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GEN 18

Planning an aquaculture facility: Guidelines for bioprogramming and design.
1988   41 pp

Modern aquaculture is an emerging technology, and each year scientists make technical advances in their disciplines which push husbandry and management of aquatic animals to new limits. The continuous stream of new information requires flexibility in the engineering and operation of all facilities for the culture of aquatic animals to avoid immediate or future obsolescence. The planning and design of these facilities therefore require thoughtful integration of many technical skills in order to obtain the most economic return on capital investment. This ADCP guideline document describes an integrated systematic approach to the planning and design of aquaculture facilities. The document is directed at Upper-level and Mid-level Management, specifically investors and managers of both public and private funds who often have little or no knowledge about aquaculture. The contents of the document are concerned particularly with the role of engineering and engineering services in the design and development process. The document contains also Check Lists for assembling criteria about all aspects of the proposed facility, and some typical Term of Reference for the engineer, architect, biologist and economist who may be employed in the planning and design of aquaculture facilities.

GEN 19

MAINE, P. D. and C.E. NASH
Aquaculture sector development: A guideline for the preparation of a national plan.
1987   21 pp

This paper considers three main points for national planning of aquaculture activities. 1. The objectives of national planning (general and aquaculture sector objectives), 2. preparation for an aquaculture development plan (organization, procedure and justification), and 3. preparation of the study report.

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