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5.1 For a large country like Indonesia, a survey of 19 selected sites is quite limited. There is a need for additional surveys to be conducted in order to know the kind and extent of shellfish resources and identify potential sites for culture. This is necessary for the comprehensive planning of the development of the industry.

5.2 To attain the government objective to increase food production, it is recommended that shellfish farming be given priority attention. Establishment of pilot culture farms in the identified sites should be started immediately. These can be the focal points for the development of shellfish farming.

5.3 The training of a core staff who will lead in the development of the industry should be started immediately. This should be undertaken at different levels ranging from aquaculturists to technicians and extension workers. Practical training for shellfish farmers should follow.

5.4 Technical assistance should be sought from suitable international agencies such as UNDP/FAO in order to bring in applicable farming technology already developed in other countries. This should also include the acquisition of equipment and training of manpower required for the development of the industry.

5.5 Postharvest technology for shellfish should be developed. In view of the demand for shellfish especially cockles, oysters and mussels in foreign countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and elsewhere, an export market could be explored if proper quality control could be assured.

5.6 The expansion of shellfish farming should be promoted. Development of such an industry would create more employment opportunities for the coastal communities. Additional opportunities of employment could also be realised through the development of a supporting infrastructure. Apart from the use of empty shells as a source of lime for construction purposes and as an ingredient in animal feeds, shells can also be converted into exportable shellcraft.

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