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22 May 1978Cheng Chor Luk and Frederick Lau arrived Kuala Lumpur (p.m.)
23 MayMet Mr. Tan Cheng Kiat and Mr. Ibrahim Saleh at Fisheries Office for general briefing on the assignment, making internal travel arrangement and visited immigration office for extension of Cheng's visa (a.m.). Met Mr. K. Satrap and Miss F. Panis for discussion of further briefing on the assignment at UNDP Office.
24 MayArrived at Kota Bahru. Brief meeting was held with Messrs. Faisal Katanyuwong and Gisli Jonasson upon arrival at Kuala Besut Fisheries Office (p.m.).
25 MayBrief meeting with Mr. Hashim at Kuala Besut Fisheries Office. Taken to Kuala Setiu by Mr. Rosdi Bin Jusoh (a.m.) Holiday. Visited fish landing site (p.m.).
26 MayHoliday. Cheng and Lau involved in making tentative planning for modification of existing facilities and preparation of requisition.
27 MayMeeting with Messrs. Hashim and Jonasson to decide on modification. Taken to Kota Bahru by Mr. G. Jonasson, buy materials for raft and cage construction.
28 MayRaft construction.
29 MayCheng - raft construction at Kuala Setiu Lau - place order on cages in Jerteh (a.m.). Meet with Mr. Ibrahim Saleh on progress report (p.m.)
30 MayRaft construction continue (a.m.). Cage construction (p.m.).
31 MayFry collection (a.m.). Stock sorting and cage cleaning (p.m.)
1 June 1978Transfer existing stock to new cages (a.m.) Holiday - Calibration of hydrographic equipment and visit fish landing site with Cheng (p.m.)
2 JuneHoliday - calibration of hydrographic equipment continued. Preparation of work programme for Cheng's stay.
3 JuneFry collection and cage construction (a.m.). Hydrographic monitoring (p.m.).
4 JuneCage construction continued, fry collection (p.m.)
5 June 1978Travel to Kota Bahru to finalize supply order.
6 JuneCompleted the construction of rigid frame cage (a.m.). Stock sorting (p.m.)
7 JuneHoliday - to Kota Bahru - meeting with Dr. H.R. Rabanal (a.m.). Visit Kuala Setiu farm site (p.m.).
8 JuneLau depart Kuala Lumpur with Dr. H.R. Rabanal for Kuala Lumpur (a.m.). Meeting with Miss F. Panis at UNDP Office, Kuala Lumpur.
9 JuneMeeting with the Director General of Fisheries with presence of Mr. Tan Cheng Kiat (Fisheries Headquarters), Mr. Ibrahim Saleh (Fisheries Headquarters), Miss F. Panis (UNDP) and Dr. H.R. Rabanal.
10 JuneLau departed from Kuala Lumpur for Bangkok. Cheng stay on.

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