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66. The Commission considered in first reading the following completed draft standards drawn up before the Commission was constituted: -

General Principles: 2 textsSeeAppendixE.1–2
General Principles for the use of Additives""G.
Permitted lists of Additives: 4 texts""H.1–4
Edible Fungi: 2 texts""I.1–2
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: 18 texts**""K.1–18
Cocoa Beans""L.
Olive Oil""M.

The Commission decided to refer these texts to Governments for detailed comment prior to consideration by the Commission in second reading at its next session.

** For sub-index to the 18 standards set out in Appendix K, see page 2.

67. At its first meeting, Rome, 3 July 1963, the Executive Committee requested that the following item on the phasing of datelines for Government comments be included as an addendum to the Report of the First Session of the Commission on the assumption that the Commission's Report would be officially dispatched to Governments in early August. Government comments should be requested to be sent to the Secretariat not later than 29 February 1964. This should allow sufficient time for Governments and for the Secretariat to translate and dispatch comments received well before the second session of the Commission and in any case not later than two months before that date. Government comments received too late for translation and official processing should be distributed in the original language only to national Codex contact points, but no official distribution should be attempted. For each official dispatch of documents a secretariat letter would be sent to national Codex contact points advising them of this fact.*

68. In respect of the standards for fruit and vegetables listed above, which were drawn up by the Economic Commission for Europe, the Commission noted that a further standard on citrus fruit had since been completed and requested that it be added to those now submitted to Governments. In view of the considerable interest from overseas countries in certain fruits covered by those standards and of the work of OECD in relation to its scheme for their application, the Commission requested the Secretariat to communicate to OECD all Government comments received upon them and invited OECD to make available its advice thereon for consideration at the Commission's next session.

* See Report of first meeting of the Executive Committee, para. 3.

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