van de Boschstraat 4
The Hague (Netherlands)
29NEW ZEALANDDirector-General 
Department of Agriculture
Box 2298
Wellington C.l. (New Zealand)
Mr. N.R. Woods
Agricultural Adviser
New Zealand High Commission
New Zealand House
London S.W.l.
30NORWAYMrs. Grete Herseth 
Chief of Section
Public Health Services
Ministry of Social Affairs
Oslo (Norway)
31PERUDr. Gustavo Otárola Salcedo 
Jefe de la Div. de Salud Pública
Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social
Lima (Perú)
Mr. Germán Castillo Zapata
Servicio de Pesquería
Lima (Perú)
32POLANDDr. Tadeusz BuczmaNational Codex Committee
Managing Director
Quality Inspection Office
Ministry of Foreign Trade
Stepinska 9
Warsaw 36 (Poland)
Institut Supérieur d'Hygiène
Lisbonne (Portugal)
34SENEGALBureau de Alimentation et de Nutrition Appliquées du Sénégal 
Ministère de Santé Publique et des Affaires Sociales
Dakar (Senegal)
35SPAINDon D.A. Delgado CalveteNational Codex Committee
Secretaría del Código Alimentario
Dirección General de Sanidad
Plaza de España 17
Madrid (Spain)
36SWEDENLivsmedelsstadgekommittenNational Codex Committee
(Swedish National Codex Alimentarius Committee)
Svartmangatan 9
Stockholm C (Sweden)
37SWITZERLANDProf. Otto HöglNational Codex Committee
Taubenstrasse 18
Berne (Switzerland)
38THAILANDProf. Yos Bunnag 
Department of Science
Ministry of Industry
Rama VI Road
Bangkok (Thailand)
39TRINIDADDr. M.G. Lines 
Chemist Division
115 Frederick Street
Port-of-Spain (Trinidad)
40TUNISIAMr. Jawadi Tahar 
Division de Développement Agricole
Section de Nutrition
Sous-Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Agriculture
Tunis (Tunisia)
41TURKEYDisisleri Bakanligi 
Ikinci Iktisat Dairesi Genel Müdurlugü-Ankara
Türk Standartlari Enstitüsü
Necatibey Cad-Ankara
42UGANDAPrincipal Medical Officer 
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 8
Entebbe (Uganda)
Ministry of Health of U.S.S.R.
T. Rahmanovskij Pereulok 3
Moscow (U.S.S.R.)
44UNITED KINGDOMMr. L.G. HansonNational Codex Committee
Chief Executive Officer
Food Standards, Science and Safety Division
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Great Westminster House
Horseferry Road
London S.W.l. (United Kingdom)
International Organizations Division
Foreign Agricultural Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington 25, D.C. (U.S.A.)
46YUGOSLAVIASavezni Trzisni Inspektorat 
Novi Beograde
l Bulevar 104 (Yugoslavia)
Savezni Sekretarijat za Zdravstvo
l Socijalnu Politiku
Novi Beograd
Zgrada Siv-a Posta 25 (Yugoslavia)

* For mailing all technical and administrative communications and documents related to the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program. Invitations for sessions of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and for sessions of subsidiary bodies established under Rule IX of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission and draft standards which require comments by all Members and Associate Members of FAO and WHO are mailed in accordance with the offical mailing lists of FAO and WHO.

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