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The South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP) is being extended to assist participating countries in the development of the resources and improvement of the social and economic position of those engaged in the small-scale fisheries sector. The rationale is to determine the extent of the resource, and if under-exploited, to develop same by demonstration and training techniques, using a “pilot project” or concentrated, integrated and related activities in a chosen community. If the results are positive, then other communities or areas can also benefit by using the same or similar techniques.

For the Pulau Tujuh (Seven Islands) area of Riau Province, the Directorate of Fisheries of Indonesia requested the SCS Programme to formulate a fishery survey of the area of the seven sub-districts said to be comprised of over a thousand islands in the Anambas, Bunguran (Natuna), Serasan, Midai and Tambelan Island groups, located in the South China Sea bounded by 0°N lat. at the south, 5°N lat. in the north, 105° long. to the West and 110°E long. on the east.

The survey should be primarily oriented toward the ultimate development of the small-scale fisheries, not only by capture, but also gathering or culture. The identification mission was therefore expanded from the original limited concept of marine capture fisheries to include a preliminary survey of mangrove areas, seaweed and turtle egg collection, and any other possibilities that could lead to improving the earning ability of the local people employed in the fishery sector. During the briefing in Jakarta on 7 June, it was also suggested that the survey be expanded to be area-wide, and not limited to areas accessible only to small-scale fishing units.

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