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 Deputy Assistant Director
 Bangladesh Aquaculture Development Project
 60, Chamelibagh, Shantinagar, Dacca-17
 Fisheries Training Institute
 P.O. Baburhat St., Chandpur, Comilla
 Fisheries Service of East Kalimantan Province
 Directorate General of Fisheries
 Jalan Salemba Raya 16
 Jakarta, Indonesia
 Fisheries Service of Riau District
 Directorate General of Fisheries
 Jalan Salemba Raya 16
 Jakarta, Indonesia
 Directorate of Living Resources Management
 Directorate General of Fisheries
 Jalan Salemba Raya 16
 Jakarta, Indonesia
 Directorate for Production Development
 Directorate General of Fisheries
 Jalan Salemba Raya 16
 Jakarta, Indonesia
 Tanjung Pinang Station
 Marine Fisheries Research Institute
 Jalan Krapu 12, Jakarta-Kota
 Fisheries Officer
 Projek Perikanan, Kg. Raja
 Besut, Trengganu, West Malaysia
 Fisheries Department
 Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
 Djl. Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur
 Research Officer
 Freshwater Fish Culture Research Station
 Batu Berendam
 Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute
 Malacca, Malaysia
 Fishpond Caretaker
 Regional Office No. VII
 Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
 Cebu City, Philippines
 Research Assistant
 Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
 Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
 Primary Production Officer
 Primary Production Department
 Ministry of Law and National Development
 National Development Bldg., Maxwell Road
 Singapore 1, Republic of Singapore
Sri Lanka 
 Research Officer
 Research Division
 Ministry of Fisheries
 Fisheries Complex, Crow Island
 Colombo 15, Sri Lanka
 Fisheries Biologist
 Satul Fisheries Station
 Fisheries Department
 Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
 Rajdamnern Avenue
 Bangkok, Thailand
 Marine Fisheries Biologist
 Rayong Marine Fisheries Station
 Banphae, Rayong Province
 Fisheries Department
 Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
 Rajdamnern Avenue
 Bangkok, Thailand
 Fisheries Biologist
 Phuket Fisheries Station
 Fisheries Department
 Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
 Rajdamnern Avenue
 Bangkok, Thailand
 Fishery Biologist
 Nakorn Sawan Fisheries Station
 Nakorn Sawan Province
 Fisheries Department
 Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
 Rajdamenern Avenue
 Bangkok, Thailand


26 October  
(Monday)0800Registration of participants
 0900Opening ceremonies
 1000Coffee break
 1030Course orientation
 1100Field trip: Tour of fishpens in Los Baos
 1230Lunch break
 1400Lecture: Site selection for fishpen farming (Mr. Sergio Felix)
 1530Coffee break
 1600Lecture: Lake water quality and productivity assessment (Mr. Alejandro Santiago)
27 October  
(Tuesday)0800Laboratory demonstration:
  (a) Freshwater quality analysis (Ms. Victoria Adora)
  (b) Biological examination of lake water (Prof. Luzviminda Guerrero)
 1030Coffee break
 1100Lecture: Design and construction of fishpens (Engr. Vicente Alferez)
 1230Lunch break
 1400Field demonstration: Making and repair of fishpen nets (Engr. Vicente Alferez)
 1530Coffee break
 1600Lecture: Species for culture in fishpens and sources of stock (Dr. Rafael Guerrero)
28 October  
(Wednesday)0800Practical exercises on species selection: Milkfish and Nile tilapia (Prof. Luzviminda Guerrero)
 1000Coffee break
 1030Lecture: Management and maintenance of pen culture units (Com. Andres Mane)
 1230Lunch break
 1400Lecture: Diagnosis and prevention of fishkills in pens (Prof. Luzviminda Guerrero)
 1530Coffee break
 1600Lecture: Harvesting, post-harvest technology and marketing (Com. Andres Mane)
 1830Dinner at Kainan sa Pantalan
29 October  
(Thursday)0700Field trip: Visit Los Baos market
 0830Lecture: Environmental impact of pen culture operations and administrative problems (Dr. Rafael Guerrero)
 1000Coffee break
 1030Lecture: Economics of pen culture as an industry (Dr. Aida Librero)
 1230Lunch break
 1400Country/institution experience reports
30 October  
(Friday)0800Continuation of country reports
 1230Lunch break
 1400Discussion and evaluation
 1600Coffee break
 1630Field trip: Visit fish cages in Sampaloc Lake
 1830Dinner at Kainan sa Dagat
31 October  
(Saturday)0800Field trip: Visit Mane's fishfarm, LLDA's fishpen project and Binangonan Research Station
 1200Lunch at Binangonan
 1400Depart for Manila

2 November  
(Monday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Registration of participants
 0930Opening ceremony
 1000Tea break
 1030Introduction (Mr. C. Wong)
 1200Lunch break
 1330Lecture: Selection of suitable site for cage culture (Mr. T.K. Mok)
 1430Lecture: Design and construction of floating cages and rafts (Mr. T.K. Mok)
 1530Tea break
 1600Lecture continuation
3 November  
(Tuesday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Lecture: Species of fish cultured (Mr. C. Wong)
 1030Tea break
 1100Lecture continuation
 1230Lunch break
 1400Lecture: Feeds and feeding (Mr. T.K. Mok)
 1530Tea break
 1600Lecture continuation
4 November  
(Wednesday)0830Pick up at hotel
  Field trip: Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island (Messrs. C. Wong and T.K. Mok)
5 November  
(Thursday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Lecture: Fish diseases, diagnosis and control (Mr. C. Wong)
 1030Tea break
 1100Lecture continuation
 1230Lunch break
 1400Lecture: Environmental impact of cage culture operation (Mr. T.K. Mok)
 1530Tea break
 1600Lecture continuation
6 November  
(Friday)0745Pick up at hotel
  Field Trip: Kat O Fisheries Research
  Substation (Messrs. T.K. Mok and C. Wong)
7 November  
(Saturday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Country experience reports (participants)
 1030Tea break
 1100Country experience reports (continuation)
 1230Lunch break
 1400Visit Ocean Park (Messrs. C. Wong & T.K. Mok)
9 November  
(Monday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Lecture: Control of fouling organisms (Mr. C. Wong)
 1030Tea break
 1100Lecture: Harvesting and marketing (Mr. C. Wong)
 1230Lunch break
 1400Practical laboratory work (Messrs. T.K. Mok and R. Luk)
 1530Tea break
 1600Practical laboratory work continuation
10 November  
(Tuesday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Lecture: The economics of cage culture (Mr. J. Cheng)
 1030Tea break
 1100Lecture: Mariculture legislation and regulatory work (Mr. T.Y. Yim)
 1230Lunch break
 1400Practical laboratory work (Messrs. T.K. Mok and R. Luk)
 1530Tea break
 1600Practical laboratory work continuation
11 November  
(Wednesday)0715Pick up at hotel Field trip: Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Freshwater Fish Market, Lei Yu Mun and Ma Nam Wat (Hong Kong Fish Farming) (Messrs. C. Wong and T.K. Mok)
12 November  
(Thursday)0830Pick up at hotel
 0900Country experience reports (participants)
 1030Tea break
 1100Country experience reports continuation
 1230Lunch break
 1400Discussion and evaluation (Messrs. C. Wong and T.K. Mok)
 1930Dinner reception at Ruby Restaurant Causeway Bay


Field Trip 1Tour of fishpens in Los Baos area 
Lecture 1Site selection for fishpen farmingS. Felix
Lecture 2Lake water quality and productivity assessmentA. Santiago
Laboratory Demonstration 1Freshwater quality analysisV. Adora
Laboratory Demonstration 2Biological examination of pond waterL. Guerrero
Lecture 3Design and construction of fishpensV. Alferez
Field Demonstration 3Making and repair of fishpen netsV. Alferez
Lecture 4Species for culture in fishpens and sources of stockR. Guerrero
Practical Exercise 1Species selection: Milkfish and Nile tilapiaL. Guerrero
Lecture 5Management and maintenance of pen culture unitsA. Mane
Lecture 6Diagnosis and prevention of fishkills in pensL. Guerrero
Lecture 7Harvesting, post-harvest technology and marketingA. Mane
Field Trip 2Visit to fresh fish market in Los Baos 
Lecture 8Environmental impact of pen culture operations and administrative problemsR. Guerrero
Lecture 9Economics of pen culture as an industryA. Librero
Field Trip 3Visit to tilapia floating cages in Sampaloc Lake, San Pablo City, Laguna 
Field Trip 4Visit to private tilapia hatchery/ nursery farm, LLDA tilapia cage culture project and the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department's Binangonan Research Station 
Lecture 10Selection of suitable site for cage cultureT.K. Mok
Lecture 11Design and construction of floating cages and raftsT.K. Mok
Lecture 12Species of fish culturedC. Wong
Lecture 13Feeds and feedingT.K. Mok
Field Trip 5Visit to Sok Kwu Wan small-scale fish cage farms in Lamma Island 
Lecture 14Fish diseases, diagnosis and controlC. Wong
Lecture 15Environmental impact of cage culture operationT.K. Mok
Field Trip 6Visit to Kat O Marine Station 
Lecture 16Control of fouling organismsC. Wong
Lecture 17Harvesting and marketingC. Wong
Practical Exercise 2Marine cage and raft constructionT.K. Mok and R. Luk
Lecture 18The economics of cage cultureJ. Cheng
Lecture 19Mariculture legislation and regulatory workT.Y. Yim
Practical Exercise 3Marine water quality analysisT.K. Mok and R. Luk
Field Trip 7Visit to Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Freshwater Fish Market, Lei Yu Mun and Ma Nam Wat 


Welcome AddressHon. Andrew Nocon
 Mayor, Los Baos
Opening RemarksDr. Flor J. Lacanilao
 Aquaculture Department
Keynote TalkMr. Teodoro Baguilat
 Acting General Manager
RemarksMr. Arthur G. Woodland
 Programme Leader, SCSP
Closing RemarksDirector Felix R. Gonzales
and Opening ofBureau of Fisheries and
CourseAquatic Resources


Dr. Guerrero, the Honourable Punong Bayan Andrew Nocon, Mr. Woodland and Staff, Director Gonzales, Distinguished Guests, Participants, Observers, and Friends.

At the outset, may I extend my sincerest gratitude to the UNDP/FAO and South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme for inviting me to this occasion. Firstly, I welcome the opportunity of being with people with whom I could share common interests and concern. Secondly, I would be coming to a place reminiscent of those happy college days.

I wish to commend the sponsors of this training course for quickly responding in its own way to the immense opportunities for increased food production, i.e., intensified aquaculture in bodies of water. The training of extension workers will hopefully hasten the dissemination of this new technology to the thousands of marginal fishermen who have been bogged down with the age-old traditional methods of open-water fishing. The shift to aquaculture will definitely revolutionize their daily chores but ought to correspondingly increase their incomes and improve their livelihood.

But for aquaculture development in Laguna de Bay to be maximized, it has to be governed by appropriate policies and programs. The unrestricted and disorderly proliferation of fishpens could spell doom to the industry. Allow me therefore to present a brief outline of these policies and programs.

Compatibility with the Other Beneficial Uses of Water Resources

The first policy has to do with maximizing the benefits that might accrue to society from any given body of water. Generally, the developmental benefits are maximized when the body of water is harnessed for multiple purposes rather than for a single purpose. These purposes are domestic water supply, food through irrigation and fisheries, hydroelectric power, navigation and even water-based recreation. In case of a conflict of uses, i.e., an intended use interferes or adversely affects one or the other alternative uses, then a balance has to be arrived at. Again, the generally accepted hierarchy of uses is invoked whereby water for domestic or potable drinking purpose is ranked highest followed by food and power.

1 Keynote talk of Mr. Teodoro B. Baguilat, Acting General Manager, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines.

How is this policy applied with respect to Laguna de Bay? Before the first commercial fishpens set up in the lake mushroomed into a full-blown industry, the lake was earlier identified as a major potential source of potable drinking water for Metro Manila and the lakeshore communities towards the turn of this century. It was estimated that the lake could generate 500 MGD or twice the existing capacity of the metropolitan water supply system. To conserve the lake and to prepare for the aforementioned future use, a concern for appropriate water quality management of the lake, its tributaries, and watershed was brought to the forefront in the planning and execution of development projects in the lake region.

As for example, based on an estimate of the lake's biomass and the need for proper water circulation, a decision was made to set a ceiling for fishpen development in the lake. Hence, the allowable fishpen area has been set at 10 000 hectares. This area of the lake wherein fishpens may be set is referred to as the fishpen belt considering that it forms a strip about 1–2 kms wide and running generally parallel to the lake's coastline of about 200 kms. Appropriate navigational lanes and distances between fishpens are provided in the belt. With this zoning of the lake, it is hoped that its fishery utility could be sustained in the long-run, compatible with the other identified uses of the lakewaters.

Multiple Fish Species (Polyculture) Development

Corollary to the policy of harnessing all the possible water uses is the second policy of maximizing the output from the delineated fishpen belt through diversification of fish stock. The existing fishpens in the lake have generally been associated only with milkfish (bangos) culture. That may well have been the result of the inertia of convenience, bangos culture being an established practice and it need only be replicated in the lake. However, the prospect of polyculture was looked into as early as when the first commercial fishpens were being built. At that time, tilapia cages were set up but only for experimental purposes. Now, the bangos-tilapia combination is increasingly being accepted and practiced by fishpen owners. In fact, other fish species and even crustaceans are being explored as possible additions to the crop mix.

Development of Small Fishermen

All too often, development of technology is equated with increasing or improving the physical output, e.g. increase yield of rice, higher egg laying capacity, greater fish catch, etc. -- the assumption being that the producer (farmer/fisherman) automatically becomes better off. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The present farmer or fisherman could be no better than he was in yester years in spite of supposed advances in technology. And this will definitely be the case with the small fishermen in the lake if the benefits of aquaculture are not purposely programmed for their availment. For what may have actually happened in the Philippines is that non-fishermen have been more quick to avail of this new technology utilizing their own capital resources and acquired expertise. Hence, without government intervention, this will again be a case of fishery output and productivity increasing dramatically, yet ironically, the fishermen's quality of life remains stagnant.

It is therefore a pronounced policy to accord priority to small fishermen in the utilization of lakewaters for aquaculture purposes by giving them technical and financial assistance. But this was more easily enunciated than realized. Private capitalists with the financial resources at their command do not have to wait for government assistance in proceeding to construct their own fishpens. Now, however, with the full scale implementation of government programs such as the Laguna de Bay Fishpen Development Project, the Biyayang Dagat, and the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran (KKK) or Livelihood Program, we may yet see the realization of this policy linking aquaculture development to the enhancement of the small fishermen as producers and entrepreneurs.

The Laguna de Bay Fishpen Development Project

I am sure that you would like to know some highlights of these projects, particularly the Laguna de Bay Fishpen Development Project.

The project was conceived in 1975 but it was only in 1978 when international financial assistance was successfully negotiated with the Asian Development Bank and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The project cost is $23.06M consisting of a loan of $13.06M backed up by a domestic counterpart of $10M. The project encompasses 2 500 ha involving 1 550 fishermen families each earning not more than 9 000 per year. The fishermen families will have the option of grouping themselves into associations (samahans) consisting of any number but preferably at least two members for the 2.5 ha module, three members for the 5 ha module and five for the 10 ha module. The loans will be given in kind, i.e., construction materials consisting of nets, floats, ropes and twines, bamboo posts, concrete sinkers and ties.

As of the present, 700 fishermen borrowers have been recruited covering 1 200 ha. Phase II of the project will encompass the balance of 800 fishermen and 1 30C ha by year 1983. The successful implementation of this project will hopefully spearhead similar projects in other lakes.

In conclusion, I express the hope that your first-hand observation and studies during your week-long stay in the Philippines will equip you with a deeper insight and a wider perspective of aquaculture as it relates to your respective country assignments.

Again, I wish to thank the sponsores of this Training Course for having invited me to keynote this opening ceremonies.

Good day and God speed.


Cage and pen culture of finfish have been traditionally practiced in some parts of Asia. In the last decade, cage and pen culture of finfish had become an important industry in the Philippines, boosting the contribution of the inland fisheries sector to the country's annual fish production.

If you travel around the country, you won't fail to notice how fishpens and cages have mushroomed along our lakeshore villages and towns, and in coves, sheltered bays and estuaries. These fish culture activities have provided gainful employment and higher incomes for our people. Ranging from less than one-hectare to 50–100 hectare modules, these have likewise benefitted those in the ancillary industries: net making, fish handling and marketing, ice making and distribution.

Of course, finfish culture in pens and cages is concentrated in more than 5 000 hectares of Laguna de Bay, followed by Lakes Buhi and Bato in Camarines Sur; Lakes Lanao and Mainit in Mindanao.

Since 1978, when His Excellency President Ferdinand E. Marcos announced to the delegates of the 18th Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission then meeting in Manila, the major policy shift from rice to fish production, and the necessity of farming the seas and our inland waters BFAR has stepped up its information campaign and technology-transfer. This has resulted in more entrepreneurs engaging in aquaculture projects to tap the potentials of our lagoons, coves, inlet and bays.

In 1979, the President launched the Biyayang Dagat Program, and providing the credit support for small and medium-scale fishery projects. This year, we have the National Livelihood Program, otherwise known as the KKK movement. This is a priority program of the government which aims to transform every village into a productive economic unit.

Considering our vast resources for aquacultural activities, for example, our 18 000 kilometer coastline with its fringing bays, gulfs and coves suitable for pen and cage culture of finfish; our extensive lakes and river systems; our dams, reservoirs and marshy areas - the fisheries sector is a fertile medium where the vision of our beloved President to provide livelihood opportunities for our people thru the development of aquamarine areas, can be realized.

1 Remarks of Director Felix R. Gonzales at the opening of Training in Small-Scale Cage and Pen Culture for Finfish, Lakeview Hotel, Los Baos, Laguna, Philippines, on October 26, 1981.

The subsistence fishermen are among the priority beneficiaries of the KKK program. In BFAR's continuing efforts to ameliorate their socioeconomic status, the cage and pen culture of finfish such as tilapia, carp, milkfish and other suitable species shall be encouraged, supported and developed in this country through the infusion of adequate credit under the KKK program of the government, particularly through the aquamarine sector of which the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources is the lead support agency.

It is with this solemn commitment and steadfast resolve for BFAR's rank and file to render utmost service to our people and to make our own contributions to the Government's development thrusts toward fish sufficiency; new and non-traditional industries, exports and import substitution; employment-generation, and overall food production that I now declare OPEN this TRAINING in CAGE and PEN CULTURE for FINFISH!


It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Hong Kong and to inaugurate the second phase of this training workshop, covering the small-scale cage culture of finfish. During the first phase you have received training in pen culture in the Philippines but in Hong Kong a different approach to fish culture has been adopted, an approach which I know has already been taken up in the region because, in the past, Agriculture and Fisheries Department Officers have visited certain of your countries to assist in setting up cage culture projects.

Over the past decade, countries bordering the South China Sea have seen rapid developments in aquaculture production to meet the increasing demands for quality protein from the growing populace of the region. Hong Kong is no exception, but because of her scarcity in land and favourable economic circumstances, small-scale cage culture of high-priced marine fish has flourished and developed into a sizeable industry. Total local production in 1980 from some 1 500 farms, or 10 ha of cage area, was estimated to be 760 tonnes valued at US$ 6.3 million. With this development came management problems, and in 1980 a Marine Fish Culture Ordinance was in the process of being implemented and required cage culture to be practised only under license in designated zones sited around the coast of Hong Kong.

Recognizing the potential of cage culture as a viable method of fish protein production elsewhere, the Hong Kong Government, in the spirit of Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries, agreed to the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme's suggestion to host this training workshop. A glance at the training schedule shows that the range of topics covered is very wide indeed and is amply supplemented by field work and visits. I am sure, however, that from your experience in your own countries, you will also have much to contribute to the course to be shared among all participants. I hope that by the end of these two weeks, you will feel confident of the potential of cage culture. I now have pleasure in declaring this training workshop open.

1 Delivered by Mr. R. M. Chilvers, Assistant Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hong Kong.


Mr. Roy Chilvers, Mr. V. Soesanto, Gentlemen.

It is indeed a great pleasure to be among friends in this beautiful island of Hong Kong.

For the past week, we had gone through the Training Course on Pen Culture of Finfish in the Philippines. Without reservations, it may be said that the course has so far been a qualified success. It may be also said that our two programmes have at least one thing in common - the weather has been consistent.

It is an honour for me to therefore officially turn over the management of this part of the training course on Cage Culture of Finfish to the organizers here in Hong Kong.

On behalf of the Philippine organizers and the participants, I wish to extend to the Hong Kong Government, especially to the Agriculture and Fisheries Department our deepest gratitude for the hospitality and cordiality accorded us.

Thank you and may this part of the course be as fruitful as it has been in the Philippines.

1 Delivered by Dr. Refael D. Guerrero III at the Opening Ceremonies of the Training Course on Small-Scale Cage Culture for Finfish in Hong Kong, November 2, 1981.



/BP-1Alferez, V.N. 1977 Engineering aspects and problems in the design and construction of fishpens and fish cages in Laguna Lake, Philippines. Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering Tech. Rpt. Vol. 2, pp. 373–388.
/BP-2Barica, J. 1976 Nutrient dynamics in eutrophic inland waters used for aquaculture. South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila. 29p.
/BP-3Brandt, A. von. 1972 Art of net making. In: Fish Catching Methods of the World (Chapter XVII), Fishing News (Books), Ltd., London, pp. 112–117.
/BP-4Chan, W.L., et al., 1978 Cage culture of marine fish in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Programme. SCS/78/WP/69.
/BP-5Chan, W.L. 1981 The culture of marine finfishes in floating net cages in Indonesia. Report on Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming Project FAO/UNDP/INS/80/005. Jakarta, Indonesia. SFP/81/WP/1. 43p.
/BP-6Chan, W.L. 1977 Design and construction of floating marine fish cages in Hong Kong. Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering Tech. Rpt. Vol. 2, pp. 347–350.
/BP-7Chua, T.E. and S.K. Teng. 1980 Economic production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides Maxwell, reared in floating net cages. Aquacult. 20: 187–228.
/BP-8Chua, T.E. 1979 Site selection, structural design, construction, management and production of floating cage culture system in Malaysia. Proceedings Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. pp. 65–80.
/BP-9Coche, A.G. 1979 A review of cage fish culture and its application in Africa. In: Advances in Aquaculture, ed. T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill, pp. 428–441.
/BP-10Delmendo, M.N. and R.H. Gedney. 1976 Laguna de Bay fishpen aquaculture development Philippines. Proc. Annual Meeting of the World Mariculture Society, pp. 257–265.
/BP-11Guerrero, R.D. 1980 Studies on the feeding of Tilapia nilotica in floating cages. Aquaculture, 20: 169–175.
/BP-12Lau, F. and Cheng Chor Luk. 1978 Recent innovations in the fish cage culture activity at the Kuala Besut Small-Scale Fisheries Pilot Project, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Programme. SCS/78/WP/76. 16p.
/BP-13Milne, P.H. 1979 Selection of sites and design of cages, fishpen and net enclosures for aquaculture. In: Advances in Aquaculture, ed. T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill, pp. 416– 423.
/BP-14Nicolas, E.S. and A.R. Librero. 1979 A socio-economic study of fishpen aquaculture in Laguna Lake, Philippines. In: Economics of Aquaculture, Sea Fishing and Coastal Resource Use in Asia, ed. A.R. Librero and W.L. Collier, pp. 31–41.
/BP-15Pantulu, V.R. 1979 Floating cage culture of fish in the lower Mekong basin. In: Advances in Aquaculture, ed. T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill, pp. 423–427.
/BP-16Sin, A.W., T.K. Mok and T. Wong. 1980 A review of induced breeding of the cultivated fish in Hong Kong, Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Hong Kong. 17p.
/BP-17Sodikin, D. 1977 Fish cage culture in Indonesia: Construction and management. Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering Technical Rpt., Vol. 2, pp. 351–357.
/BP-18Teng, S.K., T.E. Chua and H.C. Lai. 1977 Construction and management of floating net cages for culturing the estuary grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal) in Penang, Malaysia. Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering Technical Rpt. Vol. 2, pp. 359–371.
/BP-19Tolentino, A.M. 1981 Ecological monitoring of Laguna de Bay in relation to its fisheries. Technical report submitted to the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Baos, Laguna, Philippines.
/BP-20Yong, W.S., B. Ong and C.T. Eng. 1979 Isolation, identification of causative agent of “seed boil disease” in grouper (Epinephelus salmoides) and its possible control by vaccination. Proceedings Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. pp. 81–87.



SCS/74/WP/1 Rabanal, H.R. The potentials of aquaculture development in the Indo-Pacific Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 34p.

SCS/74/WP/2 Crutchfield, J.A., D.A. Lawson and G.K. Moore. Malaysia — Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 27p.

SCS/74/WP/3 Marr, J.C. Republic of Vietnam — Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 20p.

SCS/74/WP/4 Larsson, S.O.R., G.C.A. Van Noort and E.O. Oswald. Malaysia — A report on artisanal fisheries of Peninsular Malaysia with particular reference to Kuala Besut. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 58p.

SCS/75/WP/5 Rabanal, H.R. Irian Jaya, Indonesia — Survey of possibilities and recommendations for development of brackishwater fish production. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 27p.

SCS/75/WP/6 Tussing, A.R. Fishery development perspectives. Sub-Region V: South China Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. (IPFC/ 74/Sym/7). 23p.

SCS/75/WP/7 Murdoch, W.R. and M.A. Myers. Republic of Singapore — An assessment of the Jurong Fishing Harbour complex and expansion site on the east bank of the Jurong River. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 46p.

SCS/75/WP/8 Peterson, C.L., K.J. Rosenberg and A.C. Simpson. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering Voyages 1 and 2. December 1–13, 1974 and January 5 — February 3, 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 37p.

SCS/75/WP/9 Oswald, E.O. and R.E.K.D. Lee. Regional — A proposal for a live bait pole-and-line tuna fishing survey in the South China Sea and adjacent waters. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 1975. 38p.

SCS/75/WP/10 Rosenberg, K.J. and A.C. Simpson. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering Voyage 3. 9 February to 26 March 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.

SCS/75/WP/11 Peterson, C.L. Regional — Resource survey of larger pelagic fish. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 32p.

SCS/75/WP/12 Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and C.M. Renwick. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering Voyage 4. 9 April to 24 May 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 36p.

SCS/75/WP/13 Baum, G.A. Kuala Besut II — A supplementary report on selected socio-economic aspects and problems in a fishermen's community on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 43p.

SCS/75/WP/14 Cuerden, C. Library services for the South China Sea Fisheries Programme and its participating countries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 48p.

SCS/75/WP/15 Lawson, R.M. Malaysia — An interim report on socio-economic aspects of the development of artisanal fisheries on the East Coast of Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 29p.

SCS/75/WP/16 Jamandre, T.J. and H.R. Rabanal. Engineering aspects of brackishwater aquaculture in the South China Sea region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 96p.

SCS/75/WP/17 Murdoch, W.R. Malaysia — Assessment of the viability and potential of the joint venture, Majuikan Mideast Sdn Bhd, Kuching, Sarawak as requested by Lembaga Majuikan, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 16p. (Restricted)

SCS/75/WP/18 Cleaver, W.D. Malaysia — A preliminary design and general arrangement for an offshore purse seine vessel for the East Coast of West Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 35p.

SCS/75/WP/19 Pischedda, J.L. Republic of the Philippines — Legal and institutional aspects in the development of the fishing industry. Preliminary observations and identification of the main obstacles. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 35p.

SCS/75/WP/20 Simpson, A.C. Regional — Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 1. Gulf of Thailand, July 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.

SCS/75/WP/21 Cintas, D. and C.M. Renwick. Regional — Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. 1. Philippine waters, 12–29 June 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.

SCS/76/WP/22 Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Tobuan/Sual, Pangasinan Province, Central Luzon — A socio-economic study on a rural fishing population in Central Luzon in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme, 1976. 44p.

SCS/76/WP/23 Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Panigayan, Lampinigan, Baluk-Baluk and Manangal, Basilan Province. A socio-economic study on four fishermen's communities affiliated to the Basilan Fishing Association (BFA/Isabela in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 62p.

SCS/76/WP/24 Barica, J. Nutrient-dynamics in eutophic inland waters and for aquaculture in some countries bordering the South China Sea with particular reference to mass fish mortalities. Proposal for monitoring programmes, Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 43p.

SCS/76/WP/25 Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and J.A. Maynard. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering Voyages 5 and 6. 13 June to 10 September 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 52p.

SCS/76/WP/26 Moore, G.K. Malaysia — Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. (2nd working paper). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 38p.

SCS/76/WP/27 Wheeland, H.A. Malaysia — Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 22p.

SCS/76/WP/28 Maynard, J.A. Regional — Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. II. Thailand — 20 November to 1 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 20p.

SCS/76/WP/29 Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Salay, Misamis Oriental Province — A socio-economic study on the fishing population of the seven coastal barrious of Salay Municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 47p.

SCS/76/WP/30 Murdoch, W.R. Hong Kong — A preliminary feasibility study to prosecute offshore pelagic stocks from Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 27p.

SCS/76/WP/31 Johnson, R.F. Preliminary report on aquatic pollution in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 34p.

SCS/76/WP/32 Wheeland, H.A. Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Singapore. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 21p.

SCS/76/WP/33 Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Coron/Tagumpay — Buswanga Island/Calamianes Group (Palawan Province). A socio-economic study of two rural fishing populations in northern Palawan in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 196. 112p.

SCS/76/WP/34 Jones, R. Mesh regulations in the demersal fisheries of the South China Sea area. Regional. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 79p.

SCS/76/WP/35 Simpson, A.C. and S. Chikuni. Progress report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 38p.

SCS/76/WP/36 Bonga, O.B. Vessel specifications and drawings for two 10 m multi-purpose fishing vessels for the small-scale fisheries project — Kuala Besut. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 36p.

SCS/76/WP/37 Shang, Y.C. Economics of various management techniques for pond culture of finfish. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 36p.

SCS/76/WP/38 Johnson, H.N. Malaysia — A preliminary study of investment opportunities for the development of small-scale fisheries on East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 21p.

SCS/76/WP/39 Shang, Y.C. Follow-up programmes on economics of aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 19p.

SCS/76/WP/40 Cook, J.L. Problems in shrimp culture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 50p.

SCS/76/WP/41 Johnson, H., J. Dibbs and R. Nasoetion. Indonesia — A preliminary assessment for small-scale fisheries development in Riau North Sumatra and West Kalimantan Provinces. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 51p.

SCS/76/WP/42 Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Bayawan Municipality, Negros Oriental Province/ Negros. A socio-economic study on the rural fishing population of Bayawan municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 33p.

SCS/76/WP/43 Maynard, J.A. Philippines — Report on aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish in waters of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea adjacent to Palawan Island, 9–12 March 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.

SCS/76/WP/44 Chakraborty, D. Fisheries statistics in the Philippines — A plan for a new and expanded data collection programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 70p.

SCS/76/WP/45 Marr, J.C., G. Campleman and W.R. Murdoch. Thailand — An analysis of the present and recommendations for future fishery development and management policies, programmes and institutional arrangements. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 185p. (Restricted)

SCS/76/WP/46 Cleaver, W. and O.B. Bonga. Thailand — Preliminary design, general arrangement and lines plans for two pelagic pure seine/midwater trawl research vessel, 27.5 m and 24 m lengths. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. (not issued)

SCS/76/WP/47 Cleaver, W. Hong Kong — A preliminary design, general arrangement and specifications for a combination pelagic/demersal research vessel. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. (not issued)

SCS/76/WP/48 Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture — Trips Nos. 7 & 8. 1 October to February 1976. Area — Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.

SCS/76/WP/49 Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional — Trip reports of chartered vessel Southward Ho — Trips 7 & 8. 11 September 1975 to March 1976. Areas — Malaysia and Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 33p.

SCS/76/WP/50 Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture and Southward HO — Trip No. 9. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 22p.

SCS/76/WP/51 Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho — Trips 10 and 11. 15 April to 8 august 1976. Area — East, North and West Coasts Luzon Islands, Bohol Sea, Sulu Sea, Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 20p.

SCS/76/WP/52 Wheeland, H.A. Statistics for fisheries development. Regional. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 11p.

SCS/76/WP/53 Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines — Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 65p. (Restricted)

SCS/76/WP/54 Maynard, J.A. Philippines — Province of Tawi-Tawi project identification and semi-detailed feasibility study relative to improving the status of small-scale fishermen and creating an integrated fishing industry in the Province of Tawi-Tawi. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 110p.

SCS/77/WP/55 Oswald, E.O. and J.A. Maynard. Thailand — Proposed small-scale fisheries pilot project for Ban Ao Nakam Pom, Rayong Province. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 38p.

SCS/77/WP/56 Murdoch, W.R. and P.S. Walczak. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel, Southward Ho covering Voyage 12. Area — waters of the Sulu Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 11p.

SCS/77/WP/57 Murdoch, W.R. and P.S. Walczak. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Southward Ho and Royal Venture covering Voyage 13. Area — mainly Moro Gulf, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 18p.

SCS/77/WP/58 Simpson, A.C., W.R., Murdoch. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering Voyages Nos. 14 and 15. Area — Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries, Programme, 1977. 15p.

SCS/77/WP/59 Murdoch, W.R. and P.S. Walczak. Regional — Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering Voyages Nos. 16 and 17. Area — Waters of the Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 23p.

SCS/77/WP/60 Doty, M.S. Seweed resource and their culture in the countries of the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 19p.

SCS/77/WP/61 Rabanal, H.R. et al. Shellfisheries of Thailand: Background and proposal for development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 14p.

SCS/77/WP/62 Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 14p.

SCS/77/WP/63 Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the inland fisheries statistics programme of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 15p.

SCS/77/WP/64 Hansen, K.A., P. Lovseth and A.C. Simpson. Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 2. Hong Kong, November 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 24p.

SCS/77/WP/65 Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines — Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 55p.

SCS/77/WP/66 Murdoch, W.R. et al. A proposal for a small-scale fisheries pilot project in the Pulau Tujuh (Seven Islands) area, Riau Archipelago District, Riau Province, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 69p.

SCS/77/WP/67 Moore, G. Malaysia — A new fisheries bill. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 56p.

SCS/77/WP/68 Gedney, R.H. Water supply of the fishery development centre in the freshwater aquaculture at Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.

SCS/77/WP/69 Chan, W.L. et al. Cage culture of marine fish in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 66p.

SCS/78/WP/70 Lee, R.E.K.D. Results of small-scale live bait pole-and-line fishing explorations for tuna in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 41p.

SCS/78/WP/71 Moore, G. Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries management and development — a new licensing system, Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 23p. (Restricted)

SCS/78/WP/72 Angeles, H.G. Preliminary fish and resources survey along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978.

SCS/78/WP/73 De la Cruz, Y.T. Malaysia — Small-scale fishermen credit and subsidy programmes — Implementing guideline recommendations (with particular reference to the Kuala Besut Fishermen's Association). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 50p.

SCS/78/WP/74 Chikuni, S. Report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. (Published as SCS/DEV/78/18)

SCS/78/WP/75 Fyson, J.E. Fishing vessel design proposals for small-scale artisanal fisheries in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 23p.

SCS/78/WP/76 Lau, F. and Cheng Chor Luk. Recent innovations in the cage culture activity at Kuala Besut small-scale fisheries pilot project, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 16p.

SCS/78/WP/77 Wheeland, H.A. Proposal for further development of fishery statistics programmes in developing countries with particular reference to the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 6p.

SCS/78/WP/78 Moore, G. Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries management and development — A second Interim Report (Thailand) Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 37p. (Restricted)

SCS/79/WP/79 Jonasson, G. and Paisal Katanyuwong. Review of fishing activities of the small-scale fisheries project in Kuala Besut, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 23p.

SCS/79/WP/80 Cansdale, G.S. Low-cost water filtration system. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 73p.

SCS/79/WP/81 Lisac, H. Some technical aspects of small-scale fish landing facilities. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 32p.

SCS/79/WP/82 Chakraborty, D. Catch and analysis of fishermen in Kuala Besut, Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 59p.

SCS/79/WP/83 Thompson, B.G. Thailand — Management of fisheries data — feasibility of computerization. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 24p.

SCS/79/WP/84 Cansdale, G.S. Report on second regional consultancy low-cost water filtration. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 48p.

SCS/79/WP/85 New, M. Report of consultancy on the fish nutrition programme at Changi Marine Fisheries Research Centre, Primary Production Department, Singapore. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 8p.

SCS/79/WP/86 Woynarovich, E. and W.W. Kuhnhold. Report of consultancy to Penang, Malaysia, regarding animal waste management problem. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 59p.

SCS/79/WP/87 Thomson, D.B. Intermediate technology and alternative energy systems for small-scale fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 69p.

SCS/80/WP/88 Hechanova, R.G. and B. Tiensongrusmee. Report of assistance on selection of site, design, construction and management of the Ban Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia Brackishwater Aquaculture Demonstration Project. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 154p.

SCS/80/WP/89 Tiensongrusmee, B. and R.G. Hechanova. Malaysia — Evaluation of the site selected, design of project and proposed construction and operations of the Majuikan Tanjong Tualang Freshwater Aquaculture Centre. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 52p.

SCS/80/WP/90 Skillman, R.A. Tuna statistics Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 45p.

SCS/80/WP/91 Trono, G.C., Jr., H.R. Rabanal and I. Santika. Report of technical assistance on seaweed farming in Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 56p.

SCS/80/WP/92 Bilal, J. and W.W. Kuhnhold. Marine oild pollution in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 85p.

SCS/80/WP/93 Evans, E.D. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution — Regional. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 102p.

SCS/80/WP/94a Soegiarto, A. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution — Indonesia. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 65p.

SCS/80/WP/94b Sasekumar, A. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution — Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 80p.

SCS/80/WP/94c Gomez, E.D. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution — Philippines. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 88p.

SCS/80/WP/94d Zoology Department, University of Singapore. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution — Singapore. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 76p.

SCS/80/WP/94e Twesukdi, P. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution — Thailand. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 108p.

SCS/80/WP/95 Wheeland, H.A. and P.J. Hooker. Organizational implications of a fisheries information system for the Philippines; specific recommendations regarding BFAR's statistics program; and a plan for implementation. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 33p.

SCS/80/WP/96 Hechanova, R.G. Technical assistance on the design of government coastal aquaculture projects in Peninsular Malaysia. (A pattern for planning and design of aquaculture facility). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 78p.

SCS/80/WP/97 Lisac, H. Some aspects of fish utilization in small-scale fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 79p.

SCS/80/WP/98 Hechanova, R.G. Indonesia — The engineering aspects of selected aquaculture projects. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 79p.

SCS/80/WP/99 Hooker, P.J. and E.J. Savariraj. A fisheries information system for Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981. 40p.

SCS/80/WP/100 Hechanova. R.G. Engineering aspects of selected aquaculture projects in Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.

SCS/81/WP/101 (FL/WPSCS/82/1) Malaysia — A new fisheries bill — 1982. Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981. 15p. (Confidential and restricted)

SCS/81/WP/102 Fishpen and cage culture development project in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.

SCS/82/WP/103 The feasibility of oyster and mussel farming by municipal fishermen in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982.

SCS/82/WP/104 (FL/WPSCS/82/1) Regional compendium of fisheries legislation. Vol. l. (Regional Fisheries Law Advisory Programme Western Pacific and South China Sea Region). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982. 42p.

SCS/82/WP/105 Regional compendium of fisheries (FL/WPSCS/82/1) legislation. Vol. II (Legislation) (Regional Fisheries Law Advisory Programme Western Pacific and South China Sea Region). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982. 585p.

SCS/82/WP/106 Draft fisheries regulation — Malay-(FL/WPSCS/82/3) sia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982. 9p.

SCS/82/WP/107 (FL/WPSCS/82/4) Draft bilateral access agreement — Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982. 8p.

SCS/82/WP/108 (FL/WPSCS/82/5) Law of the sea and Fiji. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982.

SCS/82/WP/109 EEZ — Malaysia legislation. Manila, (FL/WPSCS/82/6) South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982. 5p.

NOTE: Copies of these papers can be obtained by writing to the Programme in Manila, Philippines.


SCS/GEN/74/1 Report on the workshop on planning and coordinating of resources survey and evaluation in the South China Sea. 28 August to 4 September 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries, Programme, 1974. 197p.

SCS/GEN/76/2 Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait. Part I. Jakarta. 29 March to 2 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 89p.

SCS/GEN/76/3 Report of workshop on legal and institutional aspects of fishery resources management and development. 5–8 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p.

SCS/GEN/76/4 Report on the training workshop for field enumerators of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Philippines. 22–31 March 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 32p.

SCS/GEN/76/5 UNDP/FAO Training course on the management of small-scale fishery enterprises. Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia. 25 August to 26 September 1975. Rome, FAO, 1976. 14p.

SCS/GEN/77/6 Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait — Part II. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 85p.

SCS/GEN/76/7 Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Visayan and Sibuyan Area. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. 18–22 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 26p.

SCS/GEN/76/8 Philippines — Report seminar on the fisheries statistics survey of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 23 July 1976. DNR/BFAR/ SCSP, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.

SCS/GEN/76/9 Report of the consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea Region. 13–15 December 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 140p.

SCS/GEN/77/10 Report on the training workshop on fisheries statistics, Malaysia, 12–21 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 27p.

SCS/GEN/77/11 Report on the BFAR/SCSP workshop on fishery resources of the Sulu Sea and Moro Gulf areas, 25–29 April 1977, Cagayan de Oro. Manila, 1977. 58p.

SCS/GEN/77/12 Report of the workshop on the demersal resources, Sunda Shelf. Part I. November 7–11, 1977. Penang, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 58p.

SCS/GEN/77/13 Report of the workshop on the demersal resources. Sunda Shelf. Part II. November 7–11, 1977. Penang, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 120p.

SCS/GEN/77/14 Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC workshop on aquaculture engineering (with emphasis on small-scale aquaculture projects) Vol. I — General Report. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. v.p.

SCS/GEN/77/15 Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC workshop on aquaculture engineering (with emphasis on small-scale aquaculture projects) Vol. II — Technical Report. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 463p.

SCS/GEN/77/16 A layout of standard tables of fishery statistics in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 162p.

SCS/GEN/77/17 Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of mackerels (Rastrelliger spp) and round scads (Decapterus spp) in the South China Sea. Part I. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 70p.

SCS/GEN/78/18 Report of the workshop on management of resources of the Sunda Shelf, Malacca Strait and related areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 14p.

SCS/GEN/78/19 Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Pacific Coast of the Philippines. 18–22 September 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 48p.

SCS/GEN/79/20 Report of the workshop on demersal and pelagic fish resources of the Java Sea. 5–9 December 1978. Semarang, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 60p.

SCS/GEN/79/21 Report of the workshop on the tuna resources of Indonesia and Philippine waters. Jakarta, 20–23 March 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 35p.

SCS/GEN/79/22 Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the north Luzon and western coasts of Luzon. 18–20 April 1979, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 57p.

SCS/GEN/79/23 Report on training course in fishery statistics. 2 October–10 November 1978, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. v.p.

SCS/GEN/79/24 Report of the consultation meeting on management of tuna resources of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 26–29 June 1979. Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 155p.

SCS/GEN/80/25 Report of the workshop on application and results of acoustic methods for resource appraisal surveys in the South China Sea. Manila, South China Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 19p. Annexes 1 to 4.

SCS/GEN/80/26 Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of penaeid shrimps in the South China Sea area. Part I. 30 June–5 July 1980. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980 162p.

SCS/GEN/80/27 Report of the workshop on application and results of acoustic methods for resource appraisal surveys in the South China Sea. Part II. 19–22 November 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 102p.

SCS/GEN/81/28 Report of the training course in prawn farming for Asia and the Pacific. Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. 5 October 15 November 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 138p.

SCS/GEN/81/29 Report on the training course on Gracilaria algae. (A training subproject under FAO/UNDP Project RAS/79/041 implemented through RAS/74/013). Manila, Philippines, 1–30 April 1981. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.

SCS/GEN/81/30 Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of penaeid shrimps in the South China Sea area. Part II. 30 June — 5 July 1980. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.

SCS/GEN/82/31 Report of the regional seminar on monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries in exclusive economic zones. 30 November — 4 December 1981. Jakarta, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries programme, 1981. v.p.

SCS/GEN/82/32 Report on training course on fishery statistics. 1 September — 9 October 1981. Samutprakarn, Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982.

SCS/GEN/82/33 Working party on small-scale shrimp/prawn hatcheries in Southeast Asia. Vol. I — General report. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982. 30p.

SCS/GEN/82/34 Report of the training course on small-scale pen cage culture for finfish. 26–31 October and 1–12 November 1981. Laguna, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982.

SCS/GEN/82/35 Training on assessment of coastal aquaculture potential, Malaysia, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1982.


SCS Manuals No. 1 Handbook on field identification of fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, shells, and important aquatic plants. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 60p.


SCS/PR/74/1 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 19p.

SCS/PR/75/2 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 40p.

SCS/PR/75/3 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 38p.

SCS/PR/76/4 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 31 December 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 47p.

SCS/PR/77/5 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 37p.

SCS/PR/77/6 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 19p.

SCS/PR/78/7 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 12p.

SCS/PR/78/8 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 11p.

SCS/PR/79/9 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 12p.

SCS/PR/79/10 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 65p.

SCS/PR/80/11 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 28p.

SCS/PR/80/12 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 25p.

SCS/PR/81/13 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1981. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981. 20p.

SCS/PR/81/14 Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1981. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.


SCSP: 74/1 REP Report of the Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee Meeting of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 18–19 June 1974. 27p.

SCSP: 74/2 REP Report of the first session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 November 1974. Rome, FAO, 1974. 22p.

SCSP: 76/3 REP Report of the second session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 9 April 1976. 16p.

SCSP: 77/4 REP Report of the third session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 24–25 February 1977. 19p.

SCSP: 77/5 REP Report of the fourth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 11–12 October 1977. 21p.

SCSP: 78/6 REP Report of the fifth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 11 March 1978. 16p.

SCSP: 78/7 REP Report of the sixth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 28–29 September 1978.

SCSP: 79/8 REP Report of the seventh session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Rome, 11–16 October 1979.


SCS/DEV/73/1 Woodland, A.G. et al. The South China Sea Fisheries: A proposal for accelerated development. Rome, FAO, 1974. 162p.

SCS/DEV/73/2 Yamamoto, T. Review of marine fishery statistical system in countries bordering the South China Sea, and proposals for their improvement. Rome, FAO, 1973. 46p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Statistical Systems)

SCS/DEV/73/3 Aoyama, T. The demersal fish stocks and fisheries of the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 80p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Demersal Resources)

SCS/DEV/73/4 Kume, S. Tuna resources in the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 18p.

SCS/DEV/73/5 Ling, S. Status, potential and development of coastal aquaculture in the countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 51p. (Cover title. The South China Sea Fisheries Aquaculture Development)

SCS/DEV/73/6 Menasveta, D. et al. Pelagic fishery resources of the South China Sea and prospects for their development. Rome, FAO, 1973. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Pelagic Resources)

SCS/DEV/73/7 Mistakidis, M.N. The crustacean resources and related fisheries in the countries bordering the South China Sea. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Crustacean Resources)

SCS/DEV/73/8 Ruckes, E. Fish utilization, marketing and trade in countries bordering the South China Sea — status and programme proposals. Rome, FAO, 1973. 33p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Marketing and Trade)

SCS/DEV/73/9 Doucet, F.J. et al. Institutional and legal aspects affecting fishery development in selected countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 32p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Institutional Legal Aspects)

FAO species identification for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (Fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (Fishing area 71). Rome, FAO, 1974. 4 vols.

SCS/DEV/76/10 Development potentials of selected fishery products in the regional member countries of the Asian Development Bank. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 107p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/11 Fishery country profiles. Manila, (Appendix 1) South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 173p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/12 The international market for shrimp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 105p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/13 The international market for tuna. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 69p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/14 The international market for crab. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 46p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/15 The international market for lobster. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 46p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/16 The international market for cephalopods. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/17 The European canned fish market: Prospects for Rastrelliger spp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 56p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/78/18 Chikuni, S., A.C. Simpson and W.R. Murdoch. Test fishing for tuna and small pelagic species: Reports on the operation of FAO chartered purse siners in Philippine and South China Sea waters, 1974–1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. v.p.

SCS/DEV/79/19 Pope, J. Stock assessment in multispecies fisheries with special reference to the trawl fishery in the Gulf of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 106p.

SCS/DEV/80/20 Implications of the extension of national jurisdiction for fisheries management and development. Report of an FAO Mission to the Government of Indonesia. 7 January — 2 February 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. 90p. (Restricted)


Rabanal, H.R. FAO activities in inland fisheries and 1975 aquaculture with particular reference to Asia and the Far East. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 17p. (Contributed to the First Fisheries Research Congress, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, 7–10 March 1975, Legaspi City, Philippines).

Rabanal, H.R. Preliminary report on the Macrobrachium 1975 fishery in the Indo-Pacific region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the International Conference on Prawn Farming, Vung Tau, Vietnam, 31 March — 4 Paril 1975).

Rabanal, H.R. Distribution and occurrence of milkfish 1975 Chanos chanos (Forskal). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 18p. (Contributed to the National Bangus Symposium. Manila, 25–26 July 1975).

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Mangrove and their utilization for aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976).

Rabanal, H.R. Report of project identification mission to 1976 Bangladesh on inland fisheries and aquaculture. Manila, Asian Development Bank. 56p.

Rabanal, H.R. Aquaculture 1976: Focus Southeast Asia. 1976 Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Talk delivered at the National Convention of the Federation of Fish Producers of the Philippines, Iloilo City, 26 August 1976).

Simpson, A.C. Some proposals for research related to 1976 the understanding of mangrove ecology and the utilization of mangrove areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 10p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976).

Cook, H.L. Some aspects of shrimp culture research 1976 with particular reference to Philippine species. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 7p. (Contributed to the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR) Fisheries Workshop, Subic, Zambales, Philippines, 15–17 January 1976).

Rabanal, H.R. The resources in inland waters: their 1976 utilization and management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 21p. (Talk delivered before the Phi Sigma Biological Society as a contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial lecture series. Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976).

Rabanal, H.R. Aquaculture in the Philippines. Manila, 1977 South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Talk delivered before the United States Peace Corps Volunteers, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 11 January 1977).

Rabanal, H.R. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Manila, 1977 South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 10p. (Paper contributed to the Fifth FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in relation to Protection of Living Resources. Manila, Philippines, 17–27 February 1977).

Simpson, A.C. Fisheries research and development in 1977 the Philippines: Some recommendations with special reference to resource assessment. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 16p.

Rabanal, H.R. Aquaculture management. Manila, 1977 South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Contribution to the BFAR/FAO-UNDP Training of Regional Trainors in Aquaculture. Lucena, Quezon, Philippines, 19 September to 27 October 1977).

Rabanal, H.R. Recent trends in aquaculture. Manila, 1977 South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 13p. (Paper contributed to the Seminar/Workshop for Fishery Schools' Administrators, conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Manila, Philippines, 24–28 October 1977).

Rabanal, H.R. Forest conservation and aquaculture 1977 development of mangroves. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Paper contributed to the International Workshop on Mangrove and Estuarine Area Development for the Indo-Pacific region. 14–19 November 1977, Manila, Philippines).

Thomson, D.B. Lecture notes on fishing methods, 1978 equipment and deck layout of fishing vessels. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 151p. (Paper presented at the FAO NORAD Course on Fishing Vessel Design, Bangkok, Thailand, October-November 1978).

Rabanal, H.R. International traffic of live and fish eggs 1978 and control of the spread of fish diseases. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 21p. (Contributed to the Workshop on Tropical Fisheries — Their causes and control in Southeast Asia, Puncak, West Java, Indonesia, 28 November to 1 December 1978).

Rabanal, H.R. and R.O. Juliana. Aquaculture 1979 extension: How it could be a potent force in fisheries development in the ASEAN region. Manila, South China SEA Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Paper contributed to the First ASEAN Seminar/Workshop on Fisheries Extension, Manila 18–25 February 1979).

Thomson, D.B. Marine fisheries extension. Manila, 1979 South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 41p. (Paper contributed to the First ASEAN Seminar/ Workshop on Fisheries Extension, Manila, 18–25 February 1979).

Thomson, D.B. Training requirements of the fisheries of 1979 Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 11p. (Paper presented at the SEAFDEC Consultative Meeting on Fisheries Training, Bangkok, 14–18 May, 1979.

Kuhnhold, W.W. Aquatic pollution: Classes of 1979 pollutants, their occurrence, transport and dispersion. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 22p. (Lecture given at the Seventh FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in Relation to Protection of Living Resources — Analyses of Metals and Organochlorines in Biota. Manila, Philippines, 7 May to 9 June 1979).

Kuhnhold, W.W. Effects of aquatic pollution on fish and 1979 fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Lecture given at the Seventh FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in Relation to Protection of Living Resources — Analyses of Metals and Organochlorines in Biota. Manila, Philippines, 7 May — 9 June 1979).

Rabanal, H.R. The design of research in brackishwater 1979 aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 7p. (Paper contributed to the Seminar/Workshop on Research Methodology and Technical Report Writing, conducted by the Fisheries Training Division, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Fisheries Training Centre, Cavite City, Philippines, 10–29 June 1979).

Kuhnhold, W.W. Some aspects of the impact of aquatic 1979 oil pollution on fishery resources. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Seminar held at Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 31 July 1979).

Rabanal, H.R. Production and recent innovations in 1979 design and management in aquaculture industry in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 7p. (Paper contributed to the Asian Seminar and Tour sponsored by the Bank of America, Manila, 6–9 November 1979).

Thomson, D.B. The challenge of the 1980's for fisheries 1979 education, training and extension. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 11p. (Paper presented at the First International Symposium on Fishery Education, Fish Processing and Marketing Systems. Mexico, December 1979).

Kuhnhold, W.W. Some aspects of the impact of aquatic 1980 oil pollution on fishery resources. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 25p. (Paper contributed to the International Workshop on the Prevention, Abatement and Combating of Pollution from Ships in East Asian Waters. 3–8 November 1980, Manila, Philippines).


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