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Provisional Conference Agenda and Plans for the Fourteenth Session of the Conference.

227. The Council drew up proposals for the organization of the Fourteenth Session of the Conference and prepared the Provisional Agenda of the Session, as well as the agenda of the six Technical Committees which were to meet prior to the formal opening of the Conference Session. It requested the Director-General to circulate this to all Member Nations and Associate Members (C 67/1 and C 67/2).

Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council and Director-General

228. The Conference at its Fourteenth Session would be required to appoint the Independent Chairman of the Council and the Director-General, the terms of office of the present incumbents expiring this year.

229. With regard to the nomination for these offices, Rule XXIII-1(a) and XXIII-1(a) of the General Rules lay down that the Council determine the closing date for such nominations which must be submitted by Member Nations and addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference. The Council accordingly established the dead line for the receipt of such nominations at 18.00 hours on Monday, 4 September 1967. Nominations received would be communicated by letter to all Member Nations by Monday 11 September 1967.

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