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The government of the D.P.R. of Korea, with advantageous geographical conditions, is increasing its investments on fishery to produce more shallow sea products. It is also rapidly development its fishery industry by giving priority to aquaculture scientific research work over production activity.

Because of the decreasing migratory fish resources which had been abundant in recent year but now only fished, the state took several measures to increase artificially the resources of shallow sea in order to get fish products more safely and in a planned way.

We have established several enterprises of capacity of 10,000 to 20,000 tons and developed seafarming projects according to species.

Water area of good conditions for increasing national resources were legislated as a special protective area and the state launched the shallow seafarming as a nation-wide movement.

Government has enlarged and newly built the fishery university to train quickly the technicians and skilled workers, established experts training school and factory colleges in the large enterprises, and cuated high special colleges in every province.

To modernize the fishery industry, it organized seafarming research institutes at Korean East and West Sea, and established a subsidiary experimental station in each province, and also two or three experimental stations managed by its province.

The purpose of all these developments is to achieve a rapid growth in the production of laminaria, undaria, laver, gracilaria, scallop, mussel, oyster, and abalone.

At present, seafarming products in D. P. R. of Korea has reached over one million tons most of this from artificial cultivation.

The research results of the scientific institutes were introduced to production so that the laminaria yields reached to 100 to 150 tons, undaria 60 to 70 tons, laminaria 70 tons, scallop 60 tons, mussel 200 to 350 tons, and abalone 3 tons; all these products are normalized.

Planning to increase the seafarming production to the level of 8 million tons in 90's, government is increasing its investments for it and strengthening its guidance.

To achieve these targets the government pays a deep concern to the training of experts and has taken meaures to strengthen the newly established reserch institutes, experimental stations, and seafarming enterprises.

The scientific research institutions, experting great efforts to solve scientific and technical problems in increasing production per hectare with few manpowers, materials and funds, is intensifying research work.

In conformity with the rapid development of seafarming, they are doing research on areas meant to simplify the culture process, to increase efficiency of materials and labours, to utilize more domestic materials, to mechanize the seafarming work in all ways, and to handle the large quantity of seafarming products.

Especially, the government is taking measure to increase the numbers of research labours to get more abalone production which is of high nutritive value, good taste, and fields highly effective pharmacenticals.

Government has registlated effective areas for increasing abalone as a special protected area for its resources and has been undergoing a widely discharging for incubation (seeding) with the state fund.

In D. P. R. of Korea enough material and technical conditions are provided to produce 8 million tons of seafarming.

Therefore the seafarming work in our country is being done with the concerns of that nation and the entire people.

The government also pays a deep concern to and interest in technical exchange and cooperation with other countries in the world through the international organizations to produce 8 million tons of aquaculture products in the period of future plan.

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