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United Kingdom

Producer price index has been used.

Graph 1: Roundwood

Domestic coniferous logs (> 0,275 m3 tree size), domestic price.
Coniferous logs, over 0.275 m3 average tree size, public forests, annual prices on the stump, 1964/1989.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM
source :  Adrian Whiteman, Forestry Commission published in “Roundwood price statistics and specifications : data report”, Martti Aarne and Risto Seppälä, The Finish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki 1991, 1964/1989.

Imported non-coniferous sawlogs and veneerlogs, import price.
Unit value : 247.2 sawlogs + veneerlogs (NC), imports, 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine : Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Domestic non-coniferous logs, domestic price.
Non-coniferous logs, delivered, domestic price, 1964/1989.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM
source :  Letter Nr 653 from Adrian Whiteman (25-03-91), Forestry Commission, 1964/1989.

Domestic coniferous pulpwood (< 0,275 m3 tree size), domestic price.
Coniferous pulpwood, to 0.275 m3 average tree size, public forests, annual prices on the stump, 1964/1989.

unité :    GB Pounds/CUM
source:  Adrian Whiteman, Forestry Commission published in “Roundwood price statistics and specifications : data report”, Martti Aarne and Risto Seppälä, The Finish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki 1991, 1964/1989.

Graph 2: Sawnwood

Imported coniferous, import price.
Unit value : 248.2 sawnwood (C), imports, 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine : Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Domestic non-coniferous, domestic price.
Non-coniferous sawnwood, factory gate, domestic price, 1964/1989.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM
source:  Letter Nr 653 from Adrian Whiteman (25-03-91), Forestry Commission, 1964/1989.

Imported non-coniferous, import price.
Unit value : 248.3 sawnwood (NC), imports, 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine : Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Graph 3: Imported panels

Particleboard, import price.
Unit value : 634.32 particleboard, imports, 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine : Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Plywood, import price.
Unit value : EX634 plywood, imports, 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine: Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Fibreboard, import price.
Unit value calculée à partir de 641.6 fibreboard, imports (1000$) et (1000 CUM), 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine: Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Graph 4: Pulp, paper, and paperboard

Imported chemical pulp, bleached sulphate, import price.
Chemical pulp, bleached dry softwood sulphate, import price CIF UK ports, 1966/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ MT
source :  “Forest products prices”, FAO, 1966/1990. (“UK Digest of wood pulp imports and price review”, Johnson, Jorgensen and Wettre, London).

Imported newspaper, import price.
Newspaper, average all sources newsprint, import price CIF, 1966/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ MT
source :  “Forest products prices”, FAO, 1966/1990. (“UK Digest of wood pulp imports and price review”, Johnson, Jorgensen and Wettre, London).

Imported printing and writing paper, import price.
Unit value : 641.2 printg + writg paper, imports, 1961/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM (origine : Dollar/ CUM)
source :  “Yearbook of forest products”, FAO, 1961/1990.

Imported kraftpaper, import price.
Kraftpaper, average all sources kraftliner, import price CIF, 1966/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ MT
source:  “Forest products prices”, FAO, 1966/1990. (“UK Digest of wood pulp imports and price review”, Johnson, Jorgensen and Wettre, London).

Domestic paper and paperboard, domestic price.
Paper and paperboard, delivered, domestic price, 1964/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM
source : Letter Nr 653 from Adrian Whiteman (25-03-91), Forestry Commission, 1964/1990.

Graph 5: Imported coniferous sawnwood

Battens IV, 175 mm from USSR, import price.
Coniferous sawnwood, battens IV, 175 mm, from USSR, Redwood, import price CIF, 1965/1976.
Coniferous sawnwood, from USSR, average import price CIF, 1977/1990.

unité :    GB Pounds/ CUM
source :  “Preise, Löne, Wirtschaftnungen” Reihe 3, Statistiches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden for 1965/1976, and “Overseas Trade Statistics of the UK”, London, for 1977/1990 both published in Timber Bulletin “Monthly prices for forest products Nr 7”.

Pine from Sweden, 63 * 175 mm quality o/s, import price.
Coniferous sawnwood, pine, 63 × 175 mm, o/s, export price from Sweden, 1961/1991.

unité :    GB Pounds/CUM (origine: Swedish Kr/ CUM)
source :  “Skogsstatistisk årsbok”, Export price of roundwood and coniferous sawn timber, 1976 table 71, 1980 and 1992 table 11.8, 1961/1991.

Spruce from Sweden, 63 * 175 mm quality o/s, import price.
Coniferous sawnwood, spruce, 63 × 175 mm, o/s, export price from Sweden, 1961/1991.

unité :    GB Pounds/CUM (origine: Swedish Kr/ CUM)
source :  “Skogsstatistisk årsbok”, Export price of roundwood and coniferous sawn timber, 1976 table 71, 1980 and 1992 table 11.8, 1961/199

United Kingdom

Graph 1: Roundwood

Graph 1

Graph 2: Sawnwood

Graph 2

Graph 3: Imported panels

Graph 3

Graph 4: Pulp, paper, and paperboard

Graph 4

Graph 5: Imported coniferous sawnwood

Graph 5


The Timber Committee is a principal subsidiary body of the ECE (UN Economic Commission for Europe) based in Geneva.It constitutes a forum for cooperation and consultation between member countries on forestry, forest industry and forest product matters.All countries of Europe; the former USSR; United States of America, Canada and Israel are members of the ECE and participate in its work.

The ECE Timber Committee shall, within the context of sustainable development, provide member countries with the information and services needed for policy-and decision-making regarding their forest and forest industry sector (“the sector”), including the trade and use of forest products and, when appropriate, formulate recommendations addressed to member Governments and interested organizations.To this end, it shall:

  1. With the active participation of member countries, undertake short-, medium- and longterm analyses of developments in, and having an impact on, the sector, including those offering possibilities for the facilitation of international trade and for enhancing the protection of the environment;

  2. In support of these analyses, collect, store and disseminate statistics relating to the sector, and carry out activities to improve their quality and comparability;

  3. Provide the framework for cooperation e.g. by organizing seminars, workshops and ad hoc meetings and setting up time-limited ad hoc groups, for the exchange of economic, environmental and technical information between governments and other institutions of member countries that is needed for the development and implementation of policies leading to the sustainable development of the sector and to the protection of the environment in their respective countries;

  4. Carry out tasks identified by the UN-ECE or the Timber Committee as being of priority, including the facilitation of subregional cooperation and activities in support of the economies in transition of central and eastern Europe and of the countries of the region that are developing from an economic point of view;

  5. It should also keep under review its structure and priorities and cooperate with other international and intergovernmental organizations active in the sector, and in particular with the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and its European Forestry Commission and with the ILO (International Labour Office), in order to ensure complimentarily and to avoid duplication, thereby optimizing the use of resources.

More information about the Committee's work may be obtained by writing to:

 Timber Section
 UN-ECE Trade Division
 Palais des Nations
 CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
 Fax: 41 22 917-0041

UN-ECE/FAO Publications

*Timber Bulletin Volume XL VIII (1995)ECE/TIM/BULL/48/…
*Timber Bulletin Volume XLIX (1996)ECE/TIM/BULL/49/…
(Six issues per year) 
1.Forest Products Prices 
2.Forest Products Statistics 
3.Forest Products Annual Market Review 
4.Forest Fire Statistics 
5.Forest Products Trade Flow Data 
6.Forest Products Markets in (current year) and Prospects for (forthcoming year) 
*UN-ECE/FAO Timber and Forest Study Papers 
 Forest resource information of some newly constituted countries--Supplement to the UN-ECE/FAO 1990 forest resource assessment of the temperate zonesECE/TIM/SP/6
 Survey of the Structure of the Sawmilling Industry in the ECE/FAO regionECE/TIM/SP/7
 Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Republic of ArmeniaECE/TIM/SP/8
 (Country profiles also exist on Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, former Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine) 
 North American Timber Trends StudyECE/TIM/SP/9
UN-ECE/FAO Timber and Forest Discussion Papers (original language only) 
 Castrén and Simula, “Productivity in Finnish Forestry in 1964–1989”ECE/TIM/DP/1
 Wibe, “Non-wood benefits in forestry, survey of valuation studies”ECE/TIM/DP/2
 Dykstra, “Information systems in forestry: a brief overview”ECE/TIM/DP/3
 Manuel on acute forest damageECE/TIM/DP/7
 ETTS V working papers: 
 Pajuoja,“The outlook for the European forest resources and roundwood supply”ECE/TIM/DP/4
 Brooks, Baudin and Schwarzbauer, “Modeling forest products demand, supply and trade”ECE/TIM/DP/5
 Baudin and Brooks, “Projections of forest products demand, supply and trade in ETTS V”ECE/TIM/DP/6
 Eronen, “Forest resources and consumption of forest products in countries in transition, 1990–2020” ECE/TIM/DP/8
 Issartel and Vikinge,“Price trends for forest products, 1964–1991”ECE/TIM/DP/9
 ETTS V working papers: (to be issued) 
 • Peck and Descargues, “The policy context for the development of the forest and forest industries sector in Europe” 
 • Country scenarios for ETTS V 
UN-ECE/FAO Timber and Forest Seminar and Workshop Proceedings 
 Clothing and safety equipment in forestry, Finland, 1994 
 Development of marketing of sawnwood products in countries in transition to market economies, Hungary, 1994 
UN-ECE/FAO Timber and Forest Information Series 
 The UN-ECE Timber Committee Yearbook 1996ECE/TIM/INF/3
 Brochures about the ECE Timber Committee, the FAO European Forestry Commission, the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics and the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training 

Instructions for ordering publications

Single copies of publications may be requested through:* Sales documents and subscriptions are available through:
Timber SectionDistribution and Sales Unit
UN-ECE Trade DivisionUnited Nations
Palais des NationsPalais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandCH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: 41 22 917 0041Fax: 41 22 917 0027

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