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The consultant visited the Philippines during the period 10–16 June 1976; March and April 1977 (6 weeks); January-March 1978 (7 weeks) and November 1978 (1 week) as consultant on the growing of food organisms for hatchery-raised fish and crustacean larvae at the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) in Tigbauan, Iloilo province, Panay island, Philippines. His work at SEAFDEC was mainly to look into the problems of live food supply for its hatcheries and to initiate culture under controlled or natural conditions of key larval food organisms, mainly that of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina.

During the period 7–11 April 1977, the consultant visited the Shrimp Culture Research Center at Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia, upon request of the FAO/UNDP Brackishwater Shrimp and Milkfish Culture Applied Research and Training Project (INS/72/003).

Subsequently, during the period from 30 March to 15 April 1978 and from 22 October to 1 November 1978, the consultant fulfilled two consultancy assignments in Thailand with the FAO/UNDP project on Programme for the Expansion of Freshwater Prawn Production (THA/75/008).

His terms of reference were:

  1. To examine the facilities existing in government fish and crustacean hatcheries in Thailand, for the growing of food organisms, particularly at the Thailand Macrobrachium Centre at Bangpakong, Chachoengsao province.

  2. To suggest appropriate modifications of the facilities and initiate a programme for growing the required food organisms (Artemia, rotifer, algae or ciliates).

  3. In collaboration with government workers, to initiate the programme for the possible culture of Artemia in Thailand salt ponds such as the ones started in Brazil and the Philippines.

  4. Draft a continuing programme of work to carry out the growing of required food organisms at the Thailand Macrobrachium Centre at Bangpakong, Chachoengsao province, including the necessary facilities to carry out this activity.

The details of the consultant's itinerary during his tour of duty in Thailand are shown in ANNEX A.

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