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O 39

Oyster marketing in Peninsular Malaysia - Prospects and problems.
1988 5 pp
Bay of Bengal News, December 1988

In the first detailed study of oyster marketing in peninsular Malaysia, BOBP investigators talk to oyster collectors, brokers, retailers and consumers in several centres. The study's findings are summarized in this article.

O 43

Oyster culture - Status and Prospects.
1987 78 pp
Bull. Cent. Mar. Fish. Res. Inst., 38

Chapter 1 gives an account of the taxonomy of Indian oysters. Chapter 2 deals with the ecology of oyster beds. Chapters 3 and 4 identify the natural oyster resources along the Indian coastline. Chapters 5 and 6 relate to the investigations on the biology of the backwater oyster Crassostrea madrasensis. The rest of the chapters deal with aspects of oyster farming and seed production. Chapter 7 gives the techniques of spat collection from the natural beds. Chapter 8 deals with hatchery production of seed, an aspect of considerable importance to development of oyster culture in the country. Chapter 9 relates to oyster farming techniques developed at CMFRI. Chapter 10 deals with post-harvest technology of oyster production. Chapter 11 projects the economics of oyster culture. Chapter 12 gives an account of the problems of pests and predators in the oyster farm. Lastly, Chapter 13 gives an overview of oyster culture indicating the R&D thrusts required in future if oyster farming is to become a commercial reality in India. Thus a wide range of subjects on oyster resources and farming has been dealt with in the Bulletin.

O 44

JAKOB, G.S., WANG, J.K. and C.Y. LAM
Experimental design of an oyster grow-out system.
1988 11 pp
Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Journal Series no. 3237

An experimental grow-out system was designed for land-based culture of oysters in Hawaii using shrimp pond water as feed. The tanks were fabricated out of plywood and reinforced with fiberglass. The system was designed to explore the design concepts to accomplish the following: (1) minimize and control marine biofouling, (2) distribute feed water evenly, (3) remove feces and pseudofeces from the growth tank, (4) utilize tank volume efficiently, and (5) minimize labor requirements for oyster handling.

O 45

Broodstock management of Crassostrea gigas: environmental influences on broodstock conditioning.
1984 12 pp
Aquaculture, 39, 217–228

Maximum larval survival is realized when broodstock are in an optimum stage of gonadal development and the efficiency of larval culture may be substantially improved by using only optimally conditioned broodstock. The conditioning requirement to bring broodstock into this optimum stage is dependent upon the stage of gonadal development at the commencement of conditioning and upon the rate of conditioning. The stage of gonadal development at the commencement of conditioning may be determined directly or inferred by understanding the annual cycle of gonadal development occurring in the broodstock. The rate of conditioning, on the other hand, is regulated by the conditioning environment. In the present study, we have observed the influence of three components of the conditioning environment temperature, salinity, and supplemental feeding on the rate of gonadal development during hatchery conditioning of broodstock. The rate of gonadal development is a function of temperature intensity and time rather than accumulated thermal exposure. Salinity exerted a negative influence on the rate of development in oysters conditioned at salinity levels below 30 parts per thousand (ppt). Furthermore, when oysters conditioned at 20 ppt relative to 30 ppt were spawned and the larvae were reared under standardized hatchery conditions, larval survival was markedly reduced in the former. Fecundity of broodstock was 60% greater when fed an algal food supplement of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana relative to starve controls, although the rate for gonadal development and gamete capability was not significantly different. Using these empirically determined functions, a simplistic quantitative model may be employed to predict broodstock conditioning requirements in order to increase the proportion of optimally conditioned brood oysters.

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