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Paragraph of this ReportSubjectResponsible country or international organizationSpecific instrumentation (if any)Task
10Milk and milk products:   
Composition standardsIDF-Draft standards
Methods of analysis and samplingIDF/ISO/AOAC-Draft standards
HygieneWHOJoint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Milk HygieneBasic hygiene rules
19AdditivesNetherlandsExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countries, working on the basis of recommendations of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, in close cooperation with the Council of Europe and the European Economic CommunityRevised draft list of acceptable additives and proposed maximum levels in individual foods
21Pesticide residuesNetherlandsExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countries, working on the basis of recommendations of existing FAO/WHO advisory committees and panels of expertsProposed tolerances in individual foods
23Labelling (general provisions)FAO-Review of food labelling legislation in principal countries, pending later establishment of an Expert Committee to draft standards
25SamplingISO-Develop methods for physically similar products
27AnalysisAustriaExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countriesDevelop new or propose existing methods for use under the Codex
28–30HygieneUSA with WHOExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countries, in conjunction with, where appropriate, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Panel on Meat HygieneDevelop basic food hygiene rules, particularly for developing countries
34Oils and fats (except margarine and olive oil)UKExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countriesDraft standards for principal oils and fats of animal, vegetable and marine origin
36MargarineIFMA-Draft standards
40–41Meat and meat productsGermany, Fed. Rep.Expert Committee of the Commission open to all member countries with specific power to set up sub-committees. To work in close cooperation with the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Panel on Meat Hygiene, ISO and EAAPClassification of carcasses and cuts, and draft standards for meat products
42PoultryUSA-Preparation of background paper for consideration by the Commission at its Second Session.
46Fish and fish productsFAO with OECD-Draft Code of Principles concerning fish and fish products
48WheatISO-Survey of methods of sampling and analysis, pending later establishment of an Expert Committee to draft standards
50Fruit and Vegetables (fresh)ECEExisting Working Party on Standardization of Perishable FoodstuffsExisting program encouraged and endorsed
52Fruit and Vegetables (frozen)ECE OECDas aboveExisting programs encouraged and endorsed
54Fruit and Vegetables (processed)USAExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countries, making full use of earlier work undertaken by France on a European basisDraft standards in particular for canned and dried products
56–57Fruit JuicesECE/FAO/WHOJoint ECE/FAO/WHO Group of Experts on Fruit JuicesDraft standards for all categories of fruit juices, nectars, etc.
61Cocoa products and chocolateSwitzerlandExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countriesDraft standards
62SugarsUKExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countriesDraft standards for the principal carbohydrate sweeteners
64HoneyAustriaExpert Committee of the Commission open to all member countriesDraft standards
65Soft drinksUK with Czechoslovakia-Preparation of background paper, pending later establishment of an Expert Committee to draft standards

Note: For details of already completed draft standards now under discussion by the Commission, see page 2.

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