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This paper presents the components of the proposed information system and explains the most important elements related to them. This preparatory work, along with the conceptual design, will enable an appropriate system analysis to be undertaken to match the identified functions (in terms of Objectives and Requirements) with the actual products, techniques and data/information available. For a better understanding of the technical terminology used in this report a glossary of computer terms is given in Annex 1.

2.1. The Objectives

The primary objective of SIPAL is to provide the AQUILA project, and through it the countries adhering to the project, with an instrument and methodology for rapid and targeted access to data and information of different types and from different sectors and sources. This technology will allow all users to establish their own “made-to-measure” research procedures tailored each time to suit their requirements.

A by-product of this System will be the exchange of data and information between peripherals (Countries/End-user Workstations) and the Workstation (FAO/AQUILA II project) putting in motion a process of feedback. The System will be a strong boost to standardizing the terminology and content (units and measures) in the region.

In order to rationalize the development and implementation of the system, enhance the possibility of its success, increase its use by and interest of all parties concerned, the system will be made up of five Basic Modules (National, Regional, FAO, Extended, Analytical) plus two accessory modules (Data Processing and System Configuration). Hereafter an introductory description of all the above modules is given.

For development of the prototype and as a first test, the Project will contact and make agreement with GLOBEFISH (FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy) to access its remote database, capture data/information related to aquaculture, and recompile and redistribute them throughout the SIPAL network accordingly.

The overall SIPAL system will work using data and information in a structured and standardized mode to allow exchange and aggregation for textual, analytical and graphical manipulation.

Figure 1 presents the SIPAL System Overview, whereas Figure 2 is an outline of a typical retrieval process around which the system will be designed.

However, all Aquila II country users, regardless of whether they are data donors or information recipients, will be provided with the same information system.

2.2 The Characteristics

The first qualifying characteristic of the proposed system is the basic role of the end user in its design and implementation. It is emphasized that the system will be mainly designed by the users themselves, based on their concrete needs, and will not follow the normal logic of data dissemination per se.

The second peculiarity is that each country will continue to be free to install and manage its own data bases or information systems. The project may eventually be asked to assist interested countries in developing data entry procedures, or automatic data capture interfaces, in downloading/ uploading national data (manually or automatically) into the regional subsystem.

A third characteristic variable is that countries will not be burdened with requests for additional data collection operations to feed this System. However, it is clear that if a country/institution has no ongoing data collection system covering items of information within a certain application, the Regional Module (aggregation of national information) will not contain its data.

From the information system point of view, SIPAL will be developed into two final versions, with different configurations aiming at covering the two main functions:

  1. One devoted to the National Coordination Workstations, “National Configuration”, in which, among other options, it will be possible to access national information systems through the “National Module” and,

  2. One devoted to the SIPAL Regional Workstation, “Regional Configuration”. The Regional Workstation in this document is temporarily identified as the AQUILA II Project Headquarters, bearing in mind that once the Project is finished, SIPAL should be given a final location. Some of the functions of the Regional Workstation will be the promotion of the System, providing assistance to the participating countries and coordinating its further implementation in addition to the control and recompilation of the data sent from the participating countries, merged with additional information from other sources, all aggregated at regional level and redespatched to the National Workstations and forming the databases.

Figure 1 - SIPAL System Overview

Figure 1

Figure 2 - SIPAL Decision-Making Process

Figure 2

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