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To satisfy the terms of reference, the effort of the aquaculture officer aside from coordinating and supervising project activities, consisted of the following:

2.1 Information-seeking activities regarding the status of the technology and practical experiences on fishpen and cage culture through review of available documents, consultations, meetings and dialogues with persons/agencies engaged in the said culture systems. Relevant information on these was also sought during the conduct of the socio-economic study.

2.2 Four separate but complementary field level workshops for specific groups were conducted, namely: (a) top management; (b) extension workers; (c) small fishermen; and (d) wrap-up with the first three levels represented. Two field level workshops for small fishermen in East and Central bays were held. Details on the scope and objectives, methodologies and results on these workshops in relation to the terms of reference of the individual consultants, are found in the socio-economic sub-component report by F. T Rivera.

2.3 Background materials dealing with fishpen and cage cultures were prepared for the field level workshops. Some of these were written in vernacular and styled for laymen (see Appendix 1).

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