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The AQUILA II Project (through its Headquarters in Mexico City), FAO-HQ backstopping and a few selected countries within the Project area, will launch a program of work with the aim of establishing an Integrated Information System to assist national and regional operators in the field of aquaculture. This target will be accomplished by the development of a System Prototype to be finalized within the present Aquila II Project life though:

4.1. Preparatory work-March/June 1992

4.2. Phase I-System Design and Development - July/December 1992

4.3. Phase II - Evaluation of the Output of Phase I, Completion of the SIPAL Prototype - January/September 1993

4.4. Phase III - Evaluation/Revision/Improvement and Ensure Continuity of the System - October 1993/February 1994

All the parties concerned: FAO, the Donor, the Countries involved in the development and installation of SIPAL may consider that an additional phase may be envisaged to complete its delivery.

4.5. Consolidation/expansion (six months approximately)

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