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Pinus Radiata, Radiata Pine, Insigne Pine, Monterrey Pine9

Pinus radiata is originally of the occidental region of the United States. It is a well-know forest species, since, in spite of having a very reduced natural distribution, it is planted in diverse countries of the world.

In its natural form, it grows in three zones of the California coast : Point Pinos, to the south of Monterrey Hill Bay; On the coast of the district of Santa Cruz, from Año Nuevo until Big Creek, and near Cambria, along the coast of the district of San Luis Obispo. It is also found in altitudes of 600 to 1,200 meters in the Mexican island of Guadalupe, in front of the coast of Baja California.

The climate in the zone of distribution is characterized by average annual rainfall of 424 to 761mm., with winter regimen and comparative high humidity. The average temperatures are of 10°C in winter and 14°C in summer and the extreme absolute temperatures are of - 6.7° and 42°C. In no time there is snow, but there are some weak freezes in January. It is a tree of straight bole that could reach 30 to 50 meters of height and diameters of 1.5 meters.

In their place of origin, this species has secondary importance, but in other countries it is one of the most important species, constituting extensive plantations in Chile, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Spain. For the first two countries constitutes the principal forest species, with a surface superior to 1,300,000 hectares in Chile and more than 800,000 in New Zealand.

The success of this species is due to the rapidity of its growth in several types of soils and to the diversity of uses of its wood. This species was introduced in Chile towards the end of the past century, but the massive plantations only begun in the decade of the 40’s. In 1965 the planted surface reached some 230,000 hectares and in 1984 arrived at one million of hectares.

This resource has given origin to an important forest industry that produces pulp, paper, saw wood, diverse types of boards, furnishing, packaging and other products.

Pinus radiata is a species of great adaptability that has been utilized with success in the forestation from the V to the X Region. The best development of the species is achieved on the coast of the VIII Region. It also achieved good growths in the volcanic floors of the Pre Andes, up to altitudes of 800 meter.

Long periods of dryness, clay soils and the presence of snow, limits the distribution of the species.


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