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Literatura citada como también otras importantes referencías sobre Artemía.

Abonyi, A.-1915.
Experimentelle Daten zum Erkennen der Artemia-Gattung. Z. wiss. Zool., 114:95–168.

Abreu-Grobois, A.-1986.
Review of the genetics of Artemia.
In: Artemia research and its applications. Vol. 1. Sorgeloos, P.; Bengtson, D.A.; Decleir, W.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, in press.

Abreu-Grobois, F.A.; Beardmore, J.A.-1980.
International Study on Artemia. II. Genetic characterization of Artemia populations - an electrophoretic approach: 133–146.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 1. Morphology, Genetics, Radiobiology, Toxicology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 345 pp.

Abreu-Grobois, F.A.; Beardmore, J.A.-1982.
Genetic differentiation and speciation in the brine shrimp Artemia:245–376.
In: Mechanisms of Speciation. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. Barigozzi, C. (Ed.). Alan, R. Liss, Inc., New York, USA.

Achari, G.P.K.-1971.
Occurence of the brine shrimp Artemia salina, in Karsewar island off Tuticorin, Gulf of Marmar.
Indian J. Fish., 18:196.

Ahmadi, M.R.-1986.
First report of Artemia occurence in Shurabil Lake (Iran).
In: Artemia research and its applications. Vol. 3. Sorgeloos, P.; Bengtson, D.A.; Decleir, W.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, in press.

Akhorov, F.; Oleynikova, F.A.-1976.
Material to the study of Artemia salina from the Sasykul Lake (Pamir). Biological basis of fisheries in water bodies of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.
Materials of 15th Reseach Conference, Dushande: 43–45.

Al-Uthman, H.S.-1971.
Ecological observations on Artemia salina (L.) (Anostraca: Artemiida) in Iraq.
Bulletin of the Biological Research Center, 5: 49–65.

Amat Domenech, F.-1980.
Differentiation in Artemia strains from Spain: 19–39.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 1. Morphology, Genetics, Radiobiology, Toxicology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 345 pp.

Amat, F.-1983.
Zygogenetic and parthenogenetic Artemia in Cadiz sea-side salterns.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 13(2–3): 291–293.

Amat, F.-1986.
Life history of a Great Salt Lake Artemia population kept under outdoor conditions.
In: Artemia research and its applications. Vol. 3. Sorgeloos, P.; Bengtson, D.A.; Decleir, W.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, in press.

Anderson, G.C.-1958.
Some limnological features of a shallow saline meromictic lake.
Limnol. Oceanogr., 3: 259–270.

Okayama Prefectural Fisheries Institute Report, 9 pp.

Mono-Lake: Paradise in Peril.
Position Paper of the Mono Lake Committee, Oakland, California, USA, 22 pp.

Artom, C.-1922.
Nuovi datti sulla distribuzione geografica e sulla biologia delle due specie micropireniche e macropireniche del genere Artemia.
Atti Accad. naz. Lincei Rc., 31: 529–532.

Bagatova, I.B.; Goussev, E.E.; Schamkova, Z.I.-1979.
Biological grounds for mass obtaining of Artemia salina L. nauplii from diapausing eggs.
Proc. 7th Japan-Soviet Joint Symp. Aquaculture, Sept. 1978, Tokyo, Japan.

Baker, M.J.-1966.
Autecology of Artemia: Factors influencing hemoglobin synthesis and cyst production.
Thesis, San Francisco State College, California, USA, 117 pp.

Bardach, J.E.; Rhyter, J.H.; McLarney, W.D.-1972.
Aquaculture: the farming and husbandry of freshwater and marine animals.
Wiley-Interscience, New York, USA, 868 pp.

Barigozzi, C.-1946.
Uber die geographische Verbreitung der Mutanten von Artemia salina Leach.
Arch. Julius Klaus-Stift. 21: 479–482.

Barigozzi, C.-1974.
Artemia: A survey of its significance in genetic problems: 221– 252.
In: Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 7. Dobzhansky, T.; Hecht, M.K.; Steere, W.C. (Eds). Plenum Press, New York, USA, 314 pp.

Barigozzi, C.-1980.
Genus Artemia: Problems of systematics: 147–153.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. l. Morphology, Genetics, Radiobiology, Toxicology. Persoone, G. ; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 345 pp.

Barigozzi, C.; Tosi, M.-1959.
New data on tetraploidy of amphihigonic Artemia salina Leach and on triploids resulting from crosses between tetraploids and diploids.
Atti Ass. genet. Ital., Ric. Sci. Suppl., 29: 129–132.

Barker-Jörgensen, C.-1966.
Feeding: 69–133.
In: Marine Biology III. Proceedings 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Marine Biology. Edmondson, W.T. (Ed.). New York Academy of Sciences, Interdisciplinary Communications Program, New York, USA, 313 pp.

Barlow, D.I.; Sleigh, M.A.-1980.
The propulsion and use of water currents for swimming and feeding in larval and adult Artemia: 61–73.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. l. Morphology, Genetics, Radiobiology, Toxicology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 345 pp.

Basil, J.A.; Premkuman, D.R.J.; Lipton, A.P.; Marian, M.P.-1986.
A survey of Artemia resources in South India.
In: Artemia research and its applications. Vol. 3. Sorgeloos, P.; Bengtson, D.A.; Decleir, W.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, in press.

Beadle, L.C.-1974.
Temporary, saline and thermal waters: Lake Chilwa: 159–282.
In: The inland waters of tropical Africa: An introduction to tropical limnology. Longman, London and New York.

Beck, A.D.; Bengtson, D.A.-1981.
International Study on Artemia. XXII. Nutrition in aquatic toxiology: Diet quality of geographical strains of the brine shrimp Artemia: 161–169.
In: Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment. ASTM Special Technical Publication 766. Pearson, J.G. ; Foster, R.B.; Bishop, W.E. (Eds). A.S.T.M., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Beck, A.D.; Bengtson, D.A.; Howell, W.H.-1980.
International Study on Artemia. V. Nutritional value of five geographical strains of Artemia: effects on survival and growth of larval Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia: 249–259.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

Benijts, F.; Vandeputte, G.; Sorgeloos, P.-1977.
Energetic aspects of the metabolism of hydrated Artemia cysts: 79–87.
In: Fundamental and applied research on the brine shrimp, Artemia salina (L.) in Belgium. EMS Spec. Publ. No 2. Jaspers, E.; Persoone, G. (Eds). Inst. Mar. Sc. Res., Bredene, Belgium, 110 pp.

Benijits, F.; Vanvoorden, E.; Sorgeloos, P.-1976.
Changes in the biochemical composition of the early larval stages of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina L.: 1–9.
In: Proc. 10th European Symposium on Marine Biology. Vol. 1. Research in mariculture at laboratory- and pilot scale. Persoone, G.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 620 pp.

Bohra, O.P.-1980.
A note on Artemia from a local strain: 131.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

Bossuyt, E.; Sorgeloos, P.-1980.
Technological aspects of the batch culturing of Artemia in high densities: 133–152.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

Botsford, L.W.; Rauch, H.E.; Schleser, R.A.-1874.
Applications of optimization theory to the economics of aquaculture: 387–401.
In: Proc. 5th Ann. Workshop WMS. Avault, J.W. jr. (Ed.). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, 482 pp.

Bowen, S.T.; Davis, M.L.; Fenster, S.R.; Lindwall, G.A.-1980.
Sibling species of Artemia: 155–167.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. l. Morphology, Genetics, Radiobiology, Toxicology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 345 pp.

Bowen, S.T.; Durkin, J.P.; Sterling, G.; Clark, L.S.-1978.
Artemia hemoglobins: genetic variation in parthenogenetic and zygogenetic populations.
Biol. Bull., 155: 273–287.

Bowen, S.T.; Sterling, G.-1978.
Esterase and malate dehydrogenase isozyme polymorphisms in 15 Artemia populations.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 61B: 593–595.

Bradbury, J.P.-1971.
Limnology of Zuni Salt Lake, New Mexico.
Bull. Am. Geol. Soc., 82: 379–398.

Brisset, P.; Versichele, D.; Bossuyt, E.; De Ruyck, L.; Sorgeloos, P.-1982.
High density flow-through culturing of brine shrimp Artemia on inert feeds - Preliminary results with a modified culture system.
Aquacultural Eng., 1(2): 115–119.

Browne, R.A.-1980.
Competition experiments between parthenogenetic and sexual strains of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina.
Ecology, 61(3): 471–474.

Bruggeman, E.; Baeza-Mesa, M.; Bossuyt, E.; Sorgeloos, P.-1980.
Improvements in the decapsulation of Artemia cysts: 309–315.
In: Cultivation of fish fry and its live food. EMS Spec. Publ. No. 4. Styczynska-Jurewicz, E.; Backiel, T.; Jaspers, E.; Persoone, G. (Eds). Inst. Mar. Sc. Res., Bredene, Belgium, 534 pp.

Bruggeman, E.; Sorgeloos, P.; Vanhaecke, P.-1980.
Improvements in the decapsulation technique of Artemia cysts: 261–269.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

Camara, M.R.; De Castro, E.V.-1983.
Artemia salina L. (Anostraca): Uma opçao para aquicultura do Nordeste do Brasil.
Revta Bras. Zool., S. Paulo, 1(3): 145–147.

Camara, M.R.; De Medeiros Rocha, R.-1986.
Artemia culture in Brazil: An overview.
In: Artemia research and its applications. Vol. 3. Sorgeloos, P.; Bengtson, D.A.; Decleir, W.; Jaspers, E.(Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, in press.

Carpelan, L.H.-1957.
Hydrobiology of the Alviso salt ponds.
Ecology, 38(3): 375–390.

Caspers, H.-1981.
On the ecology of hypersaline lagoons on Laysan Atoll and Kauai Island, Hawaii, with special reference to Laysan duck, Anas laysanensis Rothschild.
Hydrobiologia, 81(2): 261–270.

Broch (1969), Caspers (1952, 1957): see page 294

Castro, T.-1980.
Distribucion geografica e importancia de Artemia en Mexico y evaluacion de la poblacion en el sur de la Bahia de Cueta, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Reporte de investigacion, 6, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico, 18 pp.

Castro, T.; Gallardo, C.-1985.
Artemia sp. en investigacion y docencia.
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, 43 pp.

Chapman, J.-1968.
The relative adapative values of parthenogenesis and zygogenesis.
Thesis, San Francisco State College, California, USA, 76 pp.

Chiba, K.-1981.
Present status of flow-through and recirculation systems and their limitations in Japan: 342–356.
In: Aquaculture in heated effluents and recirculation systems. Vol.II. Tiews, K. (Ed.). Heenemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin, FR Germany, 666 pp.

Clark, J.W.; Viessman, W.; Hammer, M. (Eds)-1977.
Biological-disc process: 557–562.
In: Water supply and pollution control. Harper and Row, New-York, USA, 857 pp.

Clark, L.S.; Bowen, S.T.-1976.
The genetics of Artemia salina. VII. Reproductive isolation.
J. Hered. , 67(6): 385–388.

Claus, C.; Benijts, F.; Sorgeloos, P.-1977.
Comparative study of different geographical strains of the brine. shrimp Artemia salina: 91–105.
In: Fundamental and applied research on the brine shrimp, Artemia salina (L.) in Belgium. EMS Spec. Publ. No. 2. Jaspers, E.; Persoone, G. (Eds). Inst. Mar. Sc. Res. Bredene, Belgium, 110 pp.

Clegg, J.S.-1964.
The control of emergence and metabolism by external osmotic pressure and the role of free glycerol in developing cysts of Artemia salina.
J. exp. Biol., 41: 879–892.

Clegg, J.S.; Cavagnaro, J.-1976.
Interrelationships between water and cellular metabolism in Artemia cysts. IV. ATP and cyst hydration.
J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol, 88: 159–166.

Clegg, J.S.; Conte, F.P.-1980.
A review of the cellular and developmental biology of Artemia: 11–54.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 2. Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 664 pp.

Cole, G.A.; Brown, R.J.-1967.
The chemistry of Artemia habitats.
Ecology, 48(5): 858–861.

Cole, G.A.;Whiteside, M.C.-1965.
Kiatuthlanna - A limnological appraisal. II. Chemical factors and biota.
Plateau, 38: 36–48.

Colla, A.S.; Sailmain, L.; Delgado, L.-1961
Sobre la germinacion de los huevos de Artemia slaina var. Milhausenii de la salina Hidalgo.
Arch. Cienc. Biol. natur., 4–5: 187–202.

Collins, N.C.-1977.
Ecological studies of terminal lakes - their relevance to problems in limnology and population biology: 411–420.
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Conklin, D.E.; Goldblatt, M.J.; Bordner, C.E.; Baum, N.A.; McCormick, T.B.-1978.
Artificial diets for the lobster, Homarus americanus: a revaluation: 243–250.
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Conte, F.P.-1984.
Structure and fuction of the crustacean larval salt gland.
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Corazza, L.; Saylor, W.W.-1983.
Nutritional value of Artemia salina in broiler starter diets.
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Cottarelli, V.; Mura, G.-1974.
Su alcuni Anostraci della furchia asiatica (Crustacea, Phyllopoda).
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The osmotic and ionic regulation of Artemia salina (L.).
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Da Costa, P.-1972.
Nota sobre a ocorrencia e biologia de Artemia salina (L) na regiao de Cabo Frio.
Secao de Publicacoes do Instituto de Pesquisas de Marinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no. 66, 14 pp.

Da Costa, P.F.; Vergara, E.M.-1980.
Observations on the biology of Artemia salina in the Cabo Frio region (RJ, Brasil). I. Possibilities of production of cysts: 43.
In: Book of Abstracts. International Symposium on the brine shrimp, Artemia salina, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, Aug. 20–23, 1979. Artemia Reference Center, Ghent, Belgium, 137 pp.

D'Agostino, A.S.-1965.
Comparative studies of Artemia salina (Development and Physiology).
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D'Agostino, A.S.-1980.
The vital requirements of Artemia: physiology and nutrition: 55– 82.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 2. Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 664 pp.

D'Agostino, A.S.; W. Yep-1977.
An evaluation of brine shrimp operations on Christmas Island.
United Nations Development Advisory Team (UNDAT) for the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 21 pp.

Dana, G.L.-1981.
Comparative population ecology of the brine shrimp Artemia.
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Biological management in solar salt works.
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Davis, J.S.-1980.
Experiences with Artemia at solar saltworks: 51–55.
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Decleir, W.; Moens, L.; Slegers, H.; Sorgeloos, P.; Jaspers, E. (Eds)-1986.
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De los Santos, C. jr.; Sorgeloos, P.; Lavina, E.; Bernardino, A.- 1980.
Succesful inoculation of Artemia and production of cysts in manmade salterns in the Philippines: 159–163.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

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De Pinho Canelhas, M.H.-1971.
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Dobbeleir, J.; Adam, N.; Bossuyt, E.; Bruggeman, E.; Sorgeloos, P.-1980.
New aspects of the use of inert diets for high density culturing of brine shrimp: 165–174.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

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Fujita, S.; Watanabe, T.; Kitajima, C.-1980.
Nutritional quality of Artemia from different localities as a living feed for marine fish from the viewpoint of essential fatty acids: 277–290.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 456 pp.

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The brine shrimp Artemia and Parartemia in Australia: 57–65.
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Environmental physiology of salt tolerance in an alkaline salt lake population of Artemia from Mono Lake, California, USA: 157– 167.
In: The brine shrimp Artemia. Vol. 2. Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology. Persoone, G.; Sorgeloos, P.; Roels, O.; Jaspers, E. (Eds). Universa Press, Wetteren, Belgium, 664 pp.

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