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Although the nutrient content of individual feed ingredients varies widely from country to country or region to region (depending on local climate, alimentary regime, stage of maturity on harvesting, harvesting/post-harvesting processing method, and storage) some generalizations can be made regarding the chemical composition of individual feedstuffs. For specific national feed composition tables readers should refer to the United States - Canadian Tables of Feed Composition (NRC, 1982), the Latin America Tables of Feed Composition (McDowell et al., 1974), the Arab and Middle-East Tables of Feed Composition (Kearl et al., 1979), and the Food Composition Tables for Use in Africa (USDHEW/ FAO, 1968), East Asia (USDHEW/FAO, 1972), the Near East (FAO/USDA, 1982), Great Britain (ARC, 1976), the Philippines (Castillo and Gerpacio, 1968), Brazil (ANFAR, 1985), and the Tropics (Platt, 1962; Springhall, 1969; Gohl, 1981).

3.1 Cereal grains and by-products

The name ‘cereal’ is given to those members of the grass family (Gramineae) which are cultivated for their seed (ie. grain), and include barley, maize (indian corn), millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, and wheat. Cereal grains and their by-products are usually used as dietary energy sources for monogastric farm animals, including fish and shrimp.

The mature cereal grain consists of three main parts: 1) the germ or embryo; 2) the starchy endosperm (or food reserve tissue surrounding the embryo); and 3) the outer skin or pericarp (also known as the bran; Figure 3). In some cereal grains (oats, millet, barley and rice) the pericarp is surrounded by a close fitting fibrous husk or hull (such as the flowering glumes of oats and barley) which is not normally removed from the grain on threshing, and as such these cereals are known as the ‘coarse’ cereal grains.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. The cereal grain

The protein level in cereal grains is low, ranging from 8 to 12% of the dry matter for most grains, with lysine and threonine generally being the first and second limiting essential amino acids, respectively. Cereal grains are rich sources of carbohydrate (60–80% by weight of the seed); the major part of the carbohydrate present being in the form of starch granules within the endosperm. Cereal starches usually contain about 25% amylose and 75% amylopectin. The lipid or oil content of cereal grains varies with species and maturity (1–8% by weight of the seed); the highest oil levels being found in the germ or embryo. Cereal oils are normally unsaturated, with linoleic and oleic acid being the predominant fatty acids present, and consequently are prone to rapid oxidation and rancidity on storage. The crude fibre content of cereal grains is highest in those species which contain a fibrous husk or hull (ie. ‘coarse’ cereal grains - oats, barley and rice). Although cereal grains contain little calcium, they are good sources of phosphorus; the major part of the phosphorus being present in the form of phytates. Cereal grains are deficient in vitamin D, C and provitamin A (ie. carotenes; with the exception of yellow maize) but are good sources of vitamin E and most B vitamins (Tacon, 1987). Cereal vitamins are usually concentrated in the aleurone layer or outer rim of the endosperm and within the germ of the grain. As with most plant feedstuffs, cereal grains may also contain a variety of endogenous anti-nutritional factors (see Table 2).

The average proximate and essential amino acid composition of cereal grains and their by-products is shown in Table 5 and 6 respectively.

Table 5. Average proximate composition of the major cereal grains and their by-products (all values are expressed as % by weight on a as-fed basis: Water - H2O; Crude Protein - CP; Lipid or Ether Extract - EE; Crude Fibre - CF; Nitrogen-Free Extractives - NFE; Ash; Calcium - Ca; Phosphorus - P) 1
Cereal grain/by-productAverage composition (% by weight)No. Ref. sources
BARLEY (Hordeum vulgare/H. distichum)
Grain12.410.51.85.667.  (11)
Mill run10.010.52.514.158.84.1--(1)
Grain screenings (sweepings)
Pearl by-product10.413.23.510.757.
Malt, dehydrated9.
Malt sprouts (culms), fresh86.
Malt sprouts (culms), dehydrated8.425.41.714.443.
Brewers grains, fresh74.
Brewers grains, dehydrated9.420.85.715.345.  (11)
Brewers grains, silage74.
Distillers dried grains8.027.711.610.140.81.8--(1)
Distillers grains, fresh76.
Distillers dried solubles5.126.80.2--17.24.60-(1)
Distillers dried grains with solubles9.926.06.912.939.
CORN/MAIZE (Zea mays)
Grain, ground12.  (22)
Grain, flaked11.
Gluten feed10.323.
Gluten meal9.945.82.73.734.
Hominy feed9.710.
Germ oil meal (oilcake)8.917.514.
Feed meal12.
Corn-and-cob meal (corn ears)
Cobs, ground meal9.72.50.634.551.
Cannery process residue (waste), fresh77.
Cannery process residue (waste), silage69.
Distillers dried grains7.027.28.912.
Distillers dried solubles6.826.79.04.345.47.80.321.19(3)
Distillers dried grains with solubles8.426.79.98.741.
MILLET (pearl or bulrush millet - Pennisetum typhoideum; foxtail, Italian millet - Setaria italica; Japanese millet- Echinochloa crusgalli; broom corn millet - Panicum miliaceum; finger millet - Eleusine coracana; Scrobic millet- Paspalum scrobiculatum)
Grain10.711.23.96.364.  (15)
OATS (Avena sativa)
Grain11.510.44.811.558.  (12)
Dehulled grain (naked oats, groats)10.913.66.42.864.
Oatmeal/middlings (feeding)9.515.95.72.963.
Oat-mill feed7.75.01.628.551.
Oat shorts9.012.85.613.554.34.8--(1)
Oat sprouts, fresh86.
RICE (Oryza sativa)
Rough (paddy) rice11.
Brown (cargo) rice, dehulled9.
Broken (brewers) rice (rice meal)
Polished (milled) rice11.
Hulls (husk, chaff)
Bran10.012.211.812.340.613.10.121.38  (13)
Bran (solvent extracted)10.512.32.114.647.912.60.201.33(7)
Pollards (mixture of bran/polishings)11.112.811.77.648.
Rice-mill feed (mixture of hulls/bran)
Distillers spent rice, fresh62.
RYE (Secale cereale)
Mill run10.
Distillers dried grains8.020.97.412.748.
Distillers dried solubles5.635.11.23.447.57.20.351.20(1)
Distillers dried grains with solubles9.527.
SORGHUM (Sorghum bicolor/S. vulgare)
Grain11.  (19)
Gluten feed9.623.73.68.446.
Gluten meal9.
Hominy feed11.
Distillers dried grains6.031.88.712.
Distillers dried solubles7.
Distillers dried grains with solubles5.033.29.410.
WHEAT (Triticum aestivum/T. vulgare/T. Sativum/T. durum)
Grain12.  (16)
Bran12.  (17)
Germ meal11.
Mill run11.515.24.18.557.
Grain screenings9.513.
Shorts (fine bran/feed flour mixture)11.816.
Middlings (pollard)10.517.44.37.555.
Feed flour12.

1 The data presented represents the mean values from various sources, including: Allen (1984); Bath et al., (1984); Bolton and Blair (1977); Branckaert, Tessema and Temple (1976); Cooley (1976); Devendra (1979); Gohl (1981); Hastings (1973); Hickling (1971); Janssen (1985); Ling (1967); McDonald, Edwards and Greenhalgh (1977); Miller (1976); NRC (1982, 1983, 1983a).

Table 6. Average essential amino acid (EAA) composition of the major cereal grains and their by-products (all values are expressed as % by weight on a as-fed basis: Arginine-Arg; Cystine-Cyt; Methionine-Met; Threonine-Thr; Isoleucine-Iso; Leucine-Leu; Lysine-Lys; Valine-Val; Tyrosine-Tyr; Tryptophan-Try; Phenylalanine-Phe; Histidine-His) 1
 Average EAA composition (%)No. Refs
Cereal grain/by-productArgCytMetThrIsoLeuLysValTyrTryPheHis
BARLEY (H. vulgare/H. distichum)
Naked grain0.640.210.100.420.420.830.480.590.480.170.670.26(1)
Malt sprouts (culms), dehydrated1.120.240.330.951.041.561.181.380.590.400.870.50(3)
Brewers grains, dehydrated1.280.350.460.991.622.730.951.621.380.361.550.54(3)
CORN/MAIZE (Z. mays)
Grain (opaque, high lysine)0.660.200.170.370.350.990.420.500.400.110.430.35(1)
Gluten feed0.940.510.490.850.752.210.631.150.800.180.860.68(4)
Gluten meal - 41% protein1.360.721.001.452.096.700.772.101.330.232.840.90(3)
Gluten meal - 60% protein1.991.041.842.112.429.811.002.893.190.303.901.30(2)
Germ meal1.200.500.581.050.681.520.831.160.540.210.790.68(3)
Hominy feed0.530.140.190.410.380.870.430.540.500.120.370.27(2)
Corn-and-cob meal (corn ears)0.360.
Distillers dried grains0.990.280.430.400.962.810.841.190.840.210.740.61(2)
Distillers dried solubles1.050.520.571.
Distillers dried grains with solubles1.030.400.521.001.442.420.701.550.700.191.550.68(3)
MILLET (P. typhoideum, S. italica, E. crusgalli, P. miliaceum, E. coracana, P. scrobiculatum)
OATS (A. sativa)
Dehulled grain (naked, groats)0.860.240.190.450.520.940.460.680.500.170.640.24(3)
RICE (O. sativa)
Rough (paddy) rice0.600.
Brown (cargo) rice, dehulled1.300.180.350.540.701.260.701.000.540.240.760.35(1)
Broken (brewers) rice0.490.
Polished (milled) rice0.440.090.250.360.450.710.280.530.620.090.530.18(1)
Mill run0.340.
RYE (S. cereale)
SORGHUM (S. bicolor/S. vulgare)
Gluten meal1.400.800.751.402.307.400.802.50-0.402.601.40(1)
Gluten feed0.800.450.400.801.002.500.901.30-
WHEAT (T. aestivum, T. vulgare, T. sativum, T. durum)
Grain (durum)0.600.130.150.380.501.350.950.570.310.260.580.28(1)
Germ meal1.840.430.410.960.851.371.511.180.730.290.950.61(3)
Grain screenings0.600.140.150.330.440.780.390.550.230.110.520.24(4)
Feed flour0.430.300.180.330.470.870.250.500.340.120.600.25(1)

1 The data presented represents the mean values from various sources, including: Allen (1984); Bolton and Blair (1977); FAO (1970); Gohl (1981); McDonald, Edwards and Greenhalgh (1977); and NRC (1982, 1983).

3.2 Oilseeds and by-products

Oilseeds differ from cereals in that lipid replaces carbohydrate as the major food reserve within the plant seed. Important oilseeds include soya, cotton, groundnut (peanut), sunflower, rape, linseed (flax), coconut, sesame, castor, palm kernel, safflower, mustard, niger and crambe. Although some oilseeds can be used in their whole or ‘full-fat’ form within animal feeds, the majority are used in the form of defatted oilseed cakes and meals; the extracted oil being used for human consumption, animal feeding or within industrial/pharmaceutical preparations. Oilseeds can be defatted by using either mechanical pressure to force out the oil (hydraulic or expeller process) or through dissolution by solvent extraction with hexane, alcohol or trichloroethylene. Some seeds such as groundnut, cotton and sunflower are enclosed in a close fitting fibrous hull which usually requires removal by cracking and riddling (a process also known as decortication) prior to oil extraction. Oilseeds which are defatted by mechanical pressing methods are called press cakes, and on grinding are usually termed oil-meals.

Compared with the cereal grains, the oilseeds and their oil extraction products are rich sources of protein (20 to 50% by weight) and relatively poor sources of carbohydrate. Although the biological value of oilseed proteins is generally higher than that of cereal protein, the essential amino acid pattern of oilseed proteins is usually imbalanced; lysine, methionine and threonine usually being limiting and tryptophan and arginine being in excess of dietary requirements (Tacon, 1987). The oil content of oilseed cakes and meals varies according to the oil extraction method employed, ranging from below 1% within solvent extracted oilseeds to 8% within hydraulically pressed oilseed cakes. Oilseeds fats or oils may inturn be classified according to their fatty acid composition as drying, semi-drying, or non-drying oils and fats that are normally solid at room temperature (Table 7). Oilseeds are generally poor sources of calcium, vitamin E and provitamin A (ie. carotenes), but are good sources of phosphorus (mainly in the form of phytates) and B vitamins (Tacon, 1987). As with the cereals most oilseeds also contain a variety of endogenous antinutritional factors which, unless destroyed or deactivated, can seriously reduce their feed value to fish or shrimp (Table 2; Liener, 1975; Tacon and Jackson, 1985). The average proximate, essential amino acid, and fatty acid composition of the major oilseeds and their by-products is shown in Table 8, 9 and 10 respectively.

Table 7. Major fatty acids of oilseeds 1
Physical stateMajor fatty acidOilseed
Fats50% C14Coconut, Palm Kernel
Non-drying oilsMainly C18:1Groundnut, Sesame, Castor
Mainly C22:1Rape, Mustard, Crambe
Semi-drying oils40–60% C18:2Cotton, Sunflower, Soya
Drying oils65–70% C18:2Safflower, Niger
40–65% C18:3Linseed

1 From Hilditch and Williams (1964)

Table 8. Average proximate composition of the major oilseeds and their by-products (all values are expressed as % by weight on a as-fed basis: Water-H2O; Crude Protein-CP; Lipid or Ether Extract-EE; Crude Fibre-CF; Nitrogen-Free Extractives-NFE; Ash; Calcium-Ca; Phosphorus-P) 1
Oilseed/by-productAverage composition (% by weight)No. Ref. sources
ALMOND (Prunus amygdalus/P. dulcis)
Seed (kernel)4.918.955.
Oilcake, mechanically extr. (without hulls)10.742.83.83.733.35.7--(1)
BABASSU (Orbignya speciosa/O. martiana)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted9.520.26.114.544.
Oilmeal, solvent extracted7.319.72.317.646.
CASHEW (Anacardium occidentale)
Seed (kernel)5.021.446.81.621.
Oilmeal, solvent extracted7.
CASTOR (Ricinus communis)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted8.035.40.929.719.56.50.700.80(2)
COCOA (Theobroma cacao)
Bean (seed, kernel), fresh52.86.720.
Bean (seed, kernel), dried10.413.135.76.630.
Shell (pericarp, seed testa), dried9.318.87.013.543.
Pods (without beans), fresh85.
Pods (without beans), dried11.55.80.721.552.
Oilcake, mechanically extracted11.423.15.38.946.
COCONUT (Cocus nucifera)
Kernel (endosperm), fresh47.
Kernel (endosperm, meat, copra), dried4.
Oilmeal, solvent extracted8.021.01.514.
Oilcake, mechanically extracted8.520.86.312.  (10)
Coir dust (husk processing dust)
CONOPHOR/AWUSA NUT (Tetracarpidium conophorum)
Seed (kernel), whole4.922.756.
Seed (kernel), without cotyledons4.220.857.73.510.33.50.530.39(1)
Oilcake, hydraulically extracted, cooked3.531.527.25.927.24.7--(1)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted, cooked3.242.617.96.424.65.3--(1)
COTTON (Gossypium spp.)
Seed (kernel), whole7.920.420.
Oilcake, with hulls (undec.), mechan. extr.10.721.94.921.934.95.7--(3)
Oilcake, without hulls (dec.), mechan. extr.7.841.25.911.  (12)
Oilmeal, dec., solvent extr., 41% protein9.841.71.511.328.
Oilmeal, dec., solvent extr., 50% protein7.550.
CRAMBE (Crambe abyssinica)
Seed (kernel)12.013.648.49.513.92.6--(1)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted12.
GROUNDNUT/PEANUT (Arachis hypogaea)
Seed (kernel), with hull (undec.)
Seed (kernel), without hulls (dec.)6.528.444.
Oilcake, undec., mechanically extracted10.
Oilmeal, undec., solvent extracted7.831.71.925.229.14.3--(2)
Oilcake, dec., mechanically extracted9.646.26.77.524.  (12)
Oilmeal, dec., solvent extracted8.748.71.17.727.
HEMP (Cannabis sativa)
Seed (kernel)8.918.232.615.021.14.2--(2)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted8.
Oilmeal, solvent extracted11.334.81.726.616.39.3--(1)
KAPOK/SILK COTTON TREE (Eriodendron anfractuosum/Ceiba pentandra)
Seed (kernel)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted11.927.56.723.723.36.9--(2)
LINSEED/FLAX (Linum usitatissimum)
Seed (kernel)6.725.634.75.422.
Seed screenings9.016.29.612.546.06.70.350.43(2)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted9.933.65.49.535.66.00.400.80(8)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted10.734.
MUSTARD (Brassica spp.)
Seed (kernel)8.321.542.87.914.
Oilcake, mechanically extracted9.536.
NIGER (Guizotia abyssinica)
Seed (kernel)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted10.231.45.716.925.610.20.080.73(2)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted7.831.41.120.628.011.1--(1)
OLIVES (Olea europaea)
Seed (kernel)
Pulp with seed, dried8.05.915.536.531.62.5--(1)
Pulp, dried5.013.927.419.331.03.4--(1)
Pulp, solvent extracted7.811.43.128.543.16.10.310.11(2)
Oilcake (kernel plus pulp)14.85.410.
AFRICAN OIL PALM (Elaeis guineesis)
Seed (kernel/nut)7.29.447.
Oilcake, mechanically extracted10.517.79.714.743.
Oilmeal, solvent extracted9.718.81.521.544.
Press fibre bunch, fresh34.54.57.721.
Press fibre bunch, dried13.84.818.131.424.
Palm oil sludge, dried10.29.418.110.840.511.00.360.47(2)
PARA RUBBER TREE (Hevea brasiliensis)
Seed (kernel), decorticated7.621.739.02.825.83.1--(1)
Oilcake, undecor., mechanically extracted8.113.24.442.829.02.5--(1)
Oilcake, decor., mechanically extracted9.324.23.59.847.
POPPY (Papaver somniferum)
Seed (kernel)7.220.932.58.623.37.5--(1)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted9.637.17.312.720.912.4--(3)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted11.336.
RAPE (Brassica napus, B. campestris)
Seed (kernel)
Oilmeal, mechanically extracted8.134.17.912.830.66.50.751.07(8)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted9.037.31.911.433.27.20.640.97(8)
SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorius)
Seed (kernel)
Oilmeal, undecor., mechanically extracted8.121.75.930.729.
Oilmeal, undecor., solvent extracted8.722.51.032.830.24.80.340.80(3)
Oilmeal, decor., mechanically extracted8.641.16.413.623.07.30.451.00(3)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted9.
SESAME (Sesamum orientale/S. radiatum)
Seed (kernel)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted8.040.410.66.424.  (14)
SOYBEAN (Glycine max)
Seed (kernel) with hulls (undecor.)8.824.110.017.333.26.6--(1)
Seed (kernel), without hulls (decor.)9.137.817.84.925.
Oilcake, undecor., mechanically extracted11.
Oilmeal, undecor., solvent extracted11.644.
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted10.449.
Protein concentrate meal8.
Mill run12.
Mill feed (flour by-product)10.312.91.732.537.94.70.410.18(2)
SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annus)
Seed (kernel) with hulls (undecor.)
Seed (kernel) without hulls (decor.)5.025.744.
Sunflower heads with seed9.513.112.623.432.88.6--(2)
Sunflower heads without seed10.08.23.719.447.711.0--(2)
Oilcake, undecor., mechanically extracted7.331.68.924.021.86.4--(2)
Oilmeal, undecor., solvent extracted9.730.81.524.826.
Oilcake, decor., mechanically extracted7.837.19.312.327.26.30.361.08(5)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted7.743.42.512.526.97.00.390.97(4)

1 The data presented represents the mean values from various sources, including: Allen (1984); Bolton and Blair (1977); Branckaert, Tessema and Temple (1976); Capper, Wood and Jackson (1982); Cooley (1976); Devendra (1979); Fetuga, Babatunde and Oyenuga (1975); Gohl (1981); Gogus (1975); Godin and Spensley (1971); Hastings (1973); Hickling (1971); Janseen (1985); Ling (1967); Miller (1976); NRC (1982, 1983); Oyenuga (1975); Platt (1962); Springhall (1969); and Stosic and Kaykay (1981).

Table 9. Average essential amino acid (EAA) composition of the major oilseeds and their by-products (all values are expressed as % by weight on a as-fed basis: Arginine-Arg; Cystine-Cyt; Methionine-Met; Threonine-Thr; Isoleucine-Iso; Leucine-Leu; Lysine-Lys; Valine-Val; Tyrosine-Tyr; Tryptophan-Try; Phenylalanine-Phe; Histidine-His) 1
Oilseed/by-productAverage EAA composition (%)No. Ref
ALMOND (P. amygdalus/P. dulcis)
Seed (kernel)1.980.170.520.490.701.270.451.050.590.170.970.45(1)
CASHEW (A. occidentale)
Seed (kernel)2.13-0.310.671.061.680.941.19-0.380.870.42(1)
Oilmeal, extracted4.300.720.581.301.602.751.652.301.080.561.600.84(2)
COCONUT (C. nucifera)
Kernel (endosperm), dried1.
Oilcake, mechanically extracted2.310.260.320.650.801.330.581.000.500.190.820.35(3)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted2.410.250.320.660.831.440.601.040.570.200.860.38(1)
CONOPHOR/AWUSA NUT (T. conophorum)
Oilseed meal Amino acid g/16gN9.452.712.625.304.416.793.744.944.844.453.032.17(1)
COTTON (Gossypium spp.)
Seed (kernel), whole2.670.370.310.780.781.411.051.100.690.301.240.65(1)
Oilcake, decor., mechanically extr.4.150.720.591.331.452.421.582.111.170.552.151.00(5)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted4.570.770.591.421.412.351.711.930.920.542.331.13(4)
Oilcake, decor., mechanically extr.4.790.700.471.291.653.171.502.221.690.442.421.09(3)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted4.670.720.421.271.843.031.712.191.510.492.261.03(3)
LINSEED/FLAX (L. usitatissimum)
Seed (kernel)2.030.410.420.810.921.300.811.150.580.331.020.44(1)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted2.860.490.541.181.651.951.171.670.850.521.440.62(3)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted2.820.590.511.211.742.011.131.671.090.501.480.69(2)
MUSTARD (Brassica spp.)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted2.120.920.821.671.622.463.641.90-0.481.430.93(2)
NIGER (G. abyssinica)
Seed (kernel)1.730.340.310.790.861.340.900.740.35-0.870.48(1)
OIL PALM (E. guineesis)
Seed (kernel)
Oilmeal (kernel), solvent extr.2.360.280.330.610.641.190.540.820.470.200.790.32(1)
PARA RUBBER (H. brasiliensis)
Seed (kernel), decor., roasted1.960.240.430.580.511.060.641.130.41-0.650.35(1)
RAPE (B. campestris/B. napus)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted1.930.350.681.511.382.401.681.760.850.421.390.90(2)
Oilmeal, solvent extracted2.110.430.701.611.412.552.121.830.800.441.431.00(4)
SAFFLOWER (C. tinctorius)
Seed (kernel)
Oilcake, undecor., mechanically extr.1.290.650.400.520.421.160.691.05-0.301.080.46(2)
Oilmeal, undecor., solvent extracted1.930.360.340.510.281.200.711.00-
Oilcake, decor., mechanically extr.2.750.700.791.361.602.441.042.150.950.681.750.91(1)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted3.680.700.691.331.632.481.292.331.070.601.801.04(2)
SESAME (S. orientale/S. radiatum)
Seed (kernel)2.590.390.600.760.771.430.580.980.670.290.950.52(1)
Oilcake, mechanically extracted4.750.711.331.631.983.
SOYBEAN (G. max)
Seed, without hulls (decort.)2.820.550.541.682.162.792.412.031.120.532.081.00(3)
Oilcake, undecor., mechanically extr.3.140.590.631.712.723.712.752.241.550.632.151.12(2)
Oilmeal, undecor., solvent extracted3.480.710.591.622.143.122.762.271.330.612.001.12(3)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted3.740.730.701.942.363.713.122.451.770.602.541.23(3)
Protein concentrate meal7.340.920.883.344.606.335.614.383.100.884.332.41(1)
Mill feed (flour by-product)0.750.140.130.300.410.580.650.380.230.130.380.18(1)
SUNFLOWER (H. annus)
Seed (kernel) with hulls (undecor.)
Oilcake, decor., mechanically extr.4.000.781.241.572.062.671.792.291.120.562.171.08(3)
Oilmeal, undecor., solvent extracted2.570.530.551.141.131.791.171.51-0.331.250.99(3)
Oilmeal, decor., solvent extracted3.960.721.331.722.173.211.812.451.390.562.281.12(2)

1 The data presented represents the mean values from various sources, including: Allen (1984); Bolton and Blair (1977); Capper, Wood and Jackson (1982); Fetuga, Babatunde and Oyenuga (1975); FAO (1970); NRC (1982, 1983); Oyenuga (1975); and Stosic and Kaykay (1981).

Table 10. Average fatty acid composition of the major oilseed and plant by-product oils (individual fatty acid values are expressed as a percentage of the total fatty acids present) 1
Plant lipidFatty acid% total fatty acids
Castor oilRicinoleic acid91 – 95
Linoleic acid4 – 5
Palmitic & stearic acid1 – 2
Cocoa butterOleic acid30 – 40
Stearic acid35
Palmitic acid25
Linoleic acid2 – 4
Coconut oilLauric acid44 – 52
Myristic acid13 – 19
Palmitic acid7 – 10
Caprylic acid5 – 10
Capric acid4 – 10
Oleic acid5 – 8
Stearic acid1 – 3
Linoleic acid1 – 3
Conophor seed oilLinolenic acid65 – 72
Oleic acid10 – 13
Linoleic acid10 – 12
Stearic acid3
Palmitic acid2 – 3
Cotton seed oilLinoleic acid40 – 55
Palmitic acid20 – 25
Oleic acid18 – 30
Stearic acid2 – 7
Groundnut oilOleic acid42 – 72
Linoleic acid13 – 28
Palmitic acid6 – 12
Arachidic & higher sat. acids5 – 7
Stearic acid2 – 4
Hempseed oilLinoleic acid45 – 65
Linolenic acid15 – 30
Oleic acid14 – 16
Saturated acids4 – 10
Kapok seed oilLinoleic acid33
Oleic acid30
Palmitic acid23
Stearic acid1
Cyclopropene bearing fatty acids13
Linseed oilLinolenic acid30 – 60
Oleic acid13 – 36
Linoleic acid10 – 25
Stearic & palmitic acids6 – 16
Maize (corn) oilLinoleic acid34 – 62
Oleic acid19 – 49
Palmitic acid8 – 12
Stearic acid2 – 5
Neem oilOleic acid49 – 62
Stearic acid14 – 19
Palmitic acid14 – 15
Linoleic acid8 – 16
Niger seed oilLinoleic acid51 – 55
Oleic acid31 – 39
Saturated acids9 – 17
Palm oilOleic acid40 – 53
Palmitic acid32 – 47
Linoleic acid2 – 11
Stearic acid1 – 9
Myristic acid1 – 3
Palm kernel oilLauric acid46 – 52
Myristic acid14 – 17
Oleic acid13 – 19
Palmitic acid6 – 9
Capric acid3 – 7
Caprylic acid3 – 4
Stearic acid1 – 3
Linoleic acid0.5 – 2
Olive oilOleic acid65 – 86
Palmitic acid7 – 20
Linoleic acid5 – 15
Stearic acid0.5 – 3
Poppy seed oilLinoleic acid65
Oleic acid25
Saturated acids6 – 10
Rapeseed oilErucic acid20 – 45
Eicosenoic acid9 – 15
Linoleic acid9 – 15
Linolenic acid2 – 7
Saturated fatty acids3 – 6
Rice bran oilOleic acid40 – 50
Linoleic acid29 – 42
Palmitic acid13 – 18
Stearic acid1 – 3
Linoleic acid0.5 – 1
Safflower oilLinoleic acid78
Oleic acid13.5
Palmitic acid6.6
Stearic acid1.8
Sesame oilOleic acid37 – 50
Linoleic acid37 – 47
Palmitic acid7 – 9
Stearic acid4 – 5
Soybean oilLinoleic acid52 – 60
Oleic acid23 – 34
Palmitic acid7 – 14
Stearic acid2 – 6
Linolenic acid2 – 8
Sunflower oilLinoleic acid55 – 70
Oleic acid15 – 30
Palmitic & Stearic acids5 – 15

1 Based on the data of Godin and Spensley (1971) & Oyenuga (1975)

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