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Arising from Sections 4 and 5, a number of recommendations is made to facilitate the development of cage culture of marine finfishes in Indonesia. These recommended actions serve to ensure a consistent strategy in development and at the same time to safeguard the interest of investments.

6.1 A national policy with flexibility to meet the needs of differing socio-economic circumstances throughout the country be created.

6.2 Accordingly, the objectives in cage culture development be identified taking into considerations the differing socio-economic needs prevailing in the country.

6.3 National and provincial research programmes be integrated, coordinated and formulated to meet with the true need for priority information in the implementation of identified development programmes.

6.4 A core staff of functional personnel be created through study tours and in-service training initially to cater for the technical management of government-run cage culture farms, and the market development and associated problems.

6.5 All existing marketing systems and related and supporting infrastructures be reviewed with the object of increasing product quality, decreasing time required in relaying fresh products, and bridge the existing wide gap between the wholesale and retail values.

6.6 As soon as possible management training programmes for all major disciplines concerned with different aspects in fisheries, be created.

6.7 A programme for the survey, location and, if possible, quantification of fish seeds throughout the country be conducted as soon as possible with the aim to take an inventory of such resources for development planning purposes.

6.8 Subject to the outcome of 6.7, fish seed holding or nursery centres be created to serve as supply sources of fish seeds to fish farmers and to ensure low-cost, high-quality stocking materials throughout the year.

6.9 Legislative measures be created to facilitate development, to ensure no conflict of interest from other national activities, and to regulate and control development.

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