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8.    The Project CTA reported the progress of the Project from July 1987 to September 1988. He reiterated the three main objectives, thus:

  1. Inter-country transfer of seafarming technology through training and demonstration activities.

  2. Establishment of a seafarming development management system to identify development potentials, support investment and regulate development activities.

  3. Formulation of a seafarming information system.

9.    The Project staff is composed of the CTA, a Seafarming Management Expert and one Associate Professional Officer (bivalve expert). On a cost-sharing basis with NACA, the staff is supported by an Aquaculture Economist and an Information Specialist.

10.    The Meeting was informed that all the Project National Coordinators and Nodal Centres have been designated and identified.

11.    During the First Tripartite Review held on 14 January 1988 in Bangkok, the proposed revision of the Project was submitted for consideration. However, the TPR postponed its decision since it was deemed too early to consider a project revision.

12.    The Seafarming Project collaborated with other externally-funded projects in the region sharing common objectives. This made the activities more cost-effective and enabled wider participation in the Project. Among those which collaborated are the ASEAN Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project (RAS/84/016), Indonesian Seafarming Development Project (INS/81/008), Bay of Bengal Programme (GCP/RAS/040/SWE), Regional South Pacific Aquaculture Development Project (GCP/RAS/116/JPN), the Chinese Marine Fish Culture Development Project (CPR/81/014), and the DPRK's Strengthening of the National Shallow Sea Farming Research Project (DRK/86/005).

13.    Mr. Chen highlighted the initial achievements of the Project and the progress of implementing its activities during the year. These include the results of the four training/demonstration courses (Appendices XV and XVI) and the progress made in the areas related to the establishment of a management system for rational and orderly development of seafarming, information exchange and other issues such as socio-economics, women in aquaculture and bivalve research.

14.    Mr. Chen informed the Meeting that the details of these activities would be given during the discussions under separate agenda items. His report appears in Appendix VI.

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