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This case study has been prepared within an international project undertaken by the Forestry Department at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with the financial support of the Danish Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development with ESSD at the World Bank. The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable participation of José Ricardo Brum Fausto in the calculation procedures and equally important comments and suggestions along the text. Carlos Eduardo F. Young has also benefited us with comments on Section 2. We are very thankful to Ives Dubé, from the FAO Forestry Department, for his persuasive and successful efforts of motivating us to undertake this study. We also thank Salah El Serafy and Michael Linddal for comments on the preliminary version of this study. At last, but surely not al least, our gratitude to Antonio Carlos Prado (Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, MMA), José de Arimatéia Silva (Brazilian Institute of The Environment and Renewable Resources, IBAMA), Steven Stone (Inter-American Development Bank), Delson L. M. de Queiroz (TECNOSOLO-DHV), Luis Alberto Veríssimo (Instituto do Homen e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia, IMAZON) and Fernando José A. Abranches (Barzilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE) for the kind help in the provision of their studies, database and useful comments.




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