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From a general point of view, the future for inland fisheries and aquaculture in Eritrea seems quite narrow. The former are virtually and the latter completely non-existant for the moment, and serious constraints can prevent their development. As far as inland fisheries are concerned, the main constraints are:

For marine aquaculture constraints include:

These strong limitations, together with the fact that the potential of Red Sea fisheries is notably underexploited, imply that neither inland fisheries nor marine aquaculture should be considered as high priority short-term objectives.

Nevertheless, in the long term, it could be interesting at least to know more precisely the potential, in terms of technico-economical feasibility and social acceptability. A pilot project is therefore recommended with the purpose of increasing the base of knowledge for Eritrean reservoirs, assessing their real productivity, and determining the degree to which they could be exploited, including the possible application of intensive stocking techniques. The type of fish that could be harvested, consumed and/or marketed would also be a subject for these pilot investigations. After a pilot phase or perhaps three years, it should be possible to decide whether inland fisheries development ought to be undertaken or not, according to a more precise estimation of the costs and benefits of such an operation.

For marine aquaculture, it does not seem suitable for the moment to encourage any institutional involvement except for the purpose of controlling private operations and avoiding failures that could threaten the economic and ecological environment as well as the image of the country. Here also, as the conditions are very specific (temperature, salinity), any serious project should start by a pilot phase in order to determine the technical feasibility of the chosen options, and to have the time to build the marketing network. To overcome the technical problems, possibilities offered by other species than those referred to above should be studied. Especially to be considered are the following:

In conclusion, various general recommendations can be made.

Inland fisheries

Marine aquaculture

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