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Provisional Agenda Item Relevant documents
1Opening of Workshop
The Workshop will be opened at 0930 hours on 15 March 1982 in Manila. Philippines.
2Adoption of the Agenda and Arrangements for the Workshop
2.1 Election of the Chairman
2.2 Election of the Rapporteur
2.3 Adoption of the Agenda
2.4 Announcement of the Chairman concerning the conduct of the workshop, timetable, documentation, tasks and targets.
3Presentation of Country Situation Papers
Member countries will each take turn to give a short verbal presentation of rural coastal fishery problems including resource, social, technical and economical aspects, and also national development and management policy, objective and plan, if any. Identify whenever possible the constraints involved and how best these could be overcome.
Such a presentation should serve to highlight the information contained in the text of the country's “Situation Paper, and whenever possible to provide additional information. This will then be followed by discussions.
The purpose of such a presentation is to draw on national experiences and vital information essential to fishery development policy and objective planners in the identification of development strategies and targets for the rural coastal fishery sector of the country. Indeed, the need for such information and also for creative, positive approach to undertake the major problems confronting rural coastal fishery development is now very urgently called for.
To meet the objectives of the workshop, both the necessary financial and manpower resources in attaining development undertakings will need to be identified. In this regard, it would be necessary to consider the present loan and development schemes including national, regional and international, as well as bilateral, multi-lateral and multi-bilateral in the provision of financial assistance, and to also identify the need for regional or subregional collective approaches in the conduct of development undertakings.
4Group Discussions
The participants from the member countries will be divided into discussion groups, each of which will undertake special tasks falling under broad major fishery disciplines concerned with the purpose of the workshop.
Each discussion group will be a problem-solving task force with responsibilities to examine the causes of problems and to propose realistic and practical strategies to overcome them. The findings and recommendations from each discussion group will be presented to the plenary session for further consideration.
5Rural Coastal Fisheries Development in the SCSP Region
Returning to the main topic of the workshop, the plenary will systematically go through the findings of the business in the previous days and discuss also on the recommendations and all matters of significance proposed with a view to adopting them in the report of the workshop.
6Adoption of Report and Recommendations of the Workshop 
7Closing of Workshop 

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