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1.1 Background of assignment

The author was assigned by the Director of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Hong Kong, with the approval and financial support of the FAO/UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, to accompany Mr. CHENG Chor Luk of Hong Kong, Master Fish Farmer of the Joint UNDP-FAO/Malaysia pilot project on marine fish cage culture, to the project site at Kuala Setiu, Trengganu. In addition to this, he was also to assist in implementing a number of recommendations made in an earlier report on the feasibility study of the lagoon as a potential marine fish culture trial site (Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Hong Kong and Division of Fisheries, Malaysia, 1977). In carrying out these tasks, his primary responsibility was to coordinate the work of the original investigatory team and the Master Fish Farmer especially with the object of re-establishing the original facilities and work programmes to accelerate culture trial operations as far as possible.

1.2 Terms of reference

  1. To initiate the work of the Master Fish Farmer;

  2. To up-date the work programmes for the team; and

  3. To reorganize the available facilities.

1.3 Place and time of assignment

APPENDIX A summarizes the work of the author in relation to the time and place of his undertakings.

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