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Working Papers 
SF/NCM-1/WP/1Provisional Agenda
SF/NCM-1/WP/2Annotated Provisional Agenda and Timetable
SF/NCM-1/WP/3Project Document
SF/NCM-1/WS/1Fish landings by source of production, 1975–1986
SF/NCM-1/WS/2Number of fish farmer households and area under cultivation, by country, 1986
SF/NCM-1/WS/3Total production of finfish, mollusc and seaweed, by species
SF/NCM-1/WS/4Project Workplan
SF/NCM-1/WS/5Facilities and Staff of Nodal Centres
SF/NCM-1/WS/6Samples of Topical Organization of Technical Manuals
Reference Papers 
SF/NCM-1/REF/1Technical Manual for Seed Production of Seabass (NICA, Thailand)
SF/NCM-1/REF/2Biology and Culture of Seabass (Lates calcarifer Bloch) (NACA)
SF/NCM-1/REF/3A Geographical Information System to Plan Aquaculture: Study in Costa Rica (FAO/UNEP/GRID)
SF/NCM-2/REF/4Manual on Floating Netcage Fish Farming in Singapore's Coastal Waters
SF/NCM-1/REF/5Manual on Breeding of Banana Prawn
SF/NCM-1/REF/6Site Selection for the Culture of Marine Finfish in Floating Netcages
SF/NCM-1/REF/7Site Selection for Seaweed Farming
SF/NCM-1/REF/8Seafarming Regulations of Indonesia
Information Notes 
SF/NCM-1/INF/1Provisional List of Documents
SF/NCM-1/INF/2General Information Notes
SF/NCM-1/INF/3Study Tour Programme
SF/NCM-1/INF/4List of Participants

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