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ACRS, 1989 Proceedings of the ninth Asian conference on remote sensing, November 23–29, 1988, Bangkok, Thailand, Bangkok, NRCT.

ASFA 2, 1984 Aquatic sciences and fisheries abstracts. Part 2 Ocean technology policy and non living resources, Vol. 14(10): 230 p. Bethesda, MD, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.

Baker, l. and P. Koeoniam (eds.), 1986 Manual of coastal development planning and management for Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand, prepared at Environment and Resources Research Division, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 180 p.

Banchong, T., P. Soehardi and S. lmam, 1987 Seafarming resources map. FAO, INS/81/008/MANUAL/7, 66 p.

Banchong, T., P. Soechardi and M. Kisto, 1989 Seafarming resources map. FAO, INS/81/008/MANUAL/7, 109 p.

Burbridge, P.R. et. al. (eds.), 1988 Coastal zone management in the Strait of Malacca. Proceedings of a Symposium on environmental research and coastal zone management in the Strait of Malacca, 11–13 November, 1985, Medan, Indonesia. Halifax, Nova Scotia, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, 317 p.

Cheney, D.P. and H.R. Rabanal, 1984 Remote sensing and its application to inland fisheries and aquaculture. FAO Fish. Circ., (768):50 p.

Chia, L.S., K. Habibullah and L.M. Chow, 1988 The coastal environmental profile of Singapore. ICLARM Technical Report 21, 92 p. International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

Chua, T.E., M.A.A. Agulto, F.Y. Guarin and S.C. Guerrero. 1989 Directory of institutions and scientists in the ASEAN region involved in research and/or management related to coastal areas, 373 p. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

Chua, T.E., L.M. Chou and M.S.M. Sadorra (eds.), 1987 The coastal environmental profile of Brunei Darussalam: resource assessment and management issues. ICLARM Technical Report 18, 193 p. Fisheries Department, Ministry of Development, Brunei Darussalam and International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

ESCAP/UNESCO/NRCT, 1984 Report on regional remote sensing training course on mangrove ecosystem, November 28 - December 16, 1983. Bangkok, NRCT.

FAO, 1985 Applications of remote sensing to aquaculture and inland fisheries. Report of the ninth international training course on applications of remote sensing to aquaculture and inland fisheries, Rome, Italy, 10–28 September 1984, 301 p.

FAO, 1985 Mangrove management in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Rome, FAO Environ.Pap., (4):60 p.

FAO, 1988 Workshop on seaweed production and utilization, China. Terminal statement prepared for the Government of China and FAO. Technical Cooperation Programme.

FAO, 1989, List of personnel of the United Nations Development Programme, its executing and participating agencies and related organizations and programmes. Bangkok, United Nations Development Program.

FAO, 1989 Recent developments in coastal aquaculture. Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal, sixth session, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 23–25 January 1989. IOFC:DM/BB/89/5.

Fisheries Administration, 1988 A report of comprehensive survey on sea farming areas in Korea (abstract edition). National Fisheries Research and Development Agency, 263 p.

Fisheries Research and Development Agency, 1979 Oceanographic handbook of the neighbouring seas of Korea (3rd edition). Pusan, Korea, 651 p.

Fisheries Statistics Sub-Division, 1985 The marine fisheries statistics 1982 base on the sample survey. 2/2528, No. 2. Bangkok, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

Hainsworth, G. et. al. (eds.), 1987 Local resource management towards sustainable development. A summary of the Proceedings of the IDRC-EMDI-ITB international conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 19–22 May, 1986. Halifax, N.S., School for Resource and Environmental Studies, 69 p.

He, C. (ed.), Inventory of the remote sensing activities in the ESCAP region. Bangkok, Regional Remote Sensing Programme RAS/86/141, Natural Resources Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). In press.

ICLARM, Tropical coastal area management, A newsletter for coastal managers, users and researchers in the ASEAN region (series). Manila, ASEAN/US Coastal Resources Management Project.

Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission, 1986 Report of the third session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party of Experts on inland fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand, 19–27 June 1986, and, Report of the Workshop on strategies for the management of fisheries and aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23–25 June 1986. FAO Fish. Rep., (370):42p.

Kapetsky, J.M., 1987 Satellite remote sensing to locate and inventory small water bodies for fisheries management and aquaculture development in Zimbabwe. CIFA Occas.Pap., (14):11 p.

Kapetsky, J.M., L. McGregor and H. Nanne E., 1987 A geographical information system and satellite remote sensing to plan for aquaculture development: a FAO - UNEP/GRID cooperative study in Costa Rica. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (287):51 p.

Klankamson, B. et. al., 1987 Report on the classification of mangrove forest land use zones in Thailand. Bangkok, Royal Forest Department, 77 p. (In Thai language)

Koesoebiono and B. Rahardjo, 1988 Proceedings of a Technical workshop on ASEAN-US coastal resources management, Indonesia incountry project, 7–9 March 1988, Semarang, Indonesia. Supported by ASEAN, USAID and ICLARM. 2 vols.

Korea Meteorological Service, 1987 Annual climatological report. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 138 p.

Maher, R., 1988 Draft preliminary report on the application of geographic systems in K.L.H. Jakarta, Environmental Manpower Development in Indonesia (EMDI). Unpublished report.

Manotham, C., 1988 An appraisal of computer systems as an aid to land use planning in Thailand, THA/2284/0021. Bangkok, Department of Land Development.

Mepham, R.H. and T. Petr (eds.), 1987 Papers contributed to the Workshop on strategies for the management of fisheries and aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23–25 June 1986, and, Country status reports on inland fisheries presented at the Third session of the Indopacific Fishery Commission of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party of Experts on inland fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand, 19–27 June 1986. FAO Fish.Rep., (376) Suppl.:248 p.

NACA, NACA Newsletter (series). Bangkok, NACA Coordinating Unit. Published quarterly.

NACA, 1987 Report of the first national coordinator's meeting on regional seafarming development and demonstration project, 27–28 October 1987, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok, NACA, 71 p.

NACA, 1988 Report of the second national coordinator's meeting on regional seafarming development and demonstration project, 20–23 September 1988, Singapore. Bangkok, NACA, 102 p.

Nasril, H. et. al. (eds.), 1987 Proceedings of the joint DFVLR-Lapan-NIOZ Workshop on remote sensing of the sea. Participation in the Snelluis-II expedition 1984, jakarta 14–16, 1987. Indonesia, Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), 373 p.

National Development Planning Agency, 1988 Action plan for sustainable development of Indonesia's marine and coastal resources. Canada/Indonesia Medium Term Planning Support Project. 2 vols.

National Remote Sensing Centre of the People's Republic of China, 1985 Proceedings of development and application of remote sensing for planning, management and decision making. Beijing, 408 p.

NRCT, 1989 Proceedings of seminar on optimization of high resolution satellite data, January 9–11, 1989. Bangkok, NRCT.

NRCT, Proceedings of seminars conducted under CIDA-Thailand var.dates LANDSAT project. Bangkok, National Research Council of Thailand.

Office of Hydrographic Affairs, 1987 Catalogue of charts and publications. Seoul, Republic of Korea, Pub. no. 904, 48 p.

Office of Hydrographic Affairs, 1989 Tide tables, volume l. Seoul, Republic of Korea, Pub. no. 1201-1, 225 +p.

Paw, J.N., S. Bunpapong, A.T. White and M.S.M. Sedorra (eds). 1988 The coastal environmental profile of Ban Don Bay and Phangnga Bay, Thailand. ICLARM Technical Report 20, 78 p. International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

Petersen, E., 1988 Thailand: Proposal for technical assistance, coastal zone master plan, 16 p.

Remote Sensing Division, 1986 National Research Council in cooperation with Forest Management Division, Royal Forest Department, Remote sensing and mangroves. 5th progress report.

Republic of Korea Hydrographic Office, no date An introduction to the no date hydrographic office, 22 p.

Resources Development Associates, 1985 Aquatic resources development feasibility study. RDA P-131-2. Prepared for USAID.

Resources Development Associates, 1985 Aquatic resources development project and management project. RDA P-131-4. Prepared for USAID.

Roy, R.N. (ed.), 1985 Consultation on social feasibility of coastal aquaculture. Organized by National Swedish Board of Fisheries and The Bay of Bengal Programme. Madras, India, 26 November - 01 December 1984, 125 p.

Ruddle, K., 1981 Pollution in the marine coastal environment of ASEAN countries. In Southeast Asian Seas: Frontiers for development, Chia, R.S. and C. MacAndrews (eds.), Singapore, McGraw-Hill, pp. 136-76.

Shang, Y.C., Coastal aquaculture development in selected Asian countries: status, potential and constraints. FAO Fish. Circ., (799):63 p.

Smith, I.R., 1986 The economics of small-scale seaweed production in the South China Sea region. FAO Fish.Circ., (806):26 p.

Strand, G.-H. and E. Ullah, 1988 Introduction and guide to the Geographic Information System Tutorial (GIST). Bangkok, Asian Institute of Technology, 65 p.

Taylor, D.R.F., 1987 Recent developments in cartography in the People's Republic of China. Cartographica, 24(3):1–22

Thailand Development Research Institute Foundation, 1988 Feasibility study on the establishment of an information system for natural and environmental resources management of Songkhla Lake Basin. Submitted to Prince of Sangkhla University, 3 vols.

Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, var.dates Master plan for coastal land development: provincial reports. Bangkok, Land Development Department.

Thailand Remote Sensing Centre, TRSC Newsletter (series). Bangkok, National Research Council of Thailand. Published quarterly.

The Marine and Coastal Sector Mission, 1987 Marine and coastal sector development in Indonesia. Prepared for CIDA. 3 vols.

UNDP, Compendium of development assistance to Thailand. Bangkok, UNDP.

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