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The forecast of forests products and services to be utilised and the balancing of this demand with supply will be affected by data scarcity; uncertainties surrounding the end of the war; war related movement of people; war related damage to forest crop; migration trends; the need for the construction of 300,000 housing units; the speed of resettlement of traditional rulers; the speed of reconstitution of the defunct district councils; the economic performance of the country etc.

The grossly marginalized and underfunded forestry sector can serve the nation better if it is autonomous enough to improve staff remuneration and welfare on the basis of productivity and enhanced job environment. Necessary increases in staff strength could make the sector more responsive to the needs of the nation.

The role of tradition in conservation and the involvement of all stakeholders in the planning and execution of forest management will be crucial to both the planning and execution process. The role of women in seedling production and forest conservation should be enhanced including the recruitment of female forestry extension agents to change the face of extension agents.

Donor involvement in and support to the process is crucial to the realization of set objectives.




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