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The Government of the Central African Republic, assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is engaged in a project whose main purpose is the establishment and operation of a hatchery to be attached to the national fish culture centre of Bangui-Landjia for: the propagation and semi-intensive culture of Clarias lazera; research activities; provision of fingerlings and training. The project has been financed by a contribution from the technical assistance funds of the Government of the Netherlands.

As part of the project operation, FAO assigned Dr E. Woynarovich as Consultant from 4 to 17 July 1983 with the following terms of reference:

Under the guidance of the Fisheries Expert (Fish Culture), the Consultant will advise on more efficient methods to be applied at the hatchery of the fisheries station at Landjia, including:

The Consultant worked in close collaboration with the Fish Culture Expert, Mr J. Janssen (project GCP/CAF/007/NET) and with members of project CAF/80/002, Messrs V. Deceunick, Principal Technical Adviser; G. Mievis, Fisheries Expert; and F. Demoulin, Associate Expert (at Bouar).

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