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5.1 Conduct aquaculture trials

The Aquaculture Trials under the INFIDEP Programme proposed in Section 4 will provide a sound basis for designing a detailed programme to develop seafarming in the Riau Archipelago District. However, it is already clear that certain government activities will be needed to encourage small-scale fishermen to become part-time or full-time seafarmers. Assuming that the Aquaculture Trials confirm the present optimism concerning the potential for seafarming, the following actions are recommended.

5.2 Establish demonstration farms

Government operated pilot scale farms should be established in the Tanjung Pinang area to demonstrate successful methods for farming of oysters and groupers, and possibly siganids and green mussels. Similar farms should be established in the Tarempa area for groupers and oysters.

5.3 Develop a legal framework for aquaculture

The problems of ownership of fish and shellfish grown in private farms, penalties for theft of the crops and procedures for issuing permits for seafarms need to be addressed. A special study by lawyers, experts in public administration, and aquaculture specialists is recommended to develop laws, rules and procedures for administration of aquaculture.

5.4 Establish a national shellfish sanitation programme

Molluscan shellfish such as oysters, mussels, clams and scallops ingest bacteria along with phytoplankton and can carry pathogens if grown in waters contaminated by human wastes. A government operated shellfish sanitation programme is needed to certify clean areas for harvesting of shellfish and to prohibit harvesting from polluted waters. This programme is also important for foreign trade since many countries including Singapore require sanitation certificates for importation of shellfish.

5.5 Training government aquaculture specialists

A group of government employees with specialized knowledge and experience in aquaculture methodology will be needed to formulate plans for aquaculture development in Indonesia and to carry out government programmes. The training of 5–10 persons should begin as soon as possible.

5.6 Develop training programme for seafarmers

A training programme should be established in connection with the demonstration farms to teach fishermen, transmigration personnel and others the techniques of growing fish and shellfish.

5.7 Develop an extension service for seafarmers

The development of aquaculture will require a government extension service programme to provide continuing guidance to seafarmers. The training of extension service workers is needed first and this should begin within the next year.

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